As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
10 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb
10 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood
10 Pull-ups
Post rounds to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
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CFSBK vs. CFNorCal "Jackie" Photo set!
Can You Get Fit in 6 Minutes? NYTimes
6 rounds even. this one hurt at 7AM.
Nice looking WOD today.
I already got a nice warmup in since my school got an unexpected curbside delivery of 16 100 pound boxes that I had to do most of the heavy lifting for.
warm up5 rnds5 thrusters5 K2E
acc wkfoam roll
WOD6 rounds + 22 reps. rx’d. a great one.
From the comments section on the “Fit in 6 minutes” article:
17. June 24, 20092:18 pm
LinkI replicate intense workouts by filling up my bathtub and jumping in and out of the side of the tub. The water splashes all over, but it also acts as a source of huge resistance. I do this before going to work in the morning, and it is an energizing way to start the day.
WOD as Rx’d9 rounds + 10 pull-upsThe pull-ups and wall balls went fairly quickly. I had to gather myself though before each time around with the 2 pood KB swing.
lol im cracking up at work at the image of that workout margie. Would one do that workout Naked or with Swim gear? Who cleans up the water afterwards?
what! michael jackson just died. what?!?!
I’m still sick. I miss the Lyceum. I’m not punking out again.
Just watched Every Second Counts and I’m psyched about training tomorrow.
Awesome designed workout David.I enjoyed it as much as you can enjoy one of these things. Happy my kipping pullups are coming together. towards the end of teh workout I let go of the bar and all my weight came down on the edge of a box (on the arch of my foot). Right now its really sore–I am gonna ice it down and HOPE its good to go by Saturday. Id hate to be out because of this.
Great work by everyone today.
It was really humid in the Lyceum.
7 rounds even. 14lb ball @ 8ft and 16kg kettle bell. this WOD was not fun.
oh yea..i got 6+25 reps
20 lb ball, 1.5 pood KB., Pullups no band.
almost as RX, no way I can do 2 pood KB right now–I think its about half my weight.
Went C2B for this one, rx’d otherwise.
7 rounds + 10 wallball + 1 KB swing
Shoulder still not 100%
KB swings weren’t terrible. Grip was fried for the pullups.
Pullups were challenging, couldn’t cycle them. Getting better at just getting clavical to bar, as opposed to stomach.
Wallball was the easy part; never thought I’d say that!
I went to Crossfit Grand Rapids tonight. They have a smaller space but very nice! It was me and two other guys. The box is still pretty new and growing. David, it made me realize how big (and great 🙂 our regular crew is!
WOD:4 rounds for time:400m run1 Handstand push-up5 pull-ups8 burpees
My HSPU were with feet on box jump and 3 45# plates, back straight, butt out.
Good workout…except for the near 90 degree weather. Ouch! Although, it’s nice to finally have it feel like Summer in June.
My mom came with me to watch. 🙂 Looking forward to showing her SBK someday!
Tabata SquatsLow Round: 13(Foundations)
Thanks to everyone in a great class. See y’all in level 1.
6 rounds + nothing
1 poodgreen band14lb
Accessory work: humped 4 of the wall thingies up from the basement w/ Chris beforehand and rowed 750 meters after.Time to go to 20lbs. on the medicine balls and 20k on the kettlebells. Still can’t do pullups for crap.Thanks to Andy for the pullup encouragement. Fun day.
7 rounds exactly: 14lb wall ball, 1 pood kb, un-assisted (but alas, not C2B) pull-ups.
accessory: 1k row at an ever slowing pace. Brian and I were wanting to be out in real boats.
Sal was amazing.
Didn’t do the WOD today due to extreme muscle fatigue/soreness from Wednesday, and was a little afraid of injury.
I wanted to do something though so I played on the power rack pullup bar. Got a bar muscle up! And just to prove I could do it I managed one more.
Really happy about this.
Bench Press 5×190, 95, 100, 105PR, 110PR (for fun – 115f)So close to bodyweight!
WOD14# WB40# DB7 rounds plus 10 WBs
slow row
It was such a treat to have Clea as my bench and workout buddy today!
Congrats Malcolm – that is badass!!
I’m off to Cali, but I’ll be checking in on the blog – of course. See you all post Games!Much love.
Warm-upNot enough RowingNot enough Foam RollingNot enough Squats and push-ups
WB/KB/PU WOD7 Rounds plus 10WB/10KB as rx’d
This WOD totally made me it’s bitch today. I was hurting pretty bad after round 4. I also committed to doing almost all my pull-ups butterfly which slowed me down somewhat since I couldn’t string more than 4 together. I was happy that ALL my Wall Ball Shots were a good 5-8″ above the metal grate on the window making them uber legit. While not stoked on today’s performance, I liked this workout and look forward to doing it again.
Highlights:David Mak Banging out pull-ups like a veteranRebecca going for it with the 1 pood bell.
RIP MJ!!!!!
6 rounds+10 pullups and 3 wbs
Free Labor warm up of carrying those wooden platforms up from the basement (great place to cool down, by the way)Little bit of the ol’ foam roller lovin’.
KB/PU/WB7 rounds plus 7 KB1.5 pood KB, 20lb wall ball, kipping PUGreat workout, felt good up to 3rd round and then hit the wall of slowness.Post work out 1000m row @ Shane’s prodding. Very slow cool down.Thanks to all for the great energy and Shane for the direct motivation.
Tabata squatslowest round – 11
Thanks for a great foundations class David! And see everyone in level 1.
14# medicine ball1 pood KBgreen band pullups
7 rounds + 5 WB shots.
I am CRAP at wall ball. And yet somehow I find myself not very motivated to practice them….
Thanks Malcolm for the band assists–congrats on the MU!!
3 Rounds and 10 WB, 10 KB@1,5pood and 6 PU. (No, it’s not a typo.)
If I knew how to curse in English, I would have done it in every single second of the 20 minutes. This WOD was unexpectedly tough and I can’t come up with any excuse for my bad performance. Help, I’m weak!