For time:
Row 500m
40 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 Pood
30 Pull-ups
20 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
10 Burpees
Accessory Work
Work on a weakness or spend some time on the Foam Rollers
Get Well Soon, Bethany and Allan
Good luck to Coach Shane as he travels to GSX Athletics in Texas this weekend for a CrossFit Kids Certification.
Fight Gone Bad, Team 5:
Ryan Piester
Rebecca Steinman
Bjorn Bellenbaum
James Ryan
Laurel Madar
Bethany and Allan, wishing you both a speedy recovery.
As for Team 5 — kick butt!
awesome looking WOD today!.Good luck to Shane, Kamau and I are excited!Crossfit kids is something im really interested in. If I had my level 1, id love to do it too.
Warm-upEasy 500m RowThrusters 45×5, 65×5, 75x3Foam Roll
RKPTB Chipper:8:43 as Rx’d
Row: 1:58KB: UnbrokenPull-ups: 5-5-3-2-3-2-3-3-2-2 ????Thrusters: 5-3-3-2-3-2-2 ???Burpees: Unbroken
Feels like “Jackie” but worse.
Man that wod sounds awesome. I would much rather be doing that than sitting at jfk waiting for our flight! Seriously. Quick we need an airport friendly wod!
I echo everyone else on wishing Bethany and Allen a speedy recovery!
Three Rounds for Time:40 Squats30 Situps20 Pushups10 Burpees
Have a safe flight!
Dan thanks!
16:15 for the airport wod. Not as many stares as I would have thought. 20 minutes ago I was freezing now I’m hot as hell. This is actually quite difficult to type because my arms are so shaky!
Airport WOD
it was a bitch pushing of the floor for burpees after doing push-ups, but the pick-me-up of a quick met-con and some quizitive stares made it worth it.
Thanks Dan!
Only wish I was rockin an SBK shirt!
YAY TEAM 5! The suspense was killing me.
I’m in Montauk and so I’m a little behind the curve, but here goes:
Recent Meals:Fette Sau/W’burg: Brisket! Pork Belly!!!Buttermilk Channel/across from my house: Pickles! Almonds with Bacon!! Duck Meatloaf!!!The Lobster dinner last night wasn’t bad either.
Favorite Burgers:Old Town Tavern/Union Square: I once missed the beginning of a Built to Spill show because I had to order another one.Buttermilk Channel: in combination with Captain Lawrence Liquid Gold, mmmm…
Hardest FGB exercise: Wallballs for me as well, fatigue really affects them the most, I missed a bunch last year. SDHP are also hard in later rounds, though that wasn’t as much of a problem for me a couple of weeks ago.
See you guys Wed or Thu, I’m going to go do the airport wod now.
12:37damn that was awesome and sucky at the same time.
I think one of my 1st true Rx’d Wods.I do have to admit i didnt finish 2 thrusters full lock out. I got to 95% and couldnt push anymore.
Row 2:05KB: 16, 10, 4Pullups 6,4,5,5,3,3,2,1,1 or something like thatThrusters: 6,4,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,Burpees: 3, then slooooow to the end could barely get off the ground.
I felt great going through the KB. I thought Id have more trouble with the 1.5 pood. Pullups are an area I usually struggle bad, but got through them pretty well I thought.
Thrusters i usually do well at, but 95#s hurt. After I got to 10 it really took a lot out of me just to clean them up into my rack.
Burpees after those thrusters were a complte joke.
8:21 as rx’d, felt good about this one. thrusters were not nearly as bad as I thought they would be.
ripped another callous on the pullups, really need to figure out a long term solution for not ripping my hands, as I use my hands a lot and I hate having open wounds on them. are gymnastics wraps reliable? anyone use them consistently?
Hey Paul, I use those gymnastic grip thingees. They are in the 3rd drawer of the filing cabinet. After climbing yesterday, I definitely needed them, but I always use them anyways.
I guess the con if there is any is that they dont grip the bar quite as well, and you dont feel as tough when your hands dont rip open.
13:30 with 12kg KB, blue band pull-ups, 42# thrusters and modified push-up burpees.
Thank you to Gabrus for talking me through that and saving my head from being crushed by my KB twice.
And wow to Laurel for finishing the WOD despite 2 pukie breaks. That was impressive.
6:49 as Rx
I think they key to that WOD is moving quick but not quite hitting the wall on any one thing, and staying under control on the row.
13:38 as Rx
Brutal. The 1.5 pood is pretty heavy for that many swings for me, but I’m glad I did it. Have I mentioned my eternal loathing of thrusters?
Hi to my buddy James who came for the teaser.
One of us! One of us!
13:54 with a lot of mid-stream scaling.
Deliberately went less than full speed on the rower. Don’t know the exact time, but I kept the pace between 2:00 – 2:05. It’s surprisingly hard to row slow.
1 pood kettle bell. This movement is a struggle, so I decided to focus on form. 2 sets of 20, with a break for some chalk in the middle. Feeling a little better about it after those 40 reps.
Pullups: 5 unassisted, 18 white band, 7 blue band. Thanks Dave and Matt for the kipping pointers.
Thrusters: 10 at 95# (I forget the breakdown) and 10 at 65# (5 + 5)
Burpees are burpees. Glad there was only ten.
