10 Rounds for time of
12 Pull-ups
12 Wall Ball Shots
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
The Photo Set from our recent Level 1 Cert is now up. Enjoy!
More strong women:
Annie Cleans Heavy CrossFit
Eva Jerks Heavy CrossFit
Nicole goes for a Total CrossFit
decided to hit an early class for the first time. i was tired and hungry, my god.warmup:4 rounds 5 goblet sqauts, 7 kb swings, 9 sit ups.wod:10 Rounds for time of12 Pull-ups12 Wall Ball Shots (20#)
37:37 (8 rounds kipping, 1 round white and the last round blue band)
shocked that i finished the whole thing. before starting i was just hoping to get 7 rounds before my shoulders acted up but surprisingly they didnt. my hands ripped on the 4th round and that was what gave me the problems. need to work on my grip. thanks to david and the kipping practice yesterday i actually attempted this.
did last night’s 5×3 cleans. its been awhile!
(45×3, 65×3)85,85,95,100,100
decided to not even try to shoot for my previous pr (120) because its been so long. just tried to dial in on form and get used to having a bar in my hand. and ohhhh did it feel good 🙂
Inspiring videos! Thanks for posting them David.
Are we going to do a crossfit total sometime? I’ve never done one.
For today’s high volume suck-fest, we’re going to need to run it in one heat. The standard version of this workout is 10 rounds of 12/12 Pull-ups and Burpees. Wall ball is considerably harder and we’ve only got 10 medballs, 4 of which are 20’s. We’ll be asking some folks to do burpees instead of wall ball before attempting this scaled up version.
Here is the medball Count:20’sx414’sx210’sx28’sx14’sx1
Laurel,No problem. I’ve been trying to “theme” the links on the blog a little.No totals for you. Everyone else. sure.
Also,David McG, Dan and myself are going to see Distict 9 tonight at 12, is anyone else interested in coming??
Some of us have to work on Fridays (and need a full complement of sleep) so can’t make a 12 showing on a Thursday! sniff.
Dan – I love the picture of me attempting a muscle-up at the cert. You got a lot of good shots – thanks!
this morning i did…
wu 4 rounds of5 kb squats7 kb swings9 sit ups
maincleans 3 3 3 3 3(bar, 45, 95) 135, 155, 165, 175, 185did power cleans, sort of more muscle cleans.i then reduced weight and worked on proper clean form65x8 85x8was getting low and under the bar for the first time in a long time. felt good.
then i didhalf the volume suck fest due to time constraints…dont let anyone tell you other wise..it’s a fun time.
acc wkfoam roll
I wasn’t going to come today because I went swimming this morning, but am seriously considering it as I “like” workouts like this. will have to wear wraps though, as my hands have just now healed from cindy.
Chris and I will be doing the “suckfest” tomorrow morning at NYSC in park slope at 8:30am. If anyone misses today and wants to join us, let us know! I’m really not looking forward to those pull-ups!
i dont feel too bad having to miss this. Im still sore from Cindy on Tuesday. Maybe Ill try the burpee version at home.
Crossfit Oakland:
A. Power Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 Reps
Rest 5 Minutes
B. 4 Rounds for Time:Run 400m21 Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes between each round. Record time for each round separately.
Power Snatch tried all sets at 135. Lots of pressing at the end and generally just not getting any depth on the receiving, as is my tendency.
Second wod: 2:39, 3:05, 3:45, 4:29I suck at running. The pull-ups were ok.
Thanks for letting me know about the scaled version Shane! (insert sarcasm here)yes- it was a total suck fest.22:10 RX
Only slightly ripped my hands working out with Cloyde this morning. TAPE UP FOLKS!I have been paying for this all day. Makes me wonder about the physiological difference in working out in the am vs. the pm when a long rest (sleep) comes soon after.I need a nap.
I only did the first two rounds as Rx’d, all my other pull-ups were jumping pull-ups, because I am a wuss and it was my first WOD in two weeks. But the threat of impending wallballs made me use my legs as little as possible, so I still ended up working my back pretty well.
First time foam rolling. There were four months of squats, thrusters, and rowing to work out of my legs. Ouch.
Side note: “foam rolling” sounds like something that should be a lot of fun on spring break in Cancun.
