Today's Squats are Low Bar. If you're competing in FGB we recommend keeping it light today.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 6.6.09
Accessory Work
Warm Up: 5 Rounds NFT
3 Forward Rolls
6 L Pull-ups
9 Lateral Jumps over a Barrier
Anne W checking things out above the bar
2 Days away from Fight Gone Bad and our total is $18,677.
We're currently the 5th highest fund raising affiliate! Truly amazing work, everyone!
Here are the Heat Assignments for FGB on Saturday.
10:30-10:50 Heats 1/2
Competing T9 & T3 Score Keepers T8 & T10
10:50-11:10 Heats 3/4
Competing T2 & T4 Score Keepers T6 & T7
11:10-11:30 Heats 5/6
Competing T1 & T5 Score Keepers T2 $ T4
11:30-11:50 Heats 7/8
Competing T6 & T7 Score Keepers T9 & T3
11:50-12:10 Heats 9/10
Competing T8 & T10 Score Keepers T1 & T5
Happy Birthday, Brandy M!
Unless otherwise Noted, consider there to Always be a 5pm class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
List one song you'd like to hear during Fight Gone Bad
David Osorio & CFSBK, On Affiliation by Again Faster CF Journal Preview
Little Lucy McGrath Deadlifts CrossFit Kids
Do we have to keep it family and guest friendly with the music? (Not that we ever have before)*cough Shane with NWA and Dre/Snoop*
Method Man Release Yo DelfMobb Deep Shook OnesRaekwon Incarcerated Scarfaces
david, you are a rockstar!
i like the song “lets see how far we’ve come” by Matchbox 20. and its pretty fitting, too.
Smack My Bitch Up – Prodigy
Hey everybody, I’ve been coming to SBK for over a month now and have fallen in love with the tight knit community that I come across on a daily basis. I just wanted to thank you all for your welcoming attitudes and ask for a little help. My girlfriend is a grad student and is looking for parents who can volunteer their child’s time and their time for research purposes. She describes it better so I pasted her description below. Also I would like to offer an incentive for your help because I understand that time is valuable.
“My name is Heather Garcia. I am finishing up my Master’s and Professional Diploma degree in School Psychology at Fordham University this year. I am specializing in Preschool Psychology.
In studying preschool assessment, I am required to administer and score several psychological measures and to conduct parent interviews. I am looking to recruit 2 preschool-aged children (btw the ages of 3 and 5 1/2) as well as parents willing to volunteer their time and their child’s time for this assignment. The tests for preschoolers are more of play activites and age-appropriate tasks than they are “tests” in the traditional sense.
Please note that this evaluation is solely for the purposes of graduate training and testing results will not be shared with parents because my status as a trainee may compromise validity.
If you are or know a parent who may be interested in participating in a preschool assessment, please contact Heather at HeatherGarcia1@gmail.com for more information and details.”
Till I Collapse – Eminem
is there a 5pm class today?
as for music if you have any of the following
metallica: seek & destroy enter sandmananything by rage against the machinemassive attack: angelnine inch nails: burn, closer, head like a hole
Mr. Brownstone G&R. I’m old school.
This is Now – Hatebreed
Rebel Yell – Billy IdolLose Yourself – Eminem
“Rabbit Run” by Eminem (from 8 Mile)”We’ve Had Enough” – Alkaline TrioMaybe some old-school Bouncing Souls
Thurs a.m. WOD: Annie – 14:07 Rx’d
This was the best my double-unders have ever felt. When I did Annie back in May my time was half a minute slower doing a combo of box jumps and 3-for-1 singles. Really good to see and feel such progress, and I definitely feel like I could do it again today even faster.
Ministry – Burning Inside, Thieves
Teen Age Riot / Sonic Youth
Annie: 15:47
Likewise with the DU’s. They actually felt better during the course of the workout, which I don’t quite understand, but I’ll take it.
Now my tummy hurts.
I watched the David video last night, so awesome. I want to be David when I grow up!
Old Skool ‘cuz I’m old and that’s how I roll!
Bring Tha Noize – Public Enemy & Anthrax
Brooklyn’s Finest – Jay-Z & Notorious B.I.G.
King of Rock – Run DMC
(Rock) Superstar – Cypress Hill
Jump Around – House of Pain
These last two weeks have SUCKED. Hard. Nothing is worse for the body than a mind that is addled with work and “the blues.”
Can’t wait to come back in tonight.
Song request:New Noise/Refused orRace-in/Battles
p.s. Great video, David. Friends saw it and asked about it. I was stoked to say that that was in fact my box… god that sounds awful. My gym, rather.
Transformer by Marnie SternI’ve been hooked on her recently
Bad Habit- The OffspringGotta Get Away-The Offspring(more family friendly)
Song: Intergalactic Planetary, by Beastie Boys.
All of you CFers are invited to come over to the Berkeley Carroll Athletic Center after FGB to check out Nick’s and my *other* athletic cult, Capoeira. It’s our annual Batizado/Troca de Corda ceremony–Baptism/Cord Change, where we graduate to the next level of cord (like belts in karate). Our teacher is also being graduated to the level of Master, which will be cool to check out. There will be great performances of capoeira and maculele, another Brazilian martial art, and the whole thing is MC’d by yours truly! (Wearing Linus, most likely.) $10 admission–supports stuff like flying our Grand Master in from Brasilia, etc.Here’s a video from this morning’s Fox news broadcast featuring our school:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3a37CkVt5Y
This just got me all excited for the weekend…
I gotta FGBeelin’ – Black Eyed Peas
(watch half of it at least!)
One Song???
Sorry ahead of time. Hope there’s some intersecting of tastes here. If it were gonna be just one it would be the first song.
