Love the last mental disorder! I saw that when my family first got a VCR (remember those?). My brother, step-dad, and I continually rewound, played, and strategically paused, that scene many times.
Mom was horrified…Scanners was lovely.
Chris Foxsays
Oh. Did yesterdays WOD today at NYSC. No fun all by myself.
Basically I rotated rowing for about a minute, and then got 20 wall-ball before heading back to the rower for another minute, etc…
I think I actually have one or two of those diseases…
Anne Ishiisays
Cleans=hard.My callouses=harder.
65x375x385x3 (sloppy)80x385x3
Wow Anne!! 85×3 is no joke!
David, you asked us a couple of days ago what we get out of crossfit besides just, ya know, the workout– here’s my answer. today was all about walking up to the bar knowing i can do something long before i touch it. if i don’t believe it, theres no point in picking up that bar. as shane told me tonight, its the focus. walk away, believe it, come back and do it.
next week i am heading to see my dad in FL. couple months ago when y’all were meeting my mom, dad learned he had cancer. and he walked up to the bar and didn’t believe he could do it. he’s stuck in that rut right now.
so what i get out of crossfit workouts, besides an incredibly empowering community, is a really valuable emotional lesson that translates rather nicely to the real world (functional fitness afterall)– believe it before you touch the damn bar.
oh and it turns out the 72×3 I ended on was a PR afterall… i had only gotten 72×1 once before and it was a struggle to get it. look out 77.
Chris Foxsays
MHPC 5×3
WU – 95, 135155, 175(2), 175, 175, 185
Couldn’t regrip after each rep at 185, so, 1+1+1 on the last set, really.
Thing I’m happy about from this past month:
Double Unders are no longer my nemesis. I practiced, a lot, and now can often get 20 or more linked… goal is 50, YEAH!
Goal(s) for this month:
They’re related. I want to get my kipping pull-ups in order. For the sake of PU heavy WODs, and for the sake of linking muscle ups. Along with this, I’m going to try my hardest to take really good care of my callouses. I’d been doing pretty good but I ripped open practicing kipping pull ups tonight. I know how to take care of em, I just gotta do it!
Saturday – Burger Tour! Who’s coming?
Sunday – Paleo for 30 days!
Midhang power cleans: (45 75)95×3 115×3 125x(2,1) 125×3 130x(2,1)
Gone to Masachussetts for the weekend – sorry to miss the burger fun AND crossfit kids, but it’s great to be getting out of the city. See you all on Monday.
Sorry to be the downer tonight, but I think today would have been a good day to have taken off. It started off badly: I slept badly. I woke at 2:15, 3:45, 5:15 and then finally rolled out at 6. I taught three classes today and was exhausted and underslept. I tried napping in my office but it didn’t really come off. I hadn’t packed enough lunch so I landed up eating a skanky muffin to make up. Bad move.
Then I came into CFSBK, did a little pullups and skin-the-cat practice, and soon after, hit the wall on forward rolls. I don’t think I’ve felt as useless as I do with this move, which I can’t seem to do. I feel like I’m a Martian or something, unused the the physical laws of this planet, unable to comprehend why everyone can pull this move off and I can’t. To make things worse, I landed up doing a shoulder roll, and tweaked something.
Then came MHPCs just to complete Disaster Day. I felt weak right from the beginning, and clearly wasn’t pulling right either. I warmed up with 65, did a 85×3, then did a 95×3 which David made me repeat as I wasn’t getting things done right. I was hurting, and felt like I couldn’t even get the bar down properly. I did one 105, and stopped. Finis. Couldn’t do the last set.
A good day to have gone home straight from work, popped a beer and watched the US Open. Except that it was raining. Perfect.
Don’t beat yourelf up too much. Use your rest day tomorrow wisely. Saturday will thank you for it.
Samir, you have been really consistent lately, and your body is still adapting to the new work load. Take it easy for a couple of days and you will come back stronger. From my log book for the last time we did mid hang power cleans, I found that I was failing WAY below an older PR, I just wasn’t resting enough. Now I take my back off weeks seriously, and I think all of us newish guys need to, as we get used to doing this much work.
