Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.6.09
Accessory Work
Choose your weakest Fight Gone Bad movement and do some focus training on it. Here are some options:
Technique Phase: Practice the movement in a fatigue free environment. Make every rep perfect.
Consistency Phase: See if you can do 15-25 reps while maintaining consistent technique. If form breaks down, take a break.
Intensity Phase: Perform 3-5 one minute pressure tests for max reps. Either rest as needed between attempts or set a rest interval.
Tire Flips!
Congratulations CFSBK for raising $15,290 for two great causes!
FGB is a social event, please feel free to invite family and friends to check out all the action. This is a great opportunity to show everyone what this "crazy CrossFit thing" is all about.
Sarah says
I have some people that want to come by and watch FGB. They might not like to watch all 3+ hours of it though. When will we find out our heats?
Shawns says
Man.my hands are killing me. Stupid for putting on those weightlifting gloves for Angie.
These big open sores on my palms seem like theyll take forever to heal because everytime I open or close my fist the cut kinda breaks open again….
Luckily theres no pullups in FGB..just gotta hope they mostly close up by Saturday…
any advice?
Steph W says
Shawn — have you tried new skin? It’s a type of liquid bandage. Not sure if it’s good for big areas though, such as palms, but it works great for fingers and knuckles…
Laurel says
Shawn – I’ve found that keeping my larger rips slathered with neosporin and bandaged up keeps them from cracking. If you are having the same issue I had, the problem is that the surface dries out and loses it’s elasticity.
David says
A couple things:
1. The wraps had been ordered, hopefully they’ll be in today. With S&H they’ll come out to $15 per person. I’d like everyone to please use a permanent marker to write your name on them and do not leave them at the gym.
2. There will be a 5pm class today. See you then!
3. Shawn, Neosporin works well, you might also consider one of those speciality band aids that are oval shaped. Those usually adhere to palms better than traditional rectangle band aids. Alec H had some dynamite ones but the name of them escape me.
4. We were going to do it like last year where you find out your heat placement day of, but due to the size of the event, we will be posting them on Thursday.
5. Having a fever sucks.
tam says
I’m so sorry I’m going to miss FGB. As it’s gotten closer, my regret has intensified. Therefore, I will look forward to some good stories/video/etc. so that I might live vicariously through all you badasses. I’ll definitely be thinking of you.
David says
Funny you should say that, Tam. Theres a Fight Gone Belated team in the works with only 4 members as of today. A 5th would really round things out….
Bethany says
Shawn – ouch! Keeping it moist definitely helps, but I’m not a big fan of Neosporin unless absolutely necessary (infection). I use Vaseline and Bandaid “tough strips” on my angie stigmata.
David, get well!
Joe says
Grips and bison jerky in the same week? Is it christmas?
Laurel says
Bethany – I totally agree… the only reason I’ve started using neosporin (I didn’t used to have any in the house) is that I got a nasty infection in one of my rips a few weeks ago. Given that Shawn’s keep re-ripping, I was thinking his skin is fairly compromised and might be more prone to infection… although, perhaps lots of hot soapy water followed by the Vaseline layer would work as well.
David – lots of fluids should help. Hope it isn’t the flu.
Charlotte says
BAG BALM for hand rips. Nick swears by it from rowing. It’s not an antibiotic, but an antiseptic, so you’re not at risk of creating germ resistance.(It’s like super-goopy Vaseline w/ an antiseptic, designed for infected cow udders. Its in drugstores.)
gabrus says
i got all your complaints beat…
this is not a bit
I have an infection on my scrotum
enjoy ladies!
stephaniep says
i caught Lymes. 3 weeks of meds and will hopefully be feeling OK enough to do FGB this weekend.
i think gabrus still wins though….
Shane says
That sounds like a job for Bag Balm
Steph, sorry to hear.
Feel better everyone and thanks for a great weekend.
tam says
Okay, so when is this Fight Gone Belated. I’ve been combing the calendar, but can’t find it.
Chris Fox says
If at all possible, can I be placed on a different erg than Gabrus for FGB, and for the next 10-14 days?
I 2nd the thoughts on anti-biotic ointments unless already infected. Soak your hands in warm salt water (yes, this hurts). You do have to keep the wounds moist till the tissue heals, Bag Balm is awesome for this, Aquaphor is also great.
For the purposes of a WOD when open, New Skin is the best. Stings like a mofo when you put it on an open wound, but it’s helped me through a few open hands.