Battery – Metallica
Collapse the War Engine – Architect
With the Quickness – Bad Brains
Am I Demon – Danzig
All My Life – Foo Fighters
Vacuity – Gojira
Not Even Jail – Interpol
The Trooper – Iron Maiden
U Don’t Know – Jay Z
Interzone – Joy Division
By Myself – Linkin Park
Move Bitch – Ludacris
Ace of Spades – Motorhead
Somewhat Damaged – NIN
B.O.B. – Outcast
Go – Pearl Jam
Piece by Piece – Slayer
Pump Pump – Snoop Dog
Black Steel – Public Enemy
Anything from Enter the Wu Tang
Any Ministry, NIN, System of a Down
sorry, fingers kept typing. 1st song is the one. i’ll bring these saturday on a thumb drive.
no pain no gain – unklejudith – perfect circlesabotage – beastiesstinkfist – toolwire – u2pearl’s girl – underworldtime bomb – beckbodysnatchers – radioheadbreathe – prodigy
bitches from hell – thomas krome
One song is like asking one movie or favorite food or favorite kama sutra position way too loaded of a question besides we have hours to kill so bring the noise and the funk!
The Kill, I’ll attack or beautiful lie by 30 seconds to marz.Freedom, bulls on parade by RAGEatmStop, thrash unreal by Agianst me!tericotta pie, BYOB by system of a downSalute your solution by Raconteurs(Jack whites other band)stomp by George clinton and the parliment funcadelicI could go on forever, i drive an averasge of 2-3hrs a day so i will bow out by saying all choices above are extremly acceptable.(especially those by chris)on a side not though seeing how my last name is of german desent and i have visited the “mother” land anything by Rammstein will rock i know i know its all in a different language and yea there kinda scary but damm do they ever get my blood pumping
Bison Jerky has arrived!!
It will be at the gym tonight and during FGB.
Happy Birthday Brandy & Shawn S!
Hope you are both enjoying your days!
I’m cleaning my apartment like crazy getting ready for my mom’s impending arrival tomorrow…ack!
David, that video was great! So proud of everything you’ve accomplished thus far.
See y’all tonight
Just a few flavors of the week:
Ozzy – I Don’t Wanna StopSlipknot – SulfurAll That Remains – Two WeeksSick Puppies – You’re Going DownShinedown – DevourSmile Empty Soul – Don’t Ever Leave
well done coach D
hooray for 5pm classes! once i get done with the month i’ve paid for at virtuosity i will be back! hooray.
Is there a reason teams 2 & 4 are being punished by being made to keep score 3 minutes after finishing their wod? Is this a way of sending a message?
well, all that said, my score yesterday for ladder modified pull ups was (drumroll) EIGHT
wait PUSHups. If I had eight pull ups of any kind I’d have forced David to make it the headline!
Thanks for all the birthday love! Can’t wait to see everyone tear it up on Sat.
hey who wants to go see inglourious bastards tomorrow night after setting up the lyceum?
Loved the warm up tonight! Nice little workout all by itself.
After the 5:00 class I went ahead and did my first Annie – 10:35. Double unders with my fancy shmancy speed rope were not really on and I struggled to link them. First 50 sit ups were one set, then after they were bouts of 10 or 5.
As I biked home tonight after class I realized…”Next time I WOD it’ll be Fight Gone Bad!” This realization made me smile, one of those kinda nervous smiles.
I’ve never done a FGB before. My guestimation goal is a total score of some where around 300.
Who’s got total score goals? I know Paul Sandwald does 😉
today was a total Debbie downer day. i knew going in my knee was iffy for the squats. not only that but i generally felt like crap overall. made one attempt at squats and it said “no way Jose”. so i rowed 1500m did 50 sit-ups and called it a day. i see a lot of rowing in the near future for me.
Came in to play tonight – did about 6 L-sit pull-ups and some lateral jumps. Replaced the rolls and back squat with front handspring practice and playing with acrobatics from the video “why you should exercise” with David.
lapenguina rocked the thrusters tonight.
Regan – I think you can be pretty proud of your 8th round for mod push-ups too. Ladders are nasty.
P.s. Looking good Anne!!
Low-bar backsquat – 5×5 all with the 45lb bar. Totally giddy to be squatting again!
Morning session:750 m row15 DB-Thursters (35lbs)500 m row9 DB-Thrusters250 m row6 DB-Thrustersin 13:13 min.
Evening session:Squats 5@135lbs; 2x 5@185lbs
Feels so good to be back!
First day back.The antibiotics I am on have been making me nauseous. Did three rounds of the warm-up before my stomach told me to throw in the towel. Normally I love forward rolls.
Did some practice back squatting.
45, 135, 185, 205, 205. Never went heavy but it still was kind of hard.
I had a great time during my visit. Good luck everyone with FGB.
i meant shook ones pt2.
What are folks doing in preparation for FGB Diet/Rest/Recovery/Mental Prep wise?
Double that on Motorhead, or Danzig. And GNR, and Slayer, and, and, and…
How about Anthrax/Public Enemy- Bring the Noise
and, and, and…
That, That, That, That, That that don’t kill me – can only make me stronger!
Anything by Turbo Negro
Our fundraising total is at 23K and counting! Wow.
5 x 5 Low back squat, aka “Butt out, Anne.”65758495105
Was rad to be back. I needed it like no one’s business. Partnering with Jenna was added awesome. She put the kill back in my head. “Big pull!”Thanks. Now I gotta pretend I’m not going to do what I’m going to do tomorrow, or I’ll have a preemptive heart attack.
The warm-up was rough, and I don’t think I’ll ever like doing forward rolls. Ended up subbing some plank work with Sarah after the 2nd round.
Low Bar Back Squat: 5×5(45) 75, 95, 105, 115, 125