4 Attempts of:
200m Run
Rest as needed between attempts
Accessory Work
WU: 4 Rounds NFT
5 Strict Pull-ups, C2B or Ring Rows
10 Russian Lunges
:15 L-Sit Hold
Foam Rollers are your friend, trust us.
Congratulations to Dan R. for earning the South Brooklyn Hoodie for his contributions to the blog and program with his photography.
Wow, sprints. 4 x 200m35.94, 35.34, 40.44, 39.16Now, food.
4 rounds1) 36:282) 28:113) 27.754) 28.60First time sprinting in the five fingers on concrete. First set was painful because of the heel strikes. Made adjustments the last three sets. Great sprinting with Shawn. He’s a quick dude so it helped me to keep pushing myself. Will not be back at CFSBK til Thurs. Have to travel to Chicago on some business. Will be training at Windy City CrossFit on Mon and Tues. Hope everyone has a great start to the week.
too much whiskey last night. ugg.
Forgot to record my times down from the sheet. If anyone has them itd be much appreciated.
Nice getting dusted by Vince in the last 75 meters 3 times in a row.
Ive never been a fast twitch guy who had a good sprint kick. Especially at distances where I have to go into the reserve to finish up strong. I should practice sprinting more.
That course did seem like more than 200m though. Maybe Im wrong–2 football field lengths is pretty far.
Crossfit Oakland
5 rounds for time10 225 lb deadlift15 pull-ups
Deadlifts were fine, pull-ups were awful. Tried going chest to bar, but that broke down into the second round. Still a fun workout. By the final round, was doing mostly singles.
Sorry to miss class today! My dime sized blister (courtesy of the 120 pull-ups on thursday) decided to become infected so I spent last evening with a fever (I managed to feel cold and even shiver despite the ambient temp.)
Slept for 10 hours and am much better now although my hand is terrifically itchy.
Moral of the story: if you get a blister instead of a tear, open it up and drain it and cut the skin away. Don’t puncture, drain it and leave the skin intact – I used a needle that I heated to red hot, doused everything in peroxide before and after and STILL got an infection under the skin.
Contemplating doing the sprints on a nearby hill, if I feel up to it in the evening – probably not 200 meters, but it’s a good steep incline (the one that runs from the promenade down to Dumbo.)
For anyone whos around with nothing to do right now following our sprint theme.
Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay 100m Mens final from the World Track and Field Championships from Berlin on NBC at about 3:35 EST.(about 15 minutes)
Until then theyre showing highlights of various other events
Usain ran an “easy” semifinal and still hit 9.8.
9.58 New World Record into a headwind
R1) 26.56R2) slowerR3) Run/Jog
The first was fast, found a gear I haven’t felt in years. Hamstring started tightening up after the second, didn’t try the fourth.
Feeling good after another afternoon on the beach.
hello everyone. in phx. did a little 2 hour hike in 110′ heat over dreamy draw today. going to drop by my old people at cf phoenix tomorrow.
Scott and Alisha are no joke:
Pre Warm-up:1 Hour of roller blading with my 6 and 9 year old cousins.
Workout at Riverside State Park in Harlem
Skillz: Handstand walk width of football field. Whenever I would lose my balance I would just stand there and rest until I was ready to go again.
Warm-Up x310 Strict Pull-ups on soccer goal6 Handstand Push-ups against soccer goal20 Walking Lunges
200m “Sprints”38:?? w/ Shoes36:?? w/ Shoes36:?? w/o Shoes(Clock Error) w/o ShoesThen I did 2 more untimed 200m runs just to get a better sense of how to pace the distance.
Went from the 50 to 50 yard marks on the football field in the middle lane of the track. Was that a true 200? It’s close enough I suppose. This distance is really unfamiliar to me and I can feel that I come out of the gates too hard because I was slowing down towards the end each time.
Really really really enjoyed this a lot more barefoot. By the last quarter of the first 200’s I could hear and feel my feet stomping on the ground hard. My mechanics were much more consistent barefoot and my pace didn’t drop significantly.
Great workout.
Shawn,regarding your football field comment, are you sure you’re not confusing meters and yards? Also, Dan took a picture of everyone’s times. Ill email you the pic.
Laurel,Sorry to hear about your infection. I had a bubble from Cindy and I gave it a few days to let new skin develop underneath it before I cut it open. Worked well for me.
200m Sprints
******10AM Class******Dan28.31 27.64 28.07 43.00Paul33.67 32.12 34.00 33.10Sarah39.42 37.31 37.09 37.60Chris43.82 43.66 41.65 41.80Vincent36.28 28.11 27.75 28.60Shawn31.21 28.31 28.30 29.40CSG40.60 40.00 39.01 38.06Carlos36.59 32.64 31.29 30.20Ashley32.44 30.04 29.08 ?????
*******11AM Class*******Jeremy26.56 29.35 ????? ?????Ben27.47 27.48 29.34 ?????Richard32.65 ????? 31.28 29.60Rebecca39.56 42.50 42.28 47.93Ariel40.80 40.35 40.84 42.64Anne35.94 35.34 40.44 39.16Paul34.37 35.84 56.09 xxxxxSamir34.55 xxxxx 32.80 31.03
******12PM Class*******Ryan27.78 27.87 28.69 29.72Jon33.15 30.25 29.79 31.75
(I apologize for the layout, the editor is fixed width and the display is not.)
Congrats to Dan (and a delayed thanks for helping out with pullups last week!)
The sprints were a very interesting workout. It was great running with Richard; definitely improved times (sorry about drafting you on the last run).
Laurel: I hope you feel better soon!
Kudos to Jeremy for bailing out when he did (I’m not being ironic, it was a nice display of smarts).
I hope I’m not just stating the obvious, but almost all tracks have engraved meter-markers just inside the track. That’s how you can know exact meterage, for each lane. Obviously if David, you ran from 50yd-50yd line in the middle lane, you probably actually ran more than 200m.
Also, this really has nothing to do with Crossfit per se, but if you’re racing 100-200m, the ideal is to avoid turns, and to have the longest straight path leading up to the finish line. i.e. it’s easier to speed up when you have fixed terrain for 100m as opposed to 50m. Though of course there’s nothing in the Crossfit book that says anything about doing the “easier” anything.