As for the workout today, went pretty well. Forward rolls were really fun. I was the clumsy kid growing up, so doing these now is super satisfying.
Mid hang power cleans, 115×3,135×3, 150×3, 160x3PR, 170×2. I failed in the set up for the third at 170. Basically my thumbs were hurting so I rushed the movement and did not pull from the right spot. Need to practice hook grip more often so my thumbs submit.
Here Here Comrade! Been there to Samir. Keep your head up–those days are anomalies. You had a tough workout yesterday.
Dan Rx'dsays
First real workout since getting some nasty food poisoning that put me down over the labor day weekend.
Decided to take from 6-7 to warm up, PNF, get myself right, and decided to do me some wallball. I hate wallball, more than anything thus far in CF. So, that means doing more of it… So Karen was my warmup today. 150 rep of 20# wallball. Took 10 minutes flat and sucked a whole lot.
Then went to do some MHPC — haven’t regained my strength. Topping out at 155 for my pulls.
Was good to be back at SBK, which feels a lot like home.
Warm-up:An hour and a half of training the LuLu girls. 🙂
Mid Hang Power Clean(95×3, 135×3)155×3, 175×3, 185×3, 200M, 200M
Kept the volume on today’s training really low. Not feeling intense and sticking to the back off. Cooled down with a two and a half hour nap on the black and red mats before class.
Classes were very enjoyable tonight. (And this morning)
Gotta go to sleep in a second so I can’t post too long.
Great stuff from everyone over the last couple of days. Samir, definitely don’t beat yourself down. Glad you showed up today but at the same time I agree with Malcolm that it might be time for a little break. You’ve been hitting it hard and if you start seeing your numbers slide then you might be under-recovered. Take the weekend off and rest.
Still behind in my WODs from the last few days. Haven’t been able to make up Nancy yet. Yay/boo to that.
DL/Burpee WOD Rx’d4:57Got a little sloppy on the back end. Back was SORE after this. Did this when we ran it during the 2008 games at about 40lbs lighter. Love this WOD
Tabata Mash-up-Rx’d w/ 24″ boxTotal Score-156KB Swings 10, 10, 9, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10Box Jumps-10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10Short enough to just grin and bear it.
Max Cals erg/Max Wall Ball in 15 minutes: Rx’dDid this by my little old lonesome. Said to myself “If Chris Fox can do this by himself at NYSC, then I can damn sure do it at CFSBK”This was no fun.Total Score-218Row-40, 30, 30, 30Wallball 20, 20, 20, 28I DIED on the erg a couple of times. Ugh.
Fox, I’m in for burgers!
sad i missed my most favorite thing ever! damn you red eyes and jet lag and sleep deprivation!!!
Right now, I have a love/hate relationship with cleans. I really enjoy working on this movement and I know I can be really good at these…one day. But for now, I completely psyche myself out. Anne and Laurel witnessed it firsthand. I can get the bar up, and then instead of getting under it, I kinda give up. Not sure why. I have to start thinking more like Jenna, where I walk up to the bar and know I can do it. For some reason with this move, I completely defeat myself before I even start.
WU: 55×5, 65x465x3, 75×3, 85×3, 80×3, 85×3 (with a few mental fails at 80&85).
I was just about ready to quit at my first set of 85, until Laurel came over and told me I could totally do it. Thanks to both her and Anne for getting me through these!
As for the burgers, I am in! I actually will be missing class because I’m running a race in Central Park, but I’ll get a head start on the line at shake shack. Oh, and I would love to have a partner to go halfsies with me. Any takers?
Worked out with Julianna (the best) 95,115,125,115,115. Really did not feel too strong, but I’m still dialing in the form. 6 weeks off the crack, feeling good, getting slimmer. Pullups are coming along. Can’t wait to get into my 4 day a week workout schedule
Anne Ishiisays
Thanks, Margie! I think this is the first time I cleaned without looking drunk (though David will beg to differ. “HANDS!”)
