For time:
Row 1000 meters
45lb Thruster, 50 reps
Pull-ups, 30 reps
Scale Thrusters to 35lbs and Pull-ups to Jumping Pull-ups if necessary.
Post time to comments
compare to 12.20.08
Next Month's Challenge vs. CF NorCal:
Back Squat 1-1-1
Let's see which gym can move the most weight with three attempts at a 1RM! Individual bests and a group total will all count for the prize of strongest gym in the world! (Or at least the gym with the highest squat totals, between the two of us..)
Steroid Testing CrossFit Games
Jackie at Crossfit Budapest/Budapest Barbell: 11:29
Fucking pullups. Row was 3:35, not too many breaks in the thrusters, but pullups are my goat, started strict with a band, after 10 switched to jumping. The locals, who had shouted encouragements before, gazed at the floor in disgust.
You guys will do better! Destroy NorCal! Aaaargh!!!
Thanks to Coach Attila for his hospitality.
Saddle up CFSBK!
where Brooklyn at?!
Wish I could be there. Still sick 🙁
sorry to be missing this. see you all soon.
11:40 – jumping pull-ups, 35 pound thrusters. A fun morning!
9:08, as rx’d. as tough as this was, I felt I could have gone a bit harder on the thrusters and not broken them up so much.
13:10 as rx’d
Yeehaw! I like this workout!
I felt pretty special to be coached by Nick on the rowing and C2Brandy on the pullups!
This was a great day. Hope to you all later at the potluck!
11:36 as rx’d
I liked this WOD!!The competition is a great idea. Fun to have all the nerves lingering in the air.
Great job CFSBK!
yo. Looks like most of the video i took didn’t work. still figuring out this new phone. so my plan of making a little video won’t work. i’ll still upload the raw footage to facebook, just because.
jackie: 9:10
I’d set a 8:00 target, which really was fairly unreasonable, 9:00 was a more reasonable target to reach for. I was on track, with 10 pullups to go at 8:30, but my grip was going fast so I couldn’t knock out the last ten in one set. Row went really well at 4:05, thanks to Brandy for some good strategy on that one. Felt like I could move from the row to the thrusters without too much difficulty but still managed a fairly respectable row time.
12:25 I just missed the top 20 cutoff which is a good thing for our gym, but a little disappointing for me.
Still very happy I did it RX but…pullups…argh.
I basically had to go the whoel way doing singles and that hurt my time.
I think after thrusters I was probably around 7 minutes. so ittook me about 5 and a half minutes to do 30 pullups. Im finding that Im pulling a lot more with my biceps than my back and lats, even with the kip (at least thats what burns the most).
After I caught my breath I practiced some more pullups and I think I may be onto something. We’ll see.
As usual thanks to everyone for all teh support–and great job everyone of pushing each other.
Looking fwd to potluck –want rain to stop…
btw I plan to bring Garlic Roasted Kale.
12:55 as RX’d
i did 30 singles on the pullups. Which absolutely fried me and my time.
I definitely dig the competition aspect. I am looking forward to Back squat, where I might actually be able to help with the score.
10:40 as RX’d. Next time sub 10. Went out really gentle with the row, then went all out in the first set of thrusters and screwed myself up. Should have just shot for sets of 10. I am not used to the pacing stuff…
Internal temperature is currently hovering around 120. Just ten degrees to medium rare perfection!
8:35 as rx’d.
Leo’s encouragement helped. I felt that was a pretty good effort. I’m calling it a good workout based on how wrecked I felt afterwards.
Also, if we’re doing 3 backsquats, why not up the ante and do a Crossfit Total. Everyone love the deadlift, and I mean EVERYONE.
Had a great time watching everyone rock this workout! Amazing job all around.
Props to Josh for going Rx’d (and stopping to get a sip of water) and also to Ryan who held nothing back.
Brandy with here C2B pullups, watching Nick kill the row and the thrusters and give everything on the pullups.
Watching Nick and Charlotte burn off a little extra energy with some Capoeira in the corner.
Overall a great day!
