Row 2000m
Post time to comments.
compare to 10.12.08
Accessory Work
WU: 3 Rounds NFT
16 Partner Medball Tosses
8 Strict Pull-ups
Low Bar Back Squats 101
There will be a 5pm L1 Class today!
CrossFit South Brooklyn has officially signed a 10 year lease for our new home on 597 Degraw Street. Our facility will be approximately 4,700 sq feet with 19 foot ceilings and a huge roll up gate. With our own space we will be able to provide much better services including showers, nicer bathrooms, heat!, more classes, bailing potential, more training options and overall better product. We'll also be right down the block from our new BFFs, Brooklyn Boulders. The expected completion of the facility will be November 1st however our move in date will be dependent on the Certificate of Occupancy which we're hoping will be signed shortly thereafter.
Thank you so much to all our members and staff who made this move a possibility. Remember, this is a huge accomplishment for all of us. Very gradually over the last two years every single member and trainer has contributed to making South Brooklyn what it is today.
We've only seen the tip of the ice burg.
We want to create even more of a home away from home atmosphere with our box. This means that everyone's input is necessary for making it a success. What kind of things would you like to see in our permanent facility?
HUGE shout out to Matt Ufford for raising $3,726 for Fight Gone Bad so far! Matt has done an incredible job and was recognized on the Fight Gone Bad Page for his efforts. Check it out here!
Also- We exceeded our Gym goal and have to date raised: $10,310 for Charity
Way to go, everyone!!!
I want to see a BBQ. I cannot imagine a better thing than showing up a little early at the gym, starting some coals, then going and doing a WOD and coming back in an hour or so to throw some steaks on.
Basically you will never get rid of me if you get one.
Great idea, Malcom!
It’s a small thing, but I vote for lockers…
Congrats, Matt!
great news! I can’t make it to class tonight, but I did crashb rowing again this morning, warm, 2 10 minutes + 3 rest + 10 minutes, cooldown.
splits were 2:08 for the first, 2:05 for the second, 16 strokes/minute.
btw, I would love a heavy bag in the new space. I know we have one, I just have never gotten around to hanging it.
Happy Birthday CFSBK! I’m very excited for the new space. View it on a map here:
In the new space I’d love to see white boards on the wall/ceiling like some crossfit gyms have where you track members PRs and Fran times and such. A small square locker where I could leave shoes would be nice.
I’m happy to assist in any way with the move or preparing for the move. I’m pretty handy, but not a licensed electrician or anything. So whatever you think I could do.
I think we also need to have a big opening day party!
Happy 2nd Birthday CrossFit SBK!
How about a mirror? Not to encourage preening (that goes on way too much at regular gyms, especially among the male species) but to help newbies see as well as feel proper form.
Oh, and a hot tub would be nice too.
Congrats CFSBK!! I checked out the street view on Google Maps–very very cool. I love the murals on the building.
One of these days we’ll make a trip to NY!
Cynthia in San Diego
awesome, AWESOME news.are there plans to put a HUGE CFSBK on the roll up gate?let me know when you need help.
somewhere to park bikes would be great.
missing my CFSBK. have got some pretty WODs to catch up on. see you saturday.
Hi Everyone,
I’m a CF’er at CFNYC. We’re working on a group buy for some AKC pro/competition style kettlebells.
The group buy allows us to save significantly on shipping.
We’ve setup a quick form for people to voice preliminary interest. Please let us know if you have any questions/etc. These bells are amazing.
These will be for pickup in NYC area only, so that we can ship them in bulk.
link is wfs
Way to go Matt!
David, I curse you.
Want to thank every single member for making SBK what it is today and allowing me to be a part of it. I truly have the best job in the world and I look forward to the next incarnation of SBK. Very excited about what the future has in store.
Dear Santa,
Non-training-Hammock-BBQ-Lockers/Members Storage space-Projector-A chill area with couch/comfy chairs
Training-Roll gate pull-up bar set-up (the gate is wide enough for 5 people to do pull-ups at the same time)-Lifting platforms either elevated or built into the mattingMore ropes-Smith Machine or Abduction Machine
Happy Birthday CFSB!Some great suggestions so far. Please let me know what I can do to help, I am very handy and can work with most things except electrical.Matt – Way to kick ass on the fund raising!