Jess, you were pacing nervously and muttering the weight number. The ONLY reason you dropped when you did. As soon as you remembered how strong you are you cleaned like a Dyson.
And eat well, burgerlers. As you enjoy beef succulence I’ll be at a damned wedding. Burger fail.
Anne I feel for you, we will also be missing the burgers. The one weekend we go out of town in the whole summer and you guys go crawling. May need to make up this non-wod ASAP.
Burpee, box jump set.21-15-9in second set (after 7) changed to modified push-up2′ box? (higher one)8 minutes 43 seconds time
David Maksays
In with the very late post — I hope all on the burger crawl tomorrow morning have an awesome time. Malcolm, I’m in if you want to make this one up.
MHPC 3×5:I have a problem with cleans – definitely mental. Warmed up with 65×5, 95×5. Then: 115×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 145×3.Stayed at 145 for the last set as form was starting to go to shit. The last time I did these I PRed at 155×1 but with very poor form. So all in all I’m happy with my performance.
Finished with 10 minute row per coach Nick’s instruction:16 s/m average, 1:55 splits dead on. The display reset on me so I didn’t get the exact distance but it was just over 2700m.
Samir – You’ve been working very hard lately. Don’t kick yourself for needing a break. Recovery is a key component.
Hope your shoulder feels better Samir. Thanks for the help.
65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 95×3 and tried to do one more round of 105 but was out of gas and w/o focus… a bad combo.
21-15-9Burpee, Box Jump (20 in.)
Anita Gsays
First post! Burpee, box jump1 foot box, modified push ups (for now). 21-15-9. Time was 6 minutes and 38 seconds. Promise to do better next time…
Love the last mental disorder! I saw that when my family first got a VCR (remember those?). My brother, step-dad, and I continually rewound, played, and strategically paused, that scene many times.
Mom was horrified…Scanners was lovely.
Oh. Did yesterdays WOD today at NYSC. No fun all by myself.
Basically I rotated rowing for about a minute, and then got 20 wall-ball before heading back to the rower for another minute, etc…
95 cals100 wall ball (16lb, heaviest I’ve got there).
MHPC !!!
What does a girl like to see in the midst of a long and irritating day? CLEANS in her future!! WOOOHOOO clean clean clean.
feeling much better now.
“domping” has become a serious problem at cfsbk.
that and the ability to turn any broken bathroom stall into a urinal.
which one of your wives wrote this?
I think I actually have one or two of those diseases…
Cleans=hard.My callouses=harder.
65x375x385x3 (sloppy)80x385x3
Wow Anne!! 85×3 is no joke!
David, you asked us a couple of days ago what we get out of crossfit besides just, ya know, the workout– here’s my answer. today was all about walking up to the bar knowing i can do something long before i touch it. if i don’t believe it, theres no point in picking up that bar. as shane told me tonight, its the focus. walk away, believe it, come back and do it.
next week i am heading to see my dad in FL. couple months ago when y’all were meeting my mom, dad learned he had cancer. and he walked up to the bar and didn’t believe he could do it. he’s stuck in that rut right now.
so what i get out of crossfit workouts, besides an incredibly empowering community, is a really valuable emotional lesson that translates rather nicely to the real world (functional fitness afterall)– believe it before you touch the damn bar.
oh and it turns out the 72×3 I ended on was a PR afterall… i had only gotten 72×1 once before and it was a struggle to get it. look out 77.
MHPC 5×3
WU – 95, 135155, 175(2), 175, 175, 185
Couldn’t regrip after each rep at 185, so, 1+1+1 on the last set, really.
Thing I’m happy about from this past month:
Double Unders are no longer my nemesis. I practiced, a lot, and now can often get 20 or more linked… goal is 50, YEAH!
