100 Burpees
125 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5p/1p
150 Box Jumps, 20"
Today's WOD is a partner workout. You and your partner must complete the work chipper style with only one person working at a time.
Post time, partner and strategy to comments.
Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT of
16 Partner Med Ball Tosses
6 Strict Pull-ups with a 3 second isometric hold at the top
16 Reverse Partner Sit-up
6 Forward Rolls
Grant's last class before he leaves for Hawaii is on Monday. Expect a sharp decline in inappropriate comments. We'll miss you, Grant!
Register for our August Foundations Cycle online here!
What's My 1 rep Max? Fitness Conduit
CrossFit South Brooklyn is a Max Effort Black Box Gym Fitness Conduit
12 Unusual and Creative Hotels Toxel
11:55 as RX’d with Edgar
We broke it up 10 Burpees/15 Swings/10ish Jumps
This was a burner. Worked with Vincent:
100 burpees – switched every ten
125 Kettle Bells 1.5 pood – switched every ten. I failed somewhere around 75 or 85 (my math is the first thing to go). Vincent finished the set for me, and I jumped back in with a 1 pood bell the rest of the way through.
150 box jumps – switched every ten. My first two sets were unbroken. Middle few sets were step ups, but with Vince and Malcom’s encouragement I jumped up the last 3 or 4 reps of each set. The last set was all jump ups.
I guess I didn’t have too much of a strategy, beyond recognizing that I was working with Vince, who is a beast, and telling myself not to slow him down too much.
I was happy with my burpees. The last few were a bit of a struggle, but my endurance is way up from where it was when I started all this in June.
Kettlebells were brutal. As Dave and Malcom saw, I’m still basically lifting the bell with my arms. Thanks guys for the pointers – the movement still needs a lot of work.
Box jumps were decent. I was happy in that when I was jumping, I was stringing the jumps together, rather than jumping down, reseting, and jumping back up. So there is progress there.
Total time 17:25.
Leo and I partnered up for this madness.
Time: 11:05
We did a brief accounting of our strengths. Leo’s faster with kettle bells, I can cycle the box jumps. Burpees, well, they’re burpees. We decided that pacing was going to be important, so instead of doing 10 each, we did 1 each and alternated. That allowed us to keep a good rhythm going.
So we decided he’d start the burpees, that would allow him to be on the kettle bell first, knock out 5 reps. Then we’d alternate 10 and 10.
That would leave the last 10 KB’s in his court, leaving me poised to start the box jumps as soon as he was done.
Alternating those in sets of 10 worked and then we hit the 120 where I paid the 5 kettle bell debt with 20 box jumps.
The strategy worked out well, allowed us to keep the intensity high, without draining ourselves for the next set.
Good working with you Leo!
We’ll miss you Grant! But don’t worry, we’ll be visiting you in Hawaii. Looking forward to surfing with the tiger sharks…
Humm, there is no positive spin I can put on my performace today. Felt like doing a long burner, but there wasn’t enough space to do Linda and couldn’t think of anything else, so I decided to see if I could regain my 405 deadlift. Ugh, no. It’s gone. Failed many attempts at 365, only getting 2 up and the second one slipped out of my grip after a fight to bring it up. Mind you, I did a set of 3 at 400 and hit 405 on 4 different occasions about a month ago. So that completely sucks. Left feeling like I hadn’t done anything, which was mostly true.Later went to the Y. I must confess, at this time I was rather exhausted after having a great time walking around Greenwood Cemetery for a few hours in the heat, but I wanted to try to pull a few db bench presses to feel like I’d really done something. Needless to say, this backfired when I failed both attempts with the 90 lbs db’s, after pulling a successful set of 3 30 days ago. Then I got a text message and had to leave.So apart from the warm up workout, I did 2 deadlifts at 365 and 4 db bench at 80 lbs. Not something to write home about.
this was pretty good. felt my burpees get a TINY bit better than they’d been before — a TINY bit, which isn’t say too much, but i’m happy with the gradual progress. and i used a slightly heavier kettlebell, which was good. box jumps got a little scary since i’m pretty sure that effed up my lower back the other week, so mentally i got a little freaked out, but ariel jumped in (harr) and saved us. i think our time was 20:16. noice.
Charlotte and I did 23:06. Our strategy went something like 10 burpees each, then alternating Charlotte 30 KB swings and me 10-15 or however much I could manage (1 pood = heavy!), then us each doing around 25-30 box jumps each. Loved the WOD but did not enjoy overheating and dealing with a monster 2 hour long headache/aches/chills after class. Need better heat management strategy because I reckon it’s only going to get hotter!
