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Suggested Back Off Week
compare to 1.29.09
Accessory Work
Ring Dip Strength work
Conditioning warm-up
BSQ 3×1 v. NorCal Make-Up Opportunity
South Brooklyn Performance Logs
more pics : WOD Entry, Strength Standards, Benchmarks, and much more!
While there are No Classes this weekend for our Level 1 Certification, we're organizing a Prospect Park 5K run on Saturday at 10am. We strongly encourage everyone not attending the Level 1 to come out and enjoy this opportunity to get some fresh air and benchmark their LSD running capacity.
Fight Gone Bad 4 will be held on September 26th at CFSBK. Interested participants should check out our team page and register for the event asap. Like last year, we will have teams, prizes, spectators and Lots of fun. All proceeds from this event go towards the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Wounded Warrior Project Our fund raising goal for this year is $10,000.
Due to an overwhelming response, we've opened a second Foundations cycle this month starting on the 12th. Here are all the details:
August's second Cycle
Times: Wednesdays at 8pm and Saturdays at 12:15pm
Dates: 8/12, 8/15, 8/19, 8/22, 8/26, 8/29, 9/2, 9/5
Register Here!
Classes are 1 hour and 15 minutes in length and will cover all the fundamental exercises in CrossFit's movement philosphy. To check out the syllabus, FAQ's and homework assignments, please check out the course overview.
How to Avoid Heatstroke NY Times
One arm muscle-up. Enough said.
swam this morning:12 lap warmupbreath ladder, 2-8 strokes/breath, 2 laps each.2 lap cooldown.
my best stroke in high school was butterfly, and I really want to practice a bit, but I am not sure if I should bust it out in the the somewhat crowded morning swim.
Red Hook Pool this morning
4 lap warm up1x43x2 concentrate on stroke1x45x2 concentrate on stroke1x4 1 breast stroke, 1 easy 1st half, sprint 2nd half2 lap cool down
paul, you may have to time each lap you do, but butterfly is definitely doable.
Wow, haven’t pressed in what feels like forever.
Would love to break 145 today…
Anyone here had any experience with elevated liver enzyme levels as a result of Crossfit?
Hey guys,
Was hoping to be able to drop in today, but looks like it’s not in the cards. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it in two weeks.
Are a lot of you going down to BWI for the Hopper? I’m planning to go and it sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun.
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to give a big thanks to CFSBK for letting me attend the shoulder seminar yesterday. I feel as though I have a better handle on the anatomy of the shoulder and also learned a great series of rotator cuff strengthening exercises I’m really excited to incorporate into my cool down routine.
Looking forward to more seminars like this in the future.
Welcome back from your break week ShawnS.So I did the back squats today for the Norcal throwdown.195; 215 (PB); 225(F) I totally psyched myself out on the 225, should have had it.Cooled down with inversion, muscle up and lever practice; Lot’s of fun but damn hard.Finished with a 2000m row; This was actually my first ever 2000m and I took it at what felt like an easy pace for a post WOD. My goal was to keep my splits below 2:00 which I accomplished nicely. Final time was 7:23.4 (long way to go for the CRASHB’s). I was winded afterwards but not falling over gassed.Welcome to all the new folks in foundations, what a huge class, great to see you all!
Press: 65,75,80,85,90,95FMy last max press was 75lbs, so this was a 15lb PR!
Congratulations Felix!
Visiting family in LA, dropped into CF North Hollywood, home of Kristin Clever (whose name you might recognize from the Games this year). Great new box, had a blast. Did a 49.5 inch box jump, which was the first time I’d ever done a max box jump. So, if any of you have four foot tall children, or if Sal’s around, I can apparently jump over them. Fun WOD, too: 500m row; 50 med ball clean to wall ball; 500m row; 30 med ball clean/wall; 500m row; 20 med ball clean/wall; 500m row: 18.20. Looking forward to visiting Valley CF tomorrow, which I think is where Kristin started crossfitting, and that box sent three women to the Games this year.
And, totally LA moment, but I after I got a fantastic crabcake sandwich for dinner at Aroma Cafe, and Billy Corgan and Tatum O’Neal were standing in line right behind me. Billy Corgan!
Press: 45×5, 65×5, 75, 85, 90F, 90, 95, 100, 105F, 105F.
Great workout with Adam and Jack – thanks very much, guys.
Afterwards, 1000m row at 4:04.
Looks like my post didn’t take last night.
Press didn’t go so great. After warming up. 105, 115, 120F, 120F, 117F, 115F. Grrr.
Juliana, it looks like a dollar will feel about like $1.25 while you are in Brazil. The currency was a lot weaker over the winter but now it looks like you should be getting about 1.8 Real per dollar.
Congratulations Felix on the muscle-ups.
Always fun lifting with Dan and Malcolm.
Another 10th of an inch and it would have gone up. This is the most humbling of lifts.
No spoilers on what tomorrow’s workout is
I hope this is where I’m supposed to be posting this:
From foundations, tabata squats: 10(but every single one was perfect!)
Checking in on foundations, tabata squats: 11
Also hope this is where I’m supposed to post:
Foundations, Tabata squats: 11
Don’t remember my actual #’s on the press ,since someone erased the board before I got a chance to copy it into my log, but I topped out at 135 on the last press. Backsquat, 1 rm, 225, 235, 245-felt I could have gone another 10 lbs. but I didn’t want to push it, I guess. I wonder, if anyone can enlighten me, how do you know you are at your max lift weight unless you finally fail?Anyway, bon voyage to Jules and Charmel, I envy you 2 -send handstand photos from Rio.My pullups feel like they are about to come together, so I feel good.
Foundations, tabata squats: 12
Started too conservative. Started to feel sore today — can’t wait to feel it tomorrow!
5×65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 115, 125F
Foundations Tabata Squats: 11
Felt great, then gassed during round 6 or so.
Hello for those who don’t know me, im new to the crossfit south brooklyn gym. yesturday was my first class.. i hope that this is the place that im surpose to place my tabata squats..
my score was 14..
Foundations, tabata squats: 14Felt good, sore today!
Foundations, Tabata Squats: 11Feeling it the following morning.August is going to be a sore month.
I must have one of those notebooks!