AJ cools down on the Erg
Remember that on August 1st Tushar is hosting a CrossFit Movie screening at his apartment. Please email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you are interested in attending. It will be an informal potluck, beer and paleo snacks would be appreciated.
Please remember that even if you're registered with Mind Body Online, you must still sign into the book every day before class.
Jacinto Storm! 09 pictures are up under the Events Photos tab. Check them out!
Do you have someone or something in your life that specifically motivates you to be more fit?
Warm-up:”Christine” 3 Rounds NFT500m Row (~2:00 pace)12 Deadlifts, 135# (all unbroken)21 Box Jumps (all unbroken)
Foam Roll
Front Squat (Taken from floor)95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×1
9-6-3 reps for time of135# Squat CleanStrict Muscle-UpsGHD Sit-Ups
Everything always feels too damn heavy!
Mostly all of you guys motivate me. It shifts from person to person but there’s rarely a day that goes by where I’m not somewhat moved by someone in classes energy. This weekend however, the Games really lit a fire under my ass.
A current lack of health care also motivates me to try and sleep more. Hopefully thanks to Ariel that won’t be the case for much longer!
David, Margie, Juliana, Rob:
So great meeting you all in Aromas! If you’re ever in San Diego, please consider Crossfit Invictus your home away from home. Stephanie can tell you, it’s a pretty nice place!
Margie, check out Mgoodmeals.com to see how Michele is set up. I think you’d be GREAT at doing something like this in your area!
Cynthia in San Diego
I am late to the charlotte is a badass conversation, but I just found out this weekend that my old trainer from phx is pregnant. Yesterday I found her cf pregnancy blog:
Maybe you can give her some tips Charlotte.
Leo motivates me a lot. He was the one who encouraged me to try crossfit after listening to my frustration of plateau’ing alone at the gym. He is a great example to me and I am eternally thankful for his support.
Secondly, all the great athletes i’ve met while attending CFSBK. Not a class goes by where I do not leave inspired by someones strength, skill or sheer determination.
Last, my family. My father passed away at the age of 27 – but lived his life with a strong emphasis on fitness and sports. It has always been a good reminder of the importance of keeping your body healthy, happy and strong. Life is too short to not make the most of it.
Before I met any of you guys I was inspired by my dad. He’s now 62, and after my younger sister was born he gave up smoking and starting training to run marathons. Growing up he played basketball with me after work, woke me up at 5am before work so we could pitch, and supported my athletic endeavors while working 7 days a week.
He himself ran marathons for several years and eventually quit because of recurring achilles and knee issues, but has remained active and goes to the gym to workout almost daily M-F. I recently got him some Fivefingers and he’s been able to start running again.
He’s not doing Crossfit or anything fancy but his commitment to staying in shape has helped shape me. The other person that inspires or rather pushes me to workout is my son, Kamau.
Even though I’m still pretty young and in relatively good shape, I want to stay as healthy as I can so I can introduce him to my favorite sports, and also play along like my dad did.
As I’ve said last week, many if not all of you I’ve met inspire me. Some of you guys are awesome athletes who I will forever be chasing, and some of you have awesome heart, spirit, and passion which also drives me to get better. Many of you have a combination of both.
i want the brat to play sports. i dont know any other way to make sure that happens other than to make her think its cool way before she can think for her self, therefore i crossfit.
Warm Up:3 rnds of 1 minsrow, sit ups and sand bag carry (vary carry for each round)
WOD – push jerk 3×5(barx5, 95×5)135 155 165 185
felt pretty good, but was not dipping enough at the start of the movement. inside leg tweaked after 185 so stopped.
Acc wk10x3ring push ups
5x3C2B strict pull ups
10x3GHD sit ups
My dad’s parents both passing away in their early ’60s, when their lives could’ve just been beginning a new chapter, and several friends and family members who’ve suffered from eating disorders, cancer, and severe depression and who are now in recovery inspire me. Unfortunately not everyone receives the gift of good health, or they have to fight harder for it. People in my life who’ve overcome illness have inspired me not to take that gift for granted and to try to live the healthiest life possible. Also, my fiance, who’s my best friend and my family. I want both of us to live the longest, healthiest lives we can for ourselves and each other. (I hope he doesn’t read this because he’ll be totally embarrassed!)
Warm up:DROMS10 squats3 rnds of 1 min each row, plank and sand bag lunges.
[I LOVED this warmup! I would definitely be into more like this.]
CF Mom workout:30-20-10KB snatches, 1 pood (half each hand)Pullups (assisted w/ green band)Squats
12:23. Snatching 16kg is hard.
