Post loads to comments.
compare to (5×5) 7.9.09 and (5×3) 5.20.09
Accessory Work
Sprint 220m, 5 attempts
This is a partner workout. After your first attempt, we will stagger start the difference in times between you and your partner. If you start the run, don't get caught!
Friends of the program, Dutch and EC
The Quick and the Deadlifts, CF Games WOD 2 Follow up CF Journal free article
Usain Bolt runs 200m in 19.59
Bangor, PA Cliff Jumping
Is that our next outing David?
Usain Bolt 9.79 100m on rain soaked track from Paris (yesterday).
hahha wow
front squats:185, 205, 225×2, 225×2, 220
the last rep of 220 was a hell of a fight, maybe the closest I’ve ever been to failing and then making it. felt great afterwards though.
sprints: 44s, 41s, 40s. thanks for the tips charmel and leo!
I’ve spent a LOT of time at the quarry in the Bangor, PA cliff jumping video.
I would love to go again if anyone is interested. It’s very illegal and somewhat dangerous, but most worthwhile things are. The highest jumps are in the 120ft range I believe. A couple kids died there and they amped up security around the easiest entrances a lot so it’s a lot tricker to get in these days.
I miss that place so much.
Today was fun.
squats 45, 95, 135 warmup155,165,175,185×2,185×1,175×3
Good working with Sameer who did most of the same weight 5×5. It really pushed me. Working with someone a level above really helps sometimes-especially since Sameer helped with coaching those elbows up./
Sprints were also awesome. 220 is a little too long for my taste. I think 120-150m would be better, but it wasnt so long that I was dead at the end like if I ran a 400.
34,34,37,38. Im Good for about 150m, the last 70 I just hit a wall and am basically walking.
I wonder what Mr.Bolt would hit on our Union St. Hill. Im guessing 21 and change.
Whats the highest you ever jumped David? Im pretty much afraid of heights. Ive gone toa few high ropes courses and it takes me forever to jump off the 30-40 foot high tree wih a full harness.
A few years ago one of my boys got married in Jamaica and we went to this random tourist bar/restaurant where people dive off cliffs.
Guys were climbing up trees on top of the cliff and diving off. Im not sure how high it was but it looked nuts.
here’s a better video,I guess the top of the tree is 150 ft according to the sign.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABJIind9JLs&NR=1
WOD Front Squats 3×5(45×5 95×5 135×4)155 175 195 205x2felt pretty good, but again didn’t want to push it as far as the leg was concerned. elbows and back position finally coming together.
Acc Wk – nice one.sprints 220m40, 37, 38first time in a long, long time to sprint let alone run. not bad, but again didn’t want to push it too hard.
great to see everyone back from the games.
Front squat: (45×5,65×5,85×3)115×3,125×3,145×1 (this was the result of bad bar math… the three of us meant to be loading on 135… so I thought it was 135.) 130×3, 135×2. I think I would have gotten the 135 if it had been in the third position as I intended. I got fairly thrown by how heavy my “135” felt and then how comparatively light it felt to back off to 130 in the next set. It made a lot more sense once we realized the “135” was really 145, but by then I was fairly tired.
Sprints were a bit long for me, even though I think they were shorter than the ones other people did – we weren’t sure of the course when we went out. We ran the Lyceum side of union, starting from that black fence and stopping at the fire hydrant – so we might have done something closer to 200m? 34:30, 34:28, 33:52. Chasing someone is a great motivator. I need to work on these.
I’m so happy you all are back from California.
Front squats: 135,155,165,175,185(PR).
Felt pretty good though I was having some trouble with knees collapsing.
Sprints 35, 40. Got a pretty bad stitch in my side. I clearly need more sprinting practice, though I was pretty happy how these went given that I didn’t look at the accessory work before coming so I ended up sprinting in my street shoes.
Was playing with jumping muscle-ups and they were feeling pretty easy so I attempted to do one. After a bit of coaching from Charmel I got my first ring muscle-up. Did 4 more singles to prove it wasn’t a fluke.
So who is going to be the next person to join the club…
Started my own personal nutrition challenge today. Basically I am just trying to eat paleo + dairy with one cheat meal a week, generally much less carb and more fat than zone proportions and no restriction on quantity.
The challenge part comes in that I am going to photograph everything I eat for 60 days and post it on http://greateraias.tumblr.com/
hey all — front squats were awesome. Just looked at my records and my previous 5RM pr was 160, back in Jan. (Yeah that was a while ago)
I think my 1RM is 205 or something, so maybe 215/225 or so is a good target.
good times. i was totally destroyed after the last one. It was good to have Shawn on my heels and Cloyde to catch up to on the second one. Beating Shawn on the third was good too. =)
I am in agreement that we should do more shorter sprints. Build up to the 200/400m
Yes, a tad long but a worthwhile run none the less. Ill tinker around on map my run and see what other distances are logistically possible within our urban terrain.