Of course, as if you want to hear it, prevention is the best method. Keep your callouses, but keep em minimal. Buy girly manicure/pedicure implements and file em, pumice em, put good lotion on em. I was dealing with ripped callouses since my Level 1 cert. Now I have a file or stone pumice at the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and in the shower. Using them on wet hands is the best. Every time I see one I give it a few passes on my callouses. I got the advice from Shane and a multi part blog on CF Virtuosity’s site (which Shane also put me on to).
“Weightlifting” gloves (I’ve never seen a real weightlifter wear these, it’s usually the bench press + bicep curl crowd) will surely make you more prone to getting and tearing callouses.
A few months ago I was in a rough place with my hands. Saturday, Angie did not open me up. I’m happy about that!
Good luck.
Shawns says
Thanks for all the great advice guys I will try to find bag balm and in the meantime will keep these things moist.
Have a lot of vaseline around from baby stuff.
Laurel what do the infections in these things look like?
Laurel says
Shawn – mine started out just feeling hot, then progressed to being red beyond the edge of the rip, then to hurting even if I was not moving my hands, then I got these red streamers and a fever (apparently this was perilously close to blood poisoning.) It happened relatively fast and was subtle at first – I ended up ripping it open again, cleaning it out as much as possible with hydrogen peroxide and then putting hot compresses and neosporin on it. Cleared up quickly after that.
Prior to the neosporin I used a lot of vitamin E oil on my rips – that kept them moist and supple plus felt somewhat soothing. Clearly though, I need some Bag Balm.
Malcolm says
Here I was figuring I would have the grossest painful thing of the week. (My hat is off to you Gabrus, get better soon).
I am super jealous of the deadlifting tonight. But any time I do anything that raises my blood pressure my root canal hurts like hell (can I use root canal as a noun?) So no deadlifts for me.
Matt U. says
Thought I could make class but I got PWN3D by work. I’m going to *try* to get up early and make my first-ever morning class tomorrow. We’ll see.
Gabrus: we must know the same girls, wokka wokka wokka.
(NOTE: I do not actually have a scrotum infection.)
Samir Chopra says
Started today with a few sets of 85 lb push presses as practice for FGB.
Good fun deadlifting today with Bjorn. I warmed up with 95×3, 135×3, 155×3. Then singles: 185, 195, 205, 215, 215 (repeated as David thought my first lift had my back rounding a bit), 225, 235F. First time over 200, so feeling quite happy with the lifts.
Later, did some wallball practice: basically just a few sets of 10 reps with a 20lb ball aiming for a high target.
Then, tried to beat my Thursday 2K time. Wanted to come under 8 minutes (after Thursday’s 8:07) but finished at 8:04. Next time.
Gabrus: I don’t believe you. Proof needed; seeing is believing and all that.
Joe says
45(5) 95(5) 205(3) 235 295(f) 245(f+f+f) 245(f) 205(3) 205(f)
Ben W says
At work:
Back felt very strong on pr. Zero rounding. 335 barely came off the floor. 330 wouldn’t budge. Historically my lower back has been a week point. Now (despite some recent minor spinal compression) it seems to be the strongest part of the chain. As I get back in the routine of regular squatting (I’m planning on at least once a week for the foreseeable future) I think shall see a series of pr’s for both squats and deads. Hoping for a back squat pr tomorrow.
Also, 10 rounds of 10, 20# wall ball to 11+ foot target, focusing on efficient leg drive and accuracy.
Jess says
I was secretely hoping that today might be bench press to give my legs a rest from yesterday, but I couldn’t resist deadlifts!
WU: 60×5, 80×5110, 130, 150, 170PR, 190PR, 200PR, 210PR
I failed/gave up on my first attempt at 190 but Chris helped me push through. 210 didn’t look pretty, but I got it up. Man is that heavy! I definitely wouldn’t have gone that high on my own, but that pesky David guy told me I could do it.
Pretty happy about today considering the most I deadlifted last time was 165×3.
Accessory work: Wall ball practice, blue band pullups 5×5, 1 min row.
Really looking forward to rest day tomorrow!