Wow Matt, thats amazing, and I’m so envious about the Oakley’s. As a military aviation brat, there’s nothing better I’d like than a pair of kicking shades. Congratulations!
The new space sounds excellent (a teensy bit more inconvenient in terms of my commute, but thats OK). Lockers, showers, bike parking spaces all seem to be covered.
Looking forward to tonight’s WOD.
I vote for lockers and a water cooler
A dog as our SBK mascot!
Call me biased, but I nominate Milo as mascot!
Yay new space!
Bike racks, shoe lockers, and lifting platforms are on my wish-list, and please no mirrors except in the bathrooms and changing areas – a mirror-free workout experience is one of the things I cherish about CFSBK. 🙂
Water cooler.
fridge to keep the milk thistle chilled to perfection.
couches and digital projector for CFSBK movie night.
The Abduction machine is as far as I can tell a plain white van with no windows.
And while I think it would be awesome to have a CFSBK van, I vote for windows, and fewer crying children sounds than the abduction machine would require.
Smith machine for coat rack, or as an adjustable height hand stand pushup assist machine?
Hey everyone, Dave Lipson here. I know alot of you but for those that don’t, I’m a devote CrossFitter, regional qualifier from the NE region, and private coach in Manhattan. I need the help of the CrossFit community. I’m up for a position as fitness expert on the NBC network at I need the CrossFit nation to vote for me.Here’s the Facebook Group link with all the info: guys
Malcolm and anyone else who may be interested, a client of mine told me that Housing Works Thrift Shop on 23d street is selling smokers for dirt cheap.So excited about the new space!!!! Congrats!Ditto on the bike parking. I think Transportation Alternatives can assist with that.Great being back in the box lastnight. Go away for a week and it feels like a month.Happy Birthday!
Happy b-day CFSBK. Really happy and proud to be a part of it.
Ditto: bike rack, lockers, couches/lounge-y area. And I’d also like to keep the box mirror-free minus the locker rooms.
Congratulations on 2 years!I had a great first day of Foundations last night. Tabata squats, 14 lowest number. My legs are complaining.And — my first muscle up! Thanks everyone for making it happen, especially to Laurel, who told me it would be impossible but also told me how to do it!
2 Years? Wow, what a great time it’s been. Glad to have been a part of it. From the playground, to the shelter of the lyceum and now to it’s own home. That’s all pretty wonderful progression, to see how it’s grown.
I agree on the lockers. The idea of not having to lug my gym crap to work with me is a blessed notion.
Congrats David, you’ve come a long ways from dragging a few sandbags with jumpropes wrapped around your neck to a concrete “park” under an elevated subway line.
Several things to say:
1. Happy Birthday, CFSBK
2. What a cute kid that Milo is, huh?3. I would like a rope, please…and buckets (see video from 9/15). And finally…4. Yay!
Ooops, forgot this part: 8:39.4
Malcolm…every shade of wrong.
I forgot bike racks and whiteboard! I know that David is already scoping out the bike situation so we’ll hook that up lovely for our two-wheeled friends.
Ah yes, a big fridge for water, Milk Thistle and Juicy Juice…for David.
Nice, new space sounds like it will be very cool.
Had my first Foundations class last night, was very excited about it after having taken a great Teaser class a few weeks ago (Hi Margie!)
Tabata squats: 7
although it’s my arms that are killing me, having not done any pull ups in forever.
Thanks to Shane, Chris and Laurel for the great class and the relaxed atmosphere, looking forward to saturday 🙂
Milo is a GEM. He gets my vote for Mascot!
And I second that yay!
I definitely want at least one more possibly too more ropes.
Homemade atlas stones anyone?
And a Bowflex.
Oh, and Nino your prowler comment is gone but not forgotten.
Happy B-Day CFSBK! Its amazing to see what has happened in just 2 years! I remember coming to group classes (only one offered a day) and having at most 6 people!
Thanks to David, Shane, Margie, Jeremy, and everyone else that has helped make SBK what it is today!
I agree on most of the suggested items already mentioned. A book shelf for good fitness/nutrition books that people don’t mind donating to the gym too might be nice! I have some that I’ve read and wouldn’t mind putting on the shelves…
Hope to see everyone soon, I’ve been battling awful headaches and now a cold/flu bug.