Acc work: 15-9-6 NFT of ring rows & DB presses, 20#.
Sameer, Alisha is a SERIOUS badass. (I did NOT look like this pre-pregnancy: http://crossfitphoenix.typepad.com/trainers/) Um, she can do muscle-ups SIX MONTHS PREGNANT. Thanks so much for posting her blog! I’ve added her to my list of things that motivate me to be more fit.
Generally I’m motivated by my own sense of competition with myself–how much farther can I go, I always wonder–and with the examples set around me by the people I train with, both CrossFit and Capoeira, and the bloggers I read. Oh, and most of all by the Olympian I live with. Stubbornest SOB you’ll ever meet when it comes to pushing himself to his maximum physical capacity.
-my wife and kids.-my parents, they haven’t worked out in forever and when they saw cfsbk, they were really really into it. my mom did the teaser and is still doing the movements at home.-the cfsbk community, you all rock. seeing it grow is so frikkin great.-the brilliant cfsbk coaches.-and when events like the CF Games show , it really makes me see what’s possible. that’s a real eye opener.-after i stopped swimming i became really unhealthy. i hit forty, had a kid and knew i had to get my shit together. l started training, going to globo gyms, doing triathlons, even an ironman, but felt i was getting no where or to the level i wanted to reach. finding crossfit, thanks to rob m, is one of the best things that has happened to me. i’m hooked!
The aerial photograph that was taken at the games has the SBK team doing the Stadium workout. ROCK!
My dad’s been on diets ever since I can remember, but has only gotten bigger and bigger, not wanting to end up like that is a big motivation for me. And of course trying to beat David M.
I’m with Charlotte and have that competitiveness within that makes me want to get better and see what I’m capable of. I also get inspired/jittery/pathetically teary-eyed watching things like the Games, Olympics, Ironmans, youtube clips…see? Pathetic. ;).Rob M also introduced me to the CF world, and I’m so thankful he did! I love it!Rob is also a great motivator. He’s great at seeing the potential in people and places like CFSBK and does whatever he can to help realize that.
p.s. We’re still in Sunny Cali and seem to be bumping into Pat Barber daily!
A write up on the games from The Sporting News…http://www.sportingnews.com/blog/the_sporting_blog/entry/view/28281/a_day_at_the_crossfit_games
not sure if anyone has posted this here yet
My motivation to get fit comes from the fact that I’ve been really strong and I’ve been really weak and being weak sucks. I also am lucky to have a young beautiful girlfriend who I have to keep up with.
Oh, and I also want to beat Bjorn and David M.
I’ve been pondering this all day, and I think “being motivated” is something we find in the moment internally, externally, and also in the big picture of our lives.
In the moment, I am deeply inspired by the act of pure effort. It does not matter the outcome, just seeing anyone work hard at something, especially if their motivation is clearly internal, is profoundly moving. That mental and physical energy is infectious.
In general, watching women workout inspires me. Unfortunately, we are still unaccustomed to the site of girls grunting and sweating and making ugly faces, so it feels atypical and sometimes shocking, in a very good way. EC Synkowski, Aimee Anaya, Annie… they blow my mind. As do all the women at our gym.
Internally, I feel motivated by the incredible sense of self-possession I’ve achieved. Getting strong is something no one else asked me to do, nor can do for me. I’ve built this strength and it’s 100% mine.
And finally, our community motivates me. Doing burpees with Erik during Filthy 50 motivates me. The spontaneous support for whoever needs it most motivates me. The fact that we all, no matter how different we are, take this totally ridiculous and important thing called working out seriously is a sweet thing.
My WOD today consisted of brush clearing and hauling crap (being conscious of proper lift technique). I got my pull up bar finally constructed in the garage so I would run to it about every 15-20 minutes and do 15 pull ups (total for the day ~ 160). Then two hours of Capoeira.
Motivation:-My family; Wanting to be healthy and around for as long as possible.-Knowledge; Of myself, my body, my strengths, weaknesses, my limits…and how to keep pushing them.-Post work out high.-All you bad asses.
Initially my motivation was to be fit enough to do all the things I love. Play baseball, hike the back country, shoot hoops with the neighbor kids, mountain bike, play Tennis, etc..
I shake my head when I hear people say “I’m too old for that”. That I can tell these people stories of my Father and 7 world series rings after he turned 45. Stories of Jacinto finishing the NYC marathon barefoot. Staying young through fitness. This makes me work harder. I want to be out doing and having fun for a long time.