Malcolm,That food looks awesome, everything looks sooooo good.
Shawn, I did the first two jumps in the video, and one other slightly higher. I think 60ft? was the most i’ve done there. All the jumps have silly names. The first one is called “Presidential’ and the second one is called “OZ”. You have to shuffle across a ledge about 1 ft wide almost 30 ft to get to it. If you look down theres a good 50ft drop off into rocks and trees. It’s pretty terrifying the first couple times you go out. The highest one is called “Jesus” this is the one that people died off of. My friend Kristen did it and said it was the scariest thing shes ever done in her life and would never do it again. Theres also a rope swing and usually lots of crazy locals getting drunk and stoned before jumping. I loved that place so much.
I’m on a solid 3 hours of sleep, going to go home and nap I think. Plan on doing this tomorrow.
Great classes today. Rebecca is getting S-T-R-O-N-G. She’s going to compete in the BWI Hopper this year, as are many more of you, even if you don’t know it yet.
hmm, “even if you don’t know it yet.” i suppose i no longer have that excuse? also: not totally sure how impressive 6 push-ups will be in a competition… (although i like to think it’s pretty amazing)
45*5 75*595*3 115*3 125*3 125*3 125*3stayed at 125 to work on my form as per david. last time i didnt listen to him i tweaked my shoulder so im all ears now.sprints 41 37 42. my chest really tightened up on the last 40 meters or so every heat. i ignored it on the 2nd because i heard sameer behind me but on the 3rd i was too gassed.
Here is a video of the aforementioned “Jesus” jump that my friend Kristen did. This jump is definitely much higher than 80 ft. Under 120 perhaps but above 100 i’d say.
David – The food was really good. Super tasty.
But now I am pissed. I had thought my old PR was 165 for 3 at the front squat so I was really happy about 185. But I just looked it up and my old PR was 185.
I should have gone heavier. This is what I get for trusting my memory.
david, that reminds me of my high school years in NC when we used to go bridge jumping, basically jumping off a bridge into a lake. it was nowhere near 100ft though, probably more like 50. still somewhat scary.
plus, there were water moccasins in the lake, which also made it scary. sometimes I am kind of amazed I am still alive.
I sprained my toe. It’s dark purple… bother!
I’m still on my rehab ๐ so had to sub again but it was good because this is the first time in 2 weeks I was able to put any weight on the back. I did five sets of the overhead squat with the 22.5 lb bar, 5 reps each, and then 2 sets of the front squat with the 22.5 lb bar.
Afterwards on sprints, did four at 44, 42, 39, 38. These things were pretty brutal; I was still feeling them hours afterwards.
Laurel: that sounds very painful! Commiserations, get better!
FSQ 5×3165 185 205 225 245
Runs:30.1, 27.7, 26.3I think the distance I ran (or at least I timed myself to) was less than 200 meters.
I started off too low could have went heavier. Sprints were fun. I need to be doing a bunch more of those. My legs are sore today. Despite loading up on yummy cart food at the ballfields in red hook
FS (tried to keep it light), 165-185-195-205-215(fx2).Sprints, ??-??-32 (i misread the timer and reported the millisecond reading of the timer, the first 2 sprints). But that felt really great. I do not know who said this, but; ‘if your glutes ain’t sore, you ain’t doin it right!’
if anyone wants to do more track work sprinting (100-400m stuff). i am going to red hook on tuesday, starting 6:30pm to 7:30pm, work dependent, email me.
FSQ(45×5; 65×5; 85×3)105×3;115×3;120×2;115×3;117×3
These felt heavy today. I can’t seem to find my previous PRx3, but for some reason I thought it was 125.
3 sprints with Laurel, slightly shorter route1)40.632)39.653)39.78
Great work to Laurel and Bethany today – I really enjoyed lifting with you both!
Not super proud of my squats today. A lousy night of little sleep didn’t do me any favors.185, 205x1F, 205x2F, 205x2F, 205x1F
Paul gave a hell of a performance on his last set, very impressive.
Sprints: 39, 36, 38
Sal is fast.
Front Squat: 95, 100, 105, 110, 110x1A great morning of squats and hanging with the ladies. I always walk away from a squat session with Margie with tons of great cues and a solid idea of what to work on next time.
3x 250m Rows:1:00.9:58.6:59.6