Coming up for Jess and I :
4 days – AMRAP:
Canoeing, running, hiking, double unders, and kettlebell play
Accessory work:
Grill and eat meat, fruit, & vegetables, drink wine & beer, and of course…foam roll.
Back at SBK next Wednsday!
13:40 as Rx’d. I did a straight 12 on each round of wall balls but had a more difficult time with the pull-ups where I ended up breaking them up to smaller and smaller sub-sets as the rounds progressed. I need more kipping work.
14:19. Did all PU’s w/o interruption. Took 15-30 secs after each set of PU and WB. Took a few extra breaks towards the end of WBs. Hands arent much worse than they were before. Lost some skin on left hand. All in all I had some energy left at the end. Guess I couldve pushed a bit harder.
Went C2B on this.
Wallball was mostly unbroken.Pullups unbroken at the beginning, then in sets of 3’s.
Warm up work:Cleans: 10x 45lbs, 5x65lbs, 5x95lbs, 5x115lbs
didn’t get to the work sets. Will have to queue these up for another day. Would like to break 200.
Warm-UpFoam Rolling
Cleans(75×3, 95×3, 115×1)135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×2, 165F
Pull/WB17:02 as Rx’d
I paced this a lot. After the fifth round my pull-ups were all 6-3-3 to avoid tearing and my wall balls were 4-4-4 to try and keep things moving. I thought I killed it until I saw Scott and Vincent’s times.
Warm-up:Foam Rolling
Cleans(Tall Cleans @ 45 x 5; 75 x 3, 95 x 3, 115 x 2…i meant to do a single. oops)135, 150, 160, 170×3, 170×3
The first 170, i got sloppy in the reception and didn’t stand it up. Hit the rep again. Then did a final set there to make it set.
Pull-up/WB @ 20#16:40
I also paced this as well thinking I was making great time until Ryan, Vincent & Scott came through and crushed this. Wall Balls were squirrely initially and I struggled to find a rhythm. Pull ups were pretty strong (a good number of sets were 8-4).Not quite the suckfest I thought it would be but definitely hit hard.
It was a pleasure doing the 7am class today. See you all Saturday
30:23. Yup broke into a 3 handle… hmph. Wall ball are one of my goats. I would say I am worst at wall ball, rowing and double unders.
As Rx’d though, which has to count for something.
After the wod and laying on the floor for 10-20 minutes, I rowed 1000m for cool down.
18:?? Major hand rippage limited pullups. I felt so much better than the last couple days that I consider the result a success. Thumb taping worked great.
24:26.14lb wallball, 10ft target (started at 8ft but went to the higher target in the middle of the second round: David = bully… and next time Asta’s gotta do it too.)
I’m always surprised when I actually get to the end of workouts like this – not that I’ve actually ever had to stop one. Contemplating 10 rounds and thinking 120 pull-ups?! I invariably worry that I’ll simply fail – it seems like something I couldn’t do. Actually completing it gave me a powerful sense of accomplishment.
Accessory: Hung out with the new foundations folks while they were covering jump roping, did some basic bounce and double under practice. They looked much more coordinated and proficient than I did the first time – many getting doubles (and even triples?) Looking forward to having you all join us.
Chris and Jess – I want to do that WOD!
Dan – Thanks again for organizing dinner.
I did the “spicy meatball” wod from monday, 16:55. was feeling very tired from swimming earlier in the day and perhaps didn’t go as hard as I could have, but was pleased with my time all the same. rows were 1:50/250m consistently.
Laurel — thanks for the photo props — you’re super close to your MU!
And thanks to everyone from CFSBK who joined us for dinner yesterday! (And props for those who stayed out even later to see District 9.)
14:14 on the PU/WB wod but only because David assisted my PUs and because I powered through WBs with a whopping 10 pound ball. Next time I will increase med ball and decrease a band…I hope…
I like The Fox’s AMRAP WOW (workout of the weekend). Will be doing some of that myself the last week of August in the hinterlands of Maine. The Great Outdoors has got to be the best thing ever for you after Suckfests. I’m with Paul. These kinds of workouts are my favorite.
21:30. I was dissapointed. I thought I has broken through something with the endurance but this week I’ve experienced a super tightening in the solar plexus that’s hindered my breathing.
Foam roller goodness afterwards and a slow 1000 on the erg.