Goal(s) for this month:
They’re related. I want to get my kipping pull-ups in order. For the sake of PU heavy WODs, and for the sake of linking muscle ups. Along with this, I’m going to try my hardest to take really good care of my callouses. I’d been doing pretty good but I ripped open practicing kipping pull ups tonight. I know how to take care of em, I just gotta do it!
Saturday – Burger Tour! Who’s coming?
Sunday – Paleo for 30 days!
Midhang power cleans: (45 75)95×3 115×3 125x(2,1) 125×3 130x(2,1)
Gone to Masachussetts for the weekend – sorry to miss the burger fun AND crossfit kids, but it’s great to be getting out of the city. See you all on Monday.
Sorry to be the downer tonight, but I think today would have been a good day to have taken off. It started off badly: I slept badly. I woke at 2:15, 3:45, 5:15 and then finally rolled out at 6. I taught three classes today and was exhausted and underslept. I tried napping in my office but it didn’t really come off. I hadn’t packed enough lunch so I landed up eating a skanky muffin to make up. Bad move.
Then I came into CFSBK, did a little pullups and skin-the-cat practice, and soon after, hit the wall on forward rolls. I don’t think I’ve felt as useless as I do with this move, which I can’t seem to do. I feel like I’m a Martian or something, unused the the physical laws of this planet, unable to comprehend why everyone can pull this move off and I can’t. To make things worse, I landed up doing a shoulder roll, and tweaked something.
Then came MHPCs just to complete Disaster Day. I felt weak right from the beginning, and clearly wasn’t pulling right either. I warmed up with 65, did a 85×3, then did a 95×3 which David made me repeat as I wasn’t getting things done right. I was hurting, and felt like I couldn’t even get the bar down properly. I did one 105, and stopped. Finis. Couldn’t do the last set.
A good day to have gone home straight from work, popped a beer and watched the US Open. Except that it was raining. Perfect.
Don’t beat yourelf up too much. Use your rest day tomorrow wisely. Saturday will thank you for it.
Samir, you have been really consistent lately, and your body is still adapting to the new work load. Take it easy for a couple of days and you will come back stronger. From my log book for the last time we did mid hang power cleans, I found that I was failing WAY below an older PR, I just wasn’t resting enough. Now I take my back off weeks seriously, and I think all of us newish guys need to, as we get used to doing this much work.
As for the workout today, went pretty well. Forward rolls were really fun. I was the clumsy kid growing up, so doing these now is super satisfying.
Mid hang power cleans, 115×3,135×3, 150×3, 160x3PR, 170×2. I failed in the set up for the third at 170. Basically my thumbs were hurting so I rushed the movement and did not pull from the right spot. Need to practice hook grip more often so my thumbs submit.
Here Here Comrade! Been there to Samir. Keep your head up–those days are anomalies. You had a tough workout yesterday.
First real workout since getting some nasty food poisoning that put me down over the labor day weekend.
Decided to take from 6-7 to warm up, PNF, get myself right, and decided to do me some wallball. I hate wallball, more than anything thus far in CF. So, that means doing more of it… So Karen was my warmup today. 150 rep of 20# wallball. Took 10 minutes flat and sucked a whole lot.
Then went to do some MHPC — haven’t regained my strength. Topping out at 155 for my pulls.
Was good to be back at SBK, which feels a lot like home.
Warm-up:An hour and a half of training the LuLu girls. 🙂
Mid Hang Power Clean(95×3, 135×3)155×3, 175×3, 185×3, 200M, 200M
Kept the volume on today’s training really low. Not feeling intense and sticking to the back off. Cooled down with a two and a half hour nap on the black and red mats before class.
Classes were very enjoyable tonight. (And this morning)
Gotta go to sleep in a second so I can’t post too long.
Great stuff from everyone over the last couple of days. Samir, definitely don’t beat yourself down. Glad you showed up today but at the same time I agree with Malcolm that it might be time for a little break. You’ve been hitting it hard and if you start seeing your numbers slide then you might be under-recovered. Take the weekend off and rest.
Still behind in my WODs from the last few days. Haven’t been able to make up Nancy yet. Yay/boo to that.