I cheated on paleo with a can of ginger ale. Its my go to when I’m sick, I couldn’t help it!
Congrats on your 2yr B-day, CFSBK!
I am so glad that you (and Shane!) have created this environment here in good ‘ol BK. Jess and I have been enthralled from our beginning here. In a relatively short period of time so many good times have been shared with such good people, both in and out of the box. I’m jazzed about the future with SBK.
Sorry…sappy quota filled.
P.S. – of course, I’ll help however I can with the relocation. No electrical skills to speak of here either, but, being a Jedi knight, I can move stuff with my mind.
Stephanie, feel better.
Milo, while small, does rock.
Love most of the requests so far, except the mirrors (on the gym floor). Please God, no mirrors. A mirror in the bathroom would help me get all dolled up, however.
3rd the prowler Nino – They. Are. Awesome!
White board for benchmarks – yes
Atlas Stones – hell yes!
Tires for flippin?
Shane, you forgot about the pec-dec, ya know, for Mondays.
kick ass sound system
wi fi
Yeah, Shane! I dream of prowler relays…
You know what other piece of equipment is cool? Land mines. I think a few of these can be bolted into the floor somewheres. tougher to integrate into WODs than the prowler though.
Hi from Providence, where I am decidedly *not* doing this WOD. Gaah.
Malcolm, I *totally* use the Smith machine at Slope for assisted HSPUs.
I second the votes for lockers, bike rack, and no mirrors. I would humbly request that the water cooler be a filter jobbie, rather than the upside-down huge plastic bottle kind. I like our low footprint.
Also, a velcro wall we can stick Linus to would be nice, then Nick and I could work out at the same time. (We’re gonna bring in a bouncy seat one of these days…)
yes charlotte! velcro wall and a little play pen for kids to hang out of harms way.
Happy Birthday CFSBK! So excited to see the new box.
I would like to nominate Sadie to join Milo on a team of dog mascots.
She’s totally ready to chill w/ Shane in the hammock. And to eat anything cooked on a grill.
Bench Press(45×10, 95×5, 135×2) 165, 175, 185, 195, 205All felt strong. 210 would have been work but is in there. Last time I did this WOD was after coming off a lazy stretch and i tapped out in the final set after 2 reps of 185.
2k-6:59PR. Big PR (1st time was 7:19 at Equinox and i bonked 3 times on the erg). That’s what happens when you become besties with an competitive rower and her husband! In all seriousness Nick’s article which David hurriedly summarized pre-row was invaluable. Only deviation was I did a power 10 instead of a power 15 at the 1k mark because I was worried I’d bonk. Splits were 1:45, 1:50, 1:50. Last 250 was as much of a sprint as I could make with last 100 being an eyes closed power 10.Cool down-lie on the floor and babble incoherently
Good luck!
Congrats on the new space! We don’t need a water cooler, maybe just a bubbler. BBQ required.
Low back squats 75×3, 95×3, 105×3, 105×3 Big thanks to Jeremy and Shane for keeping my spine attached to my ass.
2K row 8:55… last one in, but felt strong going out. I can go faster.
Here’s to David, our Cult Leader, 1/2 my age and 5x my maturity (MIT is working on finding a number big enough to describe how many more times fit he is than me)! Huzzah! I say!
congrats cfsbk. im pretty happy with more classes and training options. i think a fridge and or water cooler is necessary. maybe a microwave for a post wod meal. although i want a lounge area i’m afraid that if we had one, i’d never go home. as for training stuff, i think more of everything i.e rowers, kettlebells, bumpers, bars. either way im still gonna drink the kool-aid.
Rowing was hard, as always.2K 8:14. Hadn’t done this distance before, but it was definitely brutal. I guessed I could do 2 minute splits. Guessed wrong and was lucky to do 2:20/2:30 for the last 500. May have done better trying to pull 2:05.
Started to see bright lights when I got off so I think I brought sufficient intensity if my fitness and stamina were lacking.
One more thing for the new gym. An ice bath for when we miss winter in the Lyceum.
Nice day working out today. Did accessory work with David Mak (good fun partnering as always!). I was happy to move from 6 strict pullups to 8, and though I fell off to 5 and 2 on the next two sets (requiring spotting thereafter), I’m glad that little improvement came through.
Then, a nice coaching session on the back squats, culminating with a couple of 95×5, and 145×5. Very good coaching by Jeremy; always impressed by the level of technical detail available here!