But now, after more than a year Crossfiting something else has emerged. I am motivated by David and proud to have been a small part of what he has done with CFSBK. I have found a coach who, through consistent, steady and patient instruction; now has me in the best shape of my life.
We all talk of the community. What David has created and fostered here is very rare. That none of us take it for granted – rarer still. As the community motivates me, at the center is coach. Nothing else has spilled over into so many other facets of my life and affected so many other people around me like CFSBK.
Thanks David.
Yeah Alisha’s a total badass. =) I am excited to be visiting them in August. I haven’t seen them in more than a year. But still, you’re a serious badass too Charlotte.
Today CF Games chipper wod at CF gotham.
Cleans: 115Thrusters: 95Dumbells: 30
Everything else as rx’d
I got the full 15 muscle-ups! That was awesome. The Gotham rings are easier because they hang from a lower support… but I’m sure having done 18 muscle ups today (including warmup) on the low rings will make doing muscleups on the tall rings at SBK easier.
I am motivated by a simple hypothesis – most people, no matter how fit, are no where near genetic potential. I suspect this is true for most things, physical and mental. As soon as I realized this I also realized that while I had always given full outlet to my intellectual curiosity I had virtually ignored my body. Without rigorously considering it I had implemented the view that mind was important and body was something you maintained in order to have more time to live.This view dovetailed perfectly with a low-fat, low-calorie nutritional schema which suggested that thriving was a matter of consuming less food and less energy. An idea exemplified by CRON (Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition), which I was interested in – these are people who are attempting to implement the extreme calorie restriction used in lab animals in order to extend their lives. Superficially it seemed sensible and to my view of the world fantastic – what could be better than a very long life. It wasn’t until I took the time to read the studies and anecdotes of the people living this way that I changed my mind. In mice CRON results in depression and lethargy, in humans the documented side effects are loss of ambition, muted moods and disinterest in sex.Once I began to engage with the question of what I should do with my body I realized I had no idea. I had never worked out, and never set a goal for myself to achieve some tangible physical change in my body. I was physically weak and had never considered that this might be my fault as opposed to the natural result of the biological lottery. Once I engaged with these questions it was obvious from the literature that came across Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome model.I now just really want to find out what my genetic potential is.
I really get off on sweating females-am I sick?
Some great posts here. Margie, I like the point you make about effort. As a kid, I never really had to work very hard at anything, so the realization that you achieve things bit by bit through steady effort is fairly recent for me, as obvious as it is for most people.
And Brian, I totally second your thoughts about this community and David in particular.
Margie and Malcolm eloquently covered most of my reasons, plus I have that internal competitiveness mentioned by Charlotte and Anne.
In addition to these things, I am driven by my experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). I’ve recovered to a point where people are surprised to hear that I ever had such an illness, but it is still very much on my mind. Every time I put up a big weight or complete a workout I wasn’t sure I could do, I feel this extra little bit of satisfaction because it feels like beating back CFS just that little bit more. I never want to be in that condition again.
I agree with Brian – thanks David.
I’m with Jack.
things that motivate me to get fit-tired of being fat-Tiffany’s (my girlfriend) constant positive reinforcement…and sex-playing rugby this fall-beating my training partner/arch-nemesis David McWang-everyone at CFSBK…obviously, but especial David O, he’s fucking awesome.
I am a little late to this one with the craziness at work, but wanted to chime in all the same.
What motivates me most of all is power. I had a couple of times in my life where I didn’t have the power to control my situation. A lot of things in life takes both physical strength and mental strength and being in a situation where I had neither was something I vowed I would never let happen again. I got good at the mental and emotional strength part but the physical strength not so much until I started running and then doing triathlons and marathons and then eventually stumbled into Crossfit. What motivates me most of all and alot of times when I am standing over a lift and trying to emotionally prep myself for it I remember a woman I met at a battered womens shelter I worked at. She came in one rainy night and hadn’t been outside in the rain in the 20 years of her marriage. Her husband never let her do simple things and as I came to learn he had done things like stapled the window shades down so she couldn’t even see outside. I spent 3 months with her re-exploring life outside of that imprisonment and seeing all the healing and recovery she was making for herself and for the 3 kids she had in tow. Several months later after she left our program her husband found her, took her home and killed her.
So when i need motivation on being strong and being healthy and not getting too caught up in not being the best at a lot of the physical challenges crossfit and the world throws at me, i remember her and keep going through it. That woman motivated the heck out of me when we did Barbara for Erik’s birthday and again on Jacinto’s WOD.
and for what its worth, i’m with Jack too. 🙂
Jenna, Jack, and Gabrus: two points for honesty!