DL/Burpee WOD Rx’d4:57Got a little sloppy on the back end. Back was SORE after this. Did this when we ran it during the 2008 games at about 40lbs lighter. Love this WOD
Tabata Mash-up-Rx’d w/ 24″ boxTotal Score-156KB Swings 10, 10, 9, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10Box Jumps-10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10Short enough to just grin and bear it.
Max Cals erg/Max Wall Ball in 15 minutes: Rx’dDid this by my little old lonesome. Said to myself “If Chris Fox can do this by himself at NYSC, then I can damn sure do it at CFSBK”This was no fun.Total Score-218Row-40, 30, 30, 30Wallball 20, 20, 20, 28I DIED on the erg a couple of times. Ugh.
Fox, I’m in for burgers!
sad i missed my most favorite thing ever! damn you red eyes and jet lag and sleep deprivation!!!
Right now, I have a love/hate relationship with cleans. I really enjoy working on this movement and I know I can be really good at these…one day. But for now, I completely psyche myself out. Anne and Laurel witnessed it firsthand. I can get the bar up, and then instead of getting under it, I kinda give up. Not sure why. I have to start thinking more like Jenna, where I walk up to the bar and know I can do it. For some reason with this move, I completely defeat myself before I even start.
WU: 55×5, 65x465x3, 75×3, 85×3, 80×3, 85×3 (with a few mental fails at 80&85).
I was just about ready to quit at my first set of 85, until Laurel came over and told me I could totally do it. Thanks to both her and Anne for getting me through these!
As for the burgers, I am in! I actually will be missing class because I’m running a race in Central Park, but I’ll get a head start on the line at shake shack. Oh, and I would love to have a partner to go halfsies with me. Any takers?
Worked out with Julianna (the best) 95,115,125,115,115. Really did not feel too strong, but I’m still dialing in the form. 6 weeks off the crack, feeling good, getting slimmer. Pullups are coming along. Can’t wait to get into my 4 day a week workout schedule
Thanks, Margie! I think this is the first time I cleaned without looking drunk (though David will beg to differ. “HANDS!”)
Jess, you were pacing nervously and muttering the weight number. The ONLY reason you dropped when you did. As soon as you remembered how strong you are you cleaned like a Dyson.
And eat well, burgerlers. As you enjoy beef succulence I’ll be at a damned wedding. Burger fail.
Anne I feel for you, we will also be missing the burgers. The one weekend we go out of town in the whole summer and you guys go crawling. May need to make up this non-wod ASAP.
seriously considering the burger crawl…
Damn, need to work on cardio.
Burpee, box jump set.21-15-9in second set (after 7) changed to modified push-up2′ box? (higher one)8 minutes 43 seconds time
In with the very late post — I hope all on the burger crawl tomorrow morning have an awesome time. Malcolm, I’m in if you want to make this one up.
MHPC 3×5:I have a problem with cleans – definitely mental. Warmed up with 65×5, 95×5. Then: 115×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 145×3.Stayed at 145 for the last set as form was starting to go to shit. The last time I did these I PRed at 155×1 but with very poor form. So all in all I’m happy with my performance.
Finished with 10 minute row per coach Nick’s instruction:16 s/m average, 1:55 splits dead on. The display reset on me so I didn’t get the exact distance but it was just over 2700m.
Samir – You’ve been working very hard lately. Don’t kick yourself for needing a break. Recovery is a key component.
Hope your shoulder feels better Samir. Thanks for the help.
65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 95×3 and tried to do one more round of 105 but was out of gas and w/o focus… a bad combo.
21-15-9Burpee, Box Jump (20 in.)
First post! Burpee, box jump1 foot box, modified push ups (for now). 21-15-9. Time was 6 minutes and 38 seconds. Promise to do better next time…
9/10 WOD:
Burpees, Box Jumps (20″)21-15-9
5 Minutes 25 Seconds
Need to work on my form when I’m exhausted!
Burpee, Box Jump SetA21-15-920″ box7 minutes 11 sec