Finally, on the 2k row, I finished in 8:07.5. I didn’t really know what it was going to feel like in the second K so I think I went a bit too easy in the first K. Now that I know, I’m keen to try and come in under 8 the next time. The Power 10 tip was a really good one and helped a lot. Thanks a lot to Shane for staying with us.
Shane – awesome row time. Damn!
I want a sauna in the new CFSBK.
Definitely a BBQ.
I agree with Charlotte, a filter is better than a water cooler with silly blue plastic tanks, even if we could have a water-tank-WOD with all the full ones.
I like relying on everyone’s eyes, rather than on a mirror – I find that it is hard to actually maintain correct technique while attempting to watch myself in the mirror.
Tires always look like tremendous fun, so do ropes courses and peg boards. And, while we are fantasizing, foam pits and spring boards are good too, or just a really big and thick gymnastics mat for attempting crazy upside down things.
WOD: 8:57. Wasn’t really sure what splits to aim for – this was my first 2k row. I think I could have gone a little faster, but the power 20 at 1000 was a bit too much. I think I held back just a bit because I was afraid of hitting the wall and failing. It is the same problem I have with running; I’m not sure what pace to aim for.
My legs were rather shaky for the back squat after the row, but at least my shoulders let me get into the low bar position today. That’s a big change.
I couldn’t ask for more than showers and bathroom doors that close a little more 😉
I vote YAY to Ariel and Ben’s dog for dog mascot. Maybe a FBG situation to determine cat-scot? I’ll throw Rory Rodbard into the ring. Speaking of — A BOXING/ WRESTLING RING would rule.
Oh yeah: 10:44 on the row. It JUST. WOULD. NOT. END.
As always, a great evening at SBK. (Assisted) strict pullups in the accessory work were very, very hard today. Med ball toss at 10lbs felt pretty easy for me though, so I’ll make sure to go heavier next time.
2000m Row 8:58.1
First time doing this distance. It was definitely tough, but I know I could have pushed myself harder. Great coaching Shane!
Then on to low bar back squat 101 with Jeremy. I mean, what’s better for legs that feel like jello after the erg (and yesterday’s front squats)…more squats! Still fun though.
My legs were soooo tired at that last set, which of course affected my form. Thanks for the coaching Jeremy!
I second Laurel’s squishy foam idea. I flop around like a fool whenever I’ve tried forward rolls. When you suck at them as bad as I do, it hurts.
Gaah, I’d make a terrible ninja.
BTW – congrats to the entire CFSBK crew on the new space and the continued success.
Warm up work was nice; first two sets of 8 strict no problem, last set broke into 5 and 3. Med ball toss with the very smooth and graceful Samir.
7:07.8 on the row. Wanted to catch Shane but it wasn’t happening. Only had it in me for a power 10 at the 1000. My sprint felt a little like a stumble until the last 100 or so when I was able to black out and pull a little harder.
Low bar back squats were feeling great until Jeremy came over and spoiled my fun by telling me I wasn’t going deep enough, then it started to feel like work. Thanks for the excellent instruction Jeremy!
7:38.7 on the 2000m
First time really doing this distance, this hard. Glad to have a game plan, although I forgot it after the 2nd power 10 at 500m. At about 250m to go, I was reminded of an article I read, which I wish I could find a link to, titled “F*** YOU, ROWER”. It was that good.
That aside, we are SUPER lucky to have Nick as a resource. I will be considerably better at this distance next time. Not Shane good, but better nontheless.
Great coaching on LBBSQ from Jeremy.
Here’s an anecdote. First time I saw Jeremy I was at SBK for a teaser and it must’ve been a ME Split Jerk day. I remember him stomping and yelling and throwing up some impressive weight, letting it crash to the floor. I was a bit afraid and thought “that guy would smell my weakness and eat my face, or pack me into a ball and proceed to perform wall ball with me…Karen, 150 for time.”
Good luck in the strongman comp this weekend Jeremy, and thanks for not being a face eater.
It was my first 2000k, and I enjoyed it, in a sick way. I was a little too conservative until the last 250, then I was tickled to emit bellowing grunts with each remaining pull as the theater group behind me struck poses to a soundtrack of what I believe was passage of Marx read with much histrionics.