Tam says
75×5, 95×3, 125×3, 145×3
165, 185, 195, 205(f), 200(f)
cloyde says
WARMUP: 135, 175*5
225, 235, 245, 265, 275
deadlifts are a great way to come back after a few days off. wanted to rest up my gimpy right knee. many thanks to ruivin for pushing me to try 275. once i got it i figured i should move on.
floating on my pr high i decided to do 1/2 “angie” (ang).
i alternated to order to give my shoulder a break. P/U S/U P/U SQ. did 20-10-7-7-4-2 on the pull ups. sit ups were fine them the old suck fest of push ups. 20-10-5-5-4-2-4. shoulder felt ok throughout. squats sucked ass because gimpy mcknee decided to show its ugly face. all in all a good day. now its time to “ice ice baby”.
Chris Fox says
Did deads 5×3 yesterday, I’ll have to get a 1RM in the near future. I want to get back over 400.
5×3 – 299, 329, 349, 359, 369(2)
Wierd #s, pesky kilo plates…
Made up the mile run today. With the benefit of the Red Hook track and Jess keeping time I had my splits as well.
s1 1:33s2 1:56s3 2:04s4 1:55
I believe I can join all you sub 7:00 milers soon if I can get mentally past the suffer zone.
This compared beautifully with the 2k row. Very similar feeling.
Paleo update – 8 days in. Leaning out a bit(?) and feeling generally great. Had my first cheat meal last night, a burger and 2 beers. Did this kind of meal always mess with my stomach like it did today?
Getting really anxious for FIGHT GONE BAD!
.DMG says
WU12, 9, 6 – K2E, Burpees. at least i think that what it was.
WOD Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1(135×5, 185×5) 225, 275, 305, 319, 339, 379, 406good to lift with richard. twas the kilo plates making the weird numbers. could have gone heavier, miscalculated in the middle, bah! very good to DL though, it had been a while.
Erik K. says
365, 410F, 410F, 385, 400, 385, 407F
Would have liked to have pr’d, just wasn’t happening. Some bad form on probably most of those. Feeling it a bit now.
David Mak says
Nice warm up 12, 9, 6 burpee’s and K to E
Deadlift: WU – 135×3, 185x3235x1, 255×1, 265×1, 275×1, 289×1(hello K plates!), 299×1, 309×1(PR)Felt good, really concentrating on strong back/good form.
Seems I was voted the Fight Gone Belated Captain. Tam, I will have David send me your email and we will coordinated things from there. It looks like the soonest time we can all gather for this incredible event is Thurs the 1st. If this is not working for anyone please let me know ASAP.
Also, team name? If anyone has a good idea other than “The Belated’s” let me know.
Laurel says
Jess, Tamson – DAMN! Strong lifting today.
Came in today very tired and sore – I can feel Angie all over.
WU: 21-15-9, KNE and burpees.
DL: (75×5, 125×3, 165×1)185,200 (pr), 215F, 215F, 205F – then ran out of time. The 215 came off the floor and up my chins but then I thought my back was rounding so I dropped it. Apparently I was imagining things (Tamson and Shane said everything looked good.) Couldn’t get it off the floor again – drat. I really like deadlifting, but it is definitely my worst lift. I think I’ll do this again in a week.
Feel better everybody.
Regan says
21-15-9 box jump/burpee12 in boxmodified thrust burpee8:25
Thank you SO much Laurel! You are an AMAZING, gifted trainer.And thanks alot to you too Jeremy, you helped me ALOT w/the deadlifts!
Shawns says
Yay Regan!!!!!!
Anthony says
135×5 warmupI maxed at 315 (PR) Just another reason to love crossfit, I got so much great advice while lifting. Hopefully I can put it too use.
I’m having an issue regarding knowing when my body is in the right position, I relied too heavily on mirrors instead of feeling my actual positioning. I assume it is something that will come with time but man it is aggravating.
Paulie T-Shirts says
Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1)
205×3 (WU)235x1295x1345x1395x1404x1 (ugly rounded back)
Thanks to Joe, Shane, Jeremy & David for keeping an eye on me and my techinique!!!
Paulie T-Shirts says
actually the ugly rounded back DL was 405
Tam says
Thanks, Laurel! You definitely helped motivate me. That and the fact that I really had no idea what I was getting into.
Nice work, Jess! Not a bad follow up to a half,eh?
Jack says
Pr’d at 325 on deadlift, so I feel good about that. Thanks Jeremy for your encouragement, and the Shanevideoguy for showing me my well rounded back:) I’m not ready for FGB, dont know if I ever will be. Practiced rowing yesterday, did some pullups.It’s nice to see Gabrus finally grow a pair of balls
Shawns says
Damn I havent seen Jack and Dmak in ages….
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