Joe already mentioned our time @ 17:25. Did MOSTLY American swings with SOME Russian thrown in there (not on purpose.) Need to work on my swings. Burpees and box jumps felt comfortable. Great to see the progress Joe has made from foundations in June til now. Pretty impressive. Keep it up!!!
Worked with Malcolm today, which was great.The Pullup, ball toss, reverse sit up, forward roll were a great warm-up.
Main WOD16:39 as rx’d. Malcolm I think you had 15:39 on the board, whatever it was–add a minute.
I wouldve liked 15:39 much more, but still I’m trying to remember where we lost time. I know we werent going to be in the 11s with Jeremy, Edgar, Leo, and Dan–but I wouldve guessed 13-15 minutes since we pretty much went through everything without an break.
4-5 minutes on the burpees4-5 on KB swings5-6 on BJs
That wouldve put us around 14:30-15:00
where am I miscalculating? Where do you remember us being slower than our estimated time? Im thinking maybe box jumps?Still, if we took 20 seconds each –we’d be at about 5 minutes there.I remember Shane gave us a warning a time update at some point but have no clue what it was and where we were at.
Partner WOD with Adam 20:23Burpees in sets of 5, KB swings and BJs in 10s.
Not sure why this took so long, I thought we went pretty steady, cycle time for burpees obviously not very fast for us bigger types. KBs and BJs felt pretty solid though. Adam, way to switch to the heavier KB after the first set, nice job!
partner WOD with Alec. i really like the partner wods.burpees in sets of 10kb swings sets of 10/15box jumps sets of 10
i also really liked that the WOD was not posted this morning. walking into CFSBK not knowing what david had programmed for us was fun.
acc wk was great also. isometric pull ups in particular.
cool down..foam rollerrowhand stand
Shawn I really think it was 15:39. When Shane first called it out he said 13:39 which I was astonished by but he corrected himself a moment later. I then wrote it on the board immediately. So I think that is why you are confused on where the time went. Though I definitely need to be doing more burpies, mine used to be better than this.
Hung around and took photos afterwards which was fun, and then went to brunch with a bunch of folks and then headed back to the lyceum for some heavy single deadlifts. Did 225, 255, 285, 310(PR and double body weight), 316F, 316F. Sameer talked me into doing 316 instead of 315 because his PR is 315 and I wanted to beat him, but then I failed. I now understand what an evil genius he is, he knew I could have done 315, but that extra pound meant I am still behind him….
Warm-up was fun. Nice to see Jeremy!
Partner WOD: 18:53Margie and I broke things into 10/15/15, but we didn’t think through the kettlebell sets well, so wasted a bit of time in the middle trying to figure out if we’d done enough. Next time we’ll be more strategic.
Did 3x20sec ring supports, kept my hands externally rotated and my arms spread from my hips by about 4 or 5 inches.
10 full range of motion GHD sit-ups.
Handstand practice and kipping practice.
Post-dee-licious-Brunch came back to do a set of max effort deadlift – I wanted to have a baseline for the next strength cycle.(75×3, 105×3, 145×1) 165,185 (pr),195 (pr), 205FThe 205 barely came off the floor but I couldn’t stand up with it. I hope to get at least 205 in the next strength cycle.
Thanks Sameer for excellent form pointers on my deadlift!
great time today. awesome working out with matt. good times on the warmup and then the evil wod.
tamar screwed us all at brunch by not ordering the steak and eggs!
also had some fun with jumping muscle-ups, really saw how much harder the high rings are than the low rings. A good deal of handstand practice, and some iron cross and skin the cats … also a few ring dips. i ordered a pair of rings for my week long rafting trip through the grand canyon. they seem like a nice lightweight addition to my gear. I think we are supposed to pack light so I think I will be packing three t-shirts, three shorts, 1 long shirt, 1 pants, 1 flannel, and rings.
for beach next weekend i will email my building-mate who I think owns a bar or something on the jersey shore.
sorry!!! i have to keep my red meat and my chicken byproducts totally separate. :< again, i apologize. but nice brunching/ siesta-ing with you guys!
Damn, I missed deadlifting with the after brunch crew… Would have liked to shoot for a new PR. Last time I was hitting 405×3. Wonder if that would get me over my current PR of 415.
We were talking about Eliminating touch and going during the multiple sets. Will have to try that next time. Clearly getting a little bounce makes it much easier… Guess easy’s out, it’s all about making it more challenging now.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s workout.