High Bar Position
Post loads to comments.
compare to 6.14.09 and 4.13.09
Accessory Work
1 one-arm kb clean to 1 kb jerk to 1 overhead squat (right/left)
2 one-arm kb cleans to 2 kb jerks to 2 overhead squats (right/left)
3 one-arm kb cleans to 3 kb jerks to 3 overhead squats (right/left)
You don't put the bell down at all – any rest is going to be done in the rack and overhead positions. This complex is a variation of the clean and squat combo that Dan John introduced in the thread Kbell Dbl Clean to Dbl Front Squat.
There were some really great WOD ideas put out by our crew yesterday. Lets see if some of them make it into the rotation..
Why is crummy American Food So Popular in Japan? Slate
Stadion Stretching Info
Make London like Bogota BBC
Crowd sourcing for WODs… nice!
david – is it ok if i bring bratty-pants with me to back squat tonight?
anne or julianna- do you want to tag team mommy with me while we lift?
Tag-Team-Mommy-Lifting sounds fun! Sadly, I won’t be in class tonight, but I do need to meet little Bratty-Pants.Heading to Michigan for the weekend. See everyone next week!
BSQ 1-1-1-1-1 on Tuesday morning245-265-285-305(F)-300(pr)Thanks to Andy for spotting and pushing me. This was my first squat training with weightlifting shoes. Definitely a little different feel, but I think they’ll help me in the future.
Nicole – I’m happy to fill in for Anne tonight.
Thanks Laurel – but all that and i dont think im going to make it tonight because i dont want to get caught that far with the kid in the rain. oh well.
well – that didnt work out too well. thanks for looking after her shane, brandy, david and everyone else.
Warm up Thrusters and Knees 2 Elbows. 5 rounds of 5 reps of each. Did with 20 lb kb because I thought we were going to be warming up an then going heavier. Want to make all thrusters heavier so I can do Fran as Rx’d when it comes.
Back squat (High Bar)(Warmed up with 45,135,185)215,230,345,250(PR),260F.
Felt really good.
Did the wod with a 35lb kb. 6 rounds on each arm.
Everything felt really good today (other than the Jerks but I switched to push presses).
5 rounds of 5 X knees to elbows and 5 X 30lb dumbell thrusters.
Back squat:165 X 3, 185, 195, 205(PR), 215(F), 215(F), 210(F)
KB clean to jerk to squat ladder: 6 rounds.
The 215 felt like I could get it after the first fail but I just wore out. The last 210 I had nothing left.
The KB progression I couldn’t squat with the KB overhead so I did the squat with the KB in the rack. My shoulders will be more loose someday!
Great time working out with Bjorn on the warm up and Paul and Richard on the rest, thanks for the great motivation.
Five rounds of 5 DB thrusters @15lbs and 5 knee-to-elbows.
High-bar backsquat: warm up (45×5, 45×5, 65×5, 85×3, 105×3)125,135,145,155,160 – the 160 was ugly, sheered sideways toward the left leg and ended up standing up from there.
8kg kb for the clean/jerk/OHS ladder. Got six rounds.
Very pleased that my shoulders could handle the work today – thanks to Deb and Alec.
225, 245pr, 250f, 250f, 235
I was kind of hoping for 250 but I’ll take any PR I can get :).
165,175,185,195,210(fail),200It was a record breaking day, but its really the 1st time ive ever max squatted the right way.
I felt really good going into the 210. I think I can get it if I dont Psyche myself out. I end up taking the bar off the rack and thinking too much about how heavy it feels on myback before I get to squats.
Really was able to explode quick out of the bottom position today.
Unfortunately I missed the KB workout cause I had to go make my CSA pickup by 8PM. Maybe Ill try it tomorrow.
I was having trouble with getting the KB up without banging the heck out of my wrist/forearm.
235, 245, 265F, 265F, 265F, 255
I really felt I should have managed the 265, especially on the first try.
After class, I saw Charmel getting ready to row so I figured a quick 500m might be fun. I was greatly mistaken about his intentions.
Round 1) 3 min row, 1 min restRound 2) 3 min row, 3 min restRound 3) 3 min row, 1 min restRound 4) 3 min row, 3 min restRound 5) 3 min row, 1 min restRound 6) 3 min row
Rounds: 755m, 744m, 772m, 770m, 771m, 776mTotal: 4627m
I was pleased with how close all my rounds were and also managing to get the most distance on the final round.
damn that looks fun Erik and Charmel
Warmup with David Mak: 30 lbs dumbell thrusters/knee to elbows 5x5Knees are getting a bit closer to elbows.
HBBSQ w/Adam and Andy:235×1 245×1 253×1 273×1 293f 293x1First bsq singles ever, very pleased to get the last one, even though it wasn’t pretty. Thanks to A&A for pushing.
1 pood KB for the ladder, 5 rounds and 3 reps on the right side.
Awesome class all around, glad to be home.
Great to be back at Crossfit.
Still feeling the effects of last week’s flu.
KB Accessory work was fun. demonstrated a huge imbalance on my left side. Got up to 6 reps each side before tapping out.
low bar(45x5x2; 65×5; 85×3; 105×3)125,135,145,155f,155,160f160 is current PR. Not a lot of willpower
accessory with 1 pood. Got to 4 reps – stopped mostly because the jerks were hard and the mental fatigue/boredom got to me.
w/u5 rounds of 5 20lb thrusters and 5 K2E
High Bar Back Squats (thursday AM)255-275-295-315F-305stopped before fourth set to (ahem) go to the bathroom, lost focus.
then did thursday nights workout, but I won’t post a spoiler. ENJOY!
Nicole, your lil one is sooo cute! Glad I finally got to meet her.
Back Squats Low Bar sin energy…
145, 155, 165, 175 F not deep enough, 170 F not nearly deep enough. I was on a major sugar crash this evening….mental note say no to sweets 3 hrs before wkouts it SUCKS to fight through the crash.
Whoo…I’m just getting started! Stuck around w/ J, Erik and Charmel for CFE rowingtotal distance 5 rds 3287(i messed up and only programmed 5 intvs not 6) Lowest intv 638, hightest 668…whew….DONE (there is a reason these wkouts are supposed to be done 3hrs before or after CF wkout)
Hi Bar BSQ295,305,315,325,335(f)335pr Failed because I wasn’t focused starting out.
CFE interval rowing wod w Erik, Brandy and Juliana. Hard, but so so good. Total distance 4667m
High Bar Squat:115, 120, 125, 130, 135