Seeing everyone put so much effort in makes it hard to just watch…
So did little pieces of Jackie…
Row’d 500m at a 1:40 pace.Then did 50 unbroken thrusters.Then a few C2B pullups, but was yelled at enough that I stopped.
Am looking forward to making this up in the very near future. Until then, reassemble #5…
Wanted to say thank you to every single member who came out today. You each gave it your all during your workout and then turned right around and helped your fellow CFSBKers. Each athlete had someone by there side during every single heat. You guys make it an honor. Charmel thanks for being my fellow timekeeper.
Nicole, i know you want me to say something mean but i just can’t today. sorry!
Thanks for those who cheered David and I on. I felt alright coming off the row, thought I was doing alright coming off the thrusters and just GASSED on the pull-ups. Thanks for keeping my head in the game guys
9:36 Rx’d. Time to go to work.
Here is a photo of the score board.
Now we wait and see how Norcal did…
7:40 as Rx’dDid the row in 3:24Thrusters: 30-20 (I think)Pull-ups: 9 then all over the boardI felt good until I hit the pull-ups. I think I can cut a bit down on my time working more on connecting my pull-ups.
10:40 with strict chin-ups
3:50 on rowthrusters 20-10-10-10pullups all over the placeHad more rehearsal this morning so attempted this one on my own this afternoon. With my grip messed up kipping pullups have been out of the question. Fun wod!
Jackie – 9:30 rx’d
Nice workout, I paced too conservatively througout. I could’ve gone harder on the first 2 tasks. Ultimately though, stringing pullups together makes the all the difference. Looking forward to the back squat, and the next date with Jackie.
Great work by everyone today!
Warm-upSome Squats and light DROMS
“Jackie”7:29 as rx’d
Row: 3:55ish?Thrusters: 30-10-10Pull-ups: 20-5-3-2
Pretty happy with this effort. not too painful during it but the second I finished I wanted to saw my arms off. Next time Id like to do the row in 7:45-50 and do the thrusters and pull-ups unbroken.
going to tabulate our scores.. I heard from Nicki at Norcal and they put up some LOW numbers. 5 guys went below 7:00…
GREAT WORK EVERYONE!! Awesome energy at the Lyceum today, really electric.
I second the motion to replace squat with CFT, which we haven’t done in a while :).
just got back from the Potluck.
AMRAP: Malcolm’s roast, Margie’s Egg dish, Leo’s Radish Leaf Soup, Cabbage/Tomato salad, cheeses,squash salad, roasted kale, red wine, fresh cream and strawberries what else?
Oh some pumpkin Pie ice cream from Uncle Louie G’s on the way home!
Even if Norcal beat us at Jackie, I guarantee they can’t cook and eat better than we can!
Hopefully we can do it again sometime.
Charlotte:Fun morning!! Can’t wait to do this one RX’d.4:27 row35# thrusters–5x10jumping pullups10:18.
Nick:3:21 rowThrusters in sets of 10–should have done 15/15/15/5Pullups: ugly singles.9:23 as RX’d. Sub-8 with kipping pullups is in the future…
Very fun coaching Margie!
This was an awesome one.
8:56 as RX’d
About 4:00 on the rowFirst set of thruster was 21, following sets significantly smaller!I got either 13 or 15 on the first set of pullups, can’t remember.
I loved seeing everyone pulling for each other here.
I’m ready to rock the squats next month!!
11:20 RxdI had a great time counting and helping everyone out with their rows and yelling words of encouragement…get on that bar!
Great work everyone!
Gabrus (and Matt): you are absolutely responsible for my amazing (ok, amazing for me, anyway) time today. Thanks!
7:07 Rx’d
Finished the row in 3:44 and actually felt alright. Was awesome having Nick talk me through it. I still however hate rowing.
So sad I couldn’t join you all today! You all kick major ass and your drive, motivation and energy is an inspiration.
13:30-ish Rx’d
Thanks a lot for pushing me through this, Shane.
And many thanks to Margie, Malcom ,and Laurel for the great hospitality last night.
hm blog has not been posted today.
someone is off drinking too much milk.
Annie: 14:45
PR by over six minutes.
14:43. First 10 pullups were Rx rest were all jumping. It was my first time getting on the row machine.