3 Rounds For Time of:
Row 500m
15 Burpee Box Jumps
15 DB Thrusters 35/20
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Skin the Cat Practice
All eyes on Anne during her inspirational "Fran"
Congratulations to Anne, Jillian, Laurel, Willie, Erik and Malcolm on their Level 1 Certification. We had a great crew represent us this weekend. Great, Job, guys!
Thanks to Edgar, David McG, Vincent, Christian, Regan, Dan, Jeremy, Margie and Shane for holding it down this weekend and making sure everything went smoothly.
Good Luck to Emily who will be heading back to University (New Haven) this week. In a very short time she's proved herself as an exceptional athlete and great member of our community. Emily's last class will be tomorrow morning.
Yesterday’s WOD
5 Rounds of:7 HSPUs30 Double Unders
6:something, I think.
Today’s WOD is a spicy little meatball. Just ask Deb
Thank you to everyone at South Brooklyn CrossFit, and all of those who helped out, for an AMAZING Level 1 Cert. You were all so patient, encouraging and inspirational, and your Box is awesome. I hope to run into all of you at the Mid-Atlantic Hopper in Baltimore. Off to apply all of my knew knowledge…
EmmaPotomac CrossFit (DC)
CONGRATS to the new level 1 cert. crew.
red hook pool swim this morning
4 lap warm upmain set – breathing ladderbreathing 1 every stroke every 2 laps, 2 every stroke every 2 laps, and so on, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.make sure to do a flip turn and 2 dolphin kicks off the wall.2×3 cool down
Heh,heh,heh. Yummy meatball!
Oh wow. I just blushed looking at that pic. Definitely an experience finishing (or not) a WOD with 60+ people cheering you on! Very cool.
Scoreboard: Fran 2, Anne 0.
Looking forward to the next round! My legs are a little(a lot) toasted today. Great weekend.
What is the deal with the Squat Off? It kills me that I missed it.
Wow sounds like a fun weekend.
Look fwd to getting back in there today especially after seeing today’s workout!
I second Grant’s sincere desire for the answer of the mother of all questions: Are we a bunch of powerlifting loving Crossfitters that kicked some well tanned Californian buttocks???
And congratulations to all of our new L1 cert owners!
I couldn’t find time to hurry to a gym and did 5 rounds of10 Push Ups20 Squats30 Sit Upsin incredibly slow 12:55 minutes.
Jenn and I just wanted to extend our thanks to you guys for being such gracious hosts this weekend. You guys should be proud of the community you have developed.
And I must concur that all of the South Brooklyn athletes stood out as not only great movers, but particularly good students as well. It was a pleasure to instruct people that were so eager to learn and improve as athletes and coaches.
Looking forward to working with all of you guys again sometime soon.
Thanks again!Dennis
Holy crap! This wrecked me!19:21Almost met pukie for the first time. No where to rest, no where to hide.
Nice moment for David today in L1 pre wod circle. Malcolm you are one cool cat.
When I took a look at the WOD, I figured it’d be pretty hard. I was wrong…It was VERY hard, and it kicked my a**!
16:50, I was happy to keep the first two C2 sprints around 1:45 but the last was 2:02.
Practiced kipping after, and it is still an enemy.
Almost forgot…Thanks to Nick and Malcolm for working the kipping with me.
Now that was a workout!I feel like Im officially back after that. Re-baptized by fire.It felt like a good ol Saturday Metcon today with everyone’s energy, cheering, and folks saying to watch other people. I couldnt leave til I watched the guys from 7PM heat 1.
Finished somewhere between 16-17 minutes, but who cares. I was happy with my overall pace and was really able to push myself.
I scaled it and did the Thrusters at 30, I know I can do 35. Next time no scaling.
It was hot at the Lyceum, but I was actually expecting A LOT worse.
