Malcolm meets the newest member of our community, Hazard Peterson
Fight Gone Bad Team 8
Leonid Rozenburg
Margie Lempert
Alec Hellner
Sameer Parekh
David Osorio
Joe Williams and Matt Ufford have started FGB Team 9, they need 3 more people for a complete team.. who's gonna step up?? Register Online Here
We also are going to need volunteers to help set up, tabulate scores and do a little crowd control the day of the event. If you're interested, please email david(at)
There are still slots left for our next Foundations Cycle. Here are the cycle details:
Times: Mondays and Thursdays at 8pm
Dates: 9/3, 9/7, 9/10, 9/14, 9/17, 9/21, 9/24, 9/28
Program Overview: Click Here
Register Here!
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses to this week's discussions on preparing your own food. We talked about the health benefits, economic motivation and joy of ritual that comes with making your own meals. Why not take all this motivation and prepare a delicious meal for someone special?
What song are you currently really into?
i am motivated to cook, now only for that “someone special” part…. oh, and i’m technically homeless in a week. can’t wait till october!
i’m really enjoying jason derulo “whatcha say” which is a remix with imogen heap’s “hide and seek”
Animal Collective: My Girlsrepeat, repeat, repeat, repeat
i heard that playing this morning at the lyceum and it is a hot song!
Alright, my back has been destroyed since OHS on Sunday.. i’ve been doing cat/cow’s in the morning to help loosen stuff up but my god. Any advice? I’ll be @ CFSBK tomorrow so I can foam roll…
TV on the Radio “Staring at the Sun”.
So, who is coming climbing tonight at Brooklyn Boulders??
no pain no gain – UNKLE
missing my cfsbk. see y’all soon
Love “My girls”!
Feel the Need in Me – Detroit EmeraldsShould Have Known Better – TC Curtis
David, you can count on team Fight Gone Gimp to help setup and run things since its not looking likely that we’ll be participating. 🙂
Today’s blog photo == Laurel goes melty at work. That’s my boy.
My Girls is awesome
Current favorite:Phill & Friends Band – This Man
ooh, went on a Le Tigre bender this weekend…
song I have always been into and always will
Downeaster Alexa- Billy Joel
My 09 SUMMERJAM is the entire passion pit album
David–Nick and I registered yesterday, did we do something wrong? Can you see us on your affiliate list? I signed us up under CFSBK…let me know.
An old fave that I’ve recently rediscovered: David Byrne, “Independence Day,” off Rei Momo. Good for sing-along.
David — What’s the status of the “Fight Gone Belated” team?
Oh and…Kids by MGMT, anything by Tegan and Sarah, Don’t Change, INXS.
The Fray doing a cover of Heartless
HOLY SHIT — Gabrus. I LOVE that song forever. NO joke. I’ve always wanted to go to Block Island because of Billy, event hough I still have no clue where it is or how to get there.
I’ve been into that Jay-Z song, “off that,” with Drake, from the next Blueprint album. He gives Bill O’Reilly a much-deserved slap on the wrist.
Felt great to be back in class this morning!
gabrus – i’m also totally diggin the passion pit album. a girl doing our burpee challenge earlier this year actually made a video of herself doing her burpees and it was to ‘sleepy head’ and i’ve been hooked ever since!
Currently I’ve been all over Closed Gates of Hope by Catamenia.