I’m strongly considering scrounging up the money and time to start coming three times/week. Does anyone have any input on the difference an extra day makes in the progress you see? The alternative is to try to piece together workouts in the grad school gym, where of course motivation suffers away from y’all.
RKPTB Chipper:13:26 75# 1pd
Row: 2:01KB: 21-19Pull-ups: 4-4-4-4-3-4-4-2-1Thrusters: 5-5-3-2-5Burpees: Unbroken but very slow.
felt ok during most of the wod except for everything caught up during the thrusters. row was what i aimed for. kb was comfortable, maybe needed to try 1.5pd. pullups were ok 4 at a time felt good. thrusters felt ok just gassed from all the other stuff. will try 80 or 85# thrusters next time. feel like im not far from rx’d wods, that coupled with the fact that im up to 154.5lbs makes me happy. another 10lbs and id be ecstatic.
13:17 AS RX’D
bc of kb (and my bodyweight), my Pullups suffered greatly
I like rowing 500m…It is fun.
after the WOD, I rowed a 1:31.8 for a 500m
I will be doing that a lot more.
Thanks Ariel.
Came at this WOD in company with a nice little red wine hangover and a gluten-induced tummy ache. (it was a wonderful dinner party, just with some hidden costs.)
WOD: 21:00
Row: 2:02KB@20kg: 10,10,6,5,5,4Pull-ups: too sweaty, kept coming off. 5,3,3,3.. pukie break.. 4,3, lost track.Thrusters@65lb: tried to do sets of five, got some but then had another pukie break, did a bunch of singles and finished with 4,2,2.Burbees: mostly strung together, with a few extra gasps and flagging pace.
Feeling quite well now. I’d like to do this sometime in better form.
Query: Should a person stop doing a WOD after a second purge? What is the body saying when we throw-up from exercise?
ps. Jess and Chris – nice work on the airport WOD! Next time make someone get a picture of you – I think you may have started an awesome tradition.
WOD 12:52. No idea about the row time. 1 pood KB. 20 unbroken then 10 and 10 I think. Pullups :about 3 then white band in about sets of three. Chest to bar on a few. Thrusters make me vocal! Burpees not so bad because you know the end is near and can just push it.I liked this WOD. In retrospect.Heal quickly Bethany and Allen.Laurel, glad you are feeling better. Way to dig deep.
7:10 as Rx’d.
Row: 1:37KB Swings: 40 unbrokenPull-ups: 7, 7, ?, ?, ?Thrusters: 10, 6, 4Burpeees: 10 unbroken
I felt most of the WOD went well except for the PUs. I’m still having a hard time getting a proper swing going when I’m trying to string them together.
I rarely post but want to thank Scott. Dragged myself in after 3 1/2 hours sleep and 70 hr wk week plus Jersey commute. Tons of steadicam too. New job is brutal.
Planned to treat wod as an LSD and forget the clock. Thanks Scott for pushing me into real work. Numbers were bad but it was max effort which is all that matters. And thanks Dan for the kind words.
Gonna kill it tomorrow.
this looks a fun one! I can’t wait to try it upon my return.
11:00 #65 1pd
Row: 1:40KB: 10, 10, 10, 10PU: 5, 5, 5, 5Thrusteres: 5, 5, 5, 5Burpees: 7, 3Thrusters and KB swings were hard since I haven’t done anything with weights involving my back for a long long time. Could have taken it easier on the row and do 20,20 in KB swings instead. Felt much harder than Jackie/eikcaj
Took Saturday as an extra rest day following 5 consecutive days of training. Managing recovery has become an essential aspect to my training program.
I’m hoping to make up this workout either before or after the OHS 3rm WOD. It looks like a “fun little burner.”
Jess and Chris – great work on the airport WOD!
Bjorn – crush the Air Port WOD!
For other who are traveling and need some ideas for keeping busy, there’s a fairly robust list of body-weight workouts can be downloaded here:
Laurel – I think it’s entirely dependent upon what’s going on with your body as to why you’re tossing the cookies.
Here’s a research paper that you might find helpful:
If you can’t get the full text, let me know, I’ll download it and send it to you. Working in academia has advantages when it comes to research papers…
The paper references some other papers that may be helpful, I was eying: Sullivan SN. Exercise-associated symptoms in triathletes. Phys Sports Med 1987;15:105–8. I’ll see if I can’t grab that one as well once I’m on campus tomorrow.
Kudos to Malcolm for taking a rest day as well — even if it was unintentional. Hope you’re feeling better.
M/ 35/ 130 lbs/ 5′-6″As Rx: 8:50I had to go from upstairs to downstairs from the Urg to the area with the pullup bar, kettlebell, etc.I’ve been wanting to try this one for a little while now.. GREAT WOD. I went out way too slow on the row to think of going a steady pace. I need to work on my thrusters a little, but a fun, hard, intense workout… just as I thought, the urg then kettlebell really zapped my pullups, which I was curious to see how many I’d be banging out… usually one of my stronger exerces… I partitioned it into fast 10 rep sets with about 5-10 secs. break inbtween.. the thrusters I should have gone in 2 10’s but did 4 5’s to keep the rest to a minimum.. then just went for an unbroken 10 burpees…. I think if it was 20 or more burpees that would have effected my strategy.. hard to do 20 or more when you’re on empty, but 10 can be done when you’re done and crushed.