20 minutes flat with 25# dumbbells. shoulda did 30#. i was just sooooo gassed on the last row. i couldnt catch my breath at all. it just carried over to the burpees and thrusters. thanks to chris, jessica, shawn and everyone else who pushed me. if it wasnt for you guys i might still be doing the thrusters.
18:32 on this ass kicker with 30lb dumbbells (because the 35’s were all taken, thank God) . Felt like someone socked me in the gut during the second round and my solar plexus seized up and wouldn’t let me breath.
Skinned some cats afterwards and practiced levers. I’m gonna’ get those!
Fun workout 🙂 (didn’t know I could sweat so much).Scaled the thrusters to 20 (my back is still not back to normal): 15:51.Gotta work on my rowing technique.
14:30 with 40lb dumbbells. This was definitely one of the toughest WODs I’ve done in awhile. My form fell apart on about everything toward the last round.
16:45 as Rx’d. Thrusters killed me. Thanks to everyone who helped keep me going. it is always appreciated.
I echo everyone who said this WOD was an ass-kicker! Finished in about 17:20 with 15lb dumbbells. Next time I’d like to do it rx’d. Hardest part for me was the burpee box jumps. Who thinks of these things anyways?Accessory work included my first inversion. It was hard to get up, but after that it felt good to hang upside down. Thanks for helping me get up there David! Just another thing I need to add to the list to work on…
20:03, 30lbs
Shawn, shoot me your # re: climbing tomorrow
21:57 as rx’d (women’s rx’d anyway)thrusters were hardest, not sure how I’d game it all better next time. maybe skip the run to class?
19:55 as rx’d
about 7 min, roughly 1000m, cool down on erg
This was a long and equipment heavy workout. Thanks to everyone for being patient while the management (me and Shane) tried to get everyone through it as smoothly as possible.
I don’t know if I’m excited or dreading this WOD. Shane wants to do it on wed with me.
It was awesome seeing so much energy in the gym last night. I was definitely too beat up from the cert to do another metcon so I worked on bench press for triples as I think I can safely assume that those will not be heavy in our programming this week.
Warmed up to 135X3,155X3,165X2.
Thanks to Emily for helping me motivate to show up this morning. Must see emily off this morning! must not sleep in! must motivate!
did 3-3-3-3-3 cleans, 135 all the way across, focusing on form. It seems I need to get down under the bar more quickly.
i thoughttt that the burpee boxjumps were gonna be the tough part but the thrusters were what slowed me down.
I just wanted to thank everyone for welcoming me to crossfit, I really had a great time (even though it was short lived) and met some great people. Off to school on thursday but i will def be back at some point!
20:21, RXed
that wod would have been tough on a cool, crisp day. add the heat and humidity – whoooo!!
the burpee box jumps were the hardest part for me.
This was a tough one…but it felt great to accomplish it! I finished in 19:00 (scaled).
I also liked doing the inversions for the first time. Even after going through Foundations, it seems like there still soooo much more to learn!
21:52 with 25lb dumbells. I want Margie to teach me how to grunt 🙂
It took me 10 minutes to walk from 4th Ave up to 7th Ave on President St in a very slow, druggie looking limp/walk.
I think it might of been due to the WOD.
Thx to Shane, John and other who were pushing me on. Thx to Malcolm for demystifying kipping.
First Level 1 class! I love morning workouts. Def my style. Nice to meet everybody.
3 XRow 500m15 Box Jumps (wasn’t messing with the burpees this time)15 DB Thrusters (20)
Not destroyed. Those burpees obvs do that. But def a really hard one.
16:06 as RX’d
35lbs thrusters weren’t so bad. Unbroken the first rounds, then 5/5/5, then 5/10.
Row wasn’t bad until the third round. I just couldn’t keep a decent pace.
Burpee box jumps served to further aggrevate my legs. My calves were tight from the run and all the movement involving landing on the ball of my food was just aweful.However, I enjoyed cycling them and trying to make them into a nice consistent movement. I like em!
Am looking forward to more metcons like this one!