Will we learn how to mhpc and rope climb with an umbrella?
Given how warm it is in the Lyceum, we could all just wear swimsuits and pretend it’s a water park.
Rope climbing!!
So I’m having ravenousness difficulties – today I ate:Breakfast:2 eggs cooked in plenty of butter,2/3 pint of whole milk,1 cup of strawberries,2 tablespoons of coconut butter.
For lunch I had:roughly 4 oz of chicken,1oz cheese,maybe a cup of brussels sprouts and okra,1/2 cup baba ganoush,1 cup mixed berries5-6 tablespoons of whipped cream (no sugar)
how is it that I feel almost lightheaded with hunger? Isn’t this enough food?
Dan Rsays
Will likely miss tonight’s workout — need to be reassembled after aggravating my shoulder doing bench.
Get some more protein in you. you may also need some dense carb sources like sweet potato. I know the state that you are in very well. Yes, it may be a fair amount of food, but your body is building muscle rapidly so it really needs the calories.
Can you get a can of wild salmon and an avocado?
I think we talked about this before–but I have the same ravenous appetite especially when it comes to snacks.
If something is within a short 10-15 step walking distance I will devour it.
Laurel — Had a similar problem this morning — I hadn’t eaten enough yesterday (or slept enough either). I let it go to the point where I wasn’t even hungry anymore, and I paid for it dearly this morning in class when I completely hit a wall/ black hole (in the bad way), and I couldn’t even finish the workout. Sucked.
Greetings from the mile high city! I’m bummed that I am going to miss the rope climbing and the fun times over the weekend, but I don’t get back until Saturday morning and head out to Virginia 36 hours later. I did get a chance to check out Front Range Crossfit here in Denver– site of the Rocky Mountain Qualifier. Skip and Jodi here are great hosts and I am hoping to make it back again tonight if my headache lets up. The altitude definitely made the workout a lot harder– makes you appreciate the advantage that people who train at altitude really do have against the rest of us. Hoping to check out the local affiliate in VA next week as well.
anyway, love from the road and kick ass against NorCal this weekend. I’ll be cheering for you all from the comfort of my bed and the laundromat.
Jenna — where in VA are you going? That’s my home state.
I am back and forth between Sterling and Reston… there are a bunch of affiliates out there. i may try more than one depending on how the week shakes out. tried any of them yet?
No, though I used to live right near Sterling in Ashburn (in a different life). I know some people who do crossfit in Virginia Beach (which doesn’t really help you).
Erik K.says
Do you have a “Jackie” game plan, you ask?
Yeah, kicking crossfit nocal’s ass, that’s my game plan. A bunch of hippies against the fine men and women of South Brooklyn, are you serious? Come on people!
OK, with that said, it’s time for me to go work my coop shift.
Wait, what did he say? Dissing hippies, yet working at the coop? Hello?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a complicated individual. Represent!
67 / 72 / 77 / 82 / 84 (PR)
Rope climbing is fun! Just like I remember from elementary school.
(Excellent work today Shannon!)
erik, we are hippies. accept it. we talk about eggs and nuts and berries. we work out barefoot.
oh –
95, 105, 110, 110 (f), 110
i have a problem not being aggressive with my shrug, im pretty sure i can get another five or ten up if i get it together.
85, 95, 100 (PR), 105f, 105f, 100
Not getting underneath the bar properly so my knees are shooting out over my toes when I catch it.
played around with single full cleans and worked up to 95 and then got tired. a few no feet, halfway up the rope climbs.
185 is a PR for 3 and 195 is a PR for a single. Pretty happy about that. I think I can get 200 for 1 and 190 for 3 next time. Felt pretty rushed as I only had about 16 minutes to do all of this.
Was worried about this today because of the trouble I have been having with my knee so I took the jumps really carefully. Turned out okay.
MHPC 130,140,150,162(PR),170(F).
I did 162 instead of 160 because I thought I weighed 161.5 and I wanted to be able to say I can clean myself. But when I weighed myself today I weighed 159. How I drop 2.5 pounds in a day is beyond me, this is why I only think about moving averages.
Rope climbs were super fun. I enjoyed attempting to get to the top in a L-sit. Got about 4 feet from the top before I had to put my legs down.
Not sure how, but I think I ingested some gluten today and probably over the last few days. grrr. Bother gluten. If I had a genie and three wishes, I’d wish allergies didn’t exist. The worst part is not knowing the source, I’ll have to cut out everything that I ate and wasn’t homemade in the last few days.
I was looking forward to this lift all week! I’ll have to make it up as soon as I’m feeling better.
Thanks for all of the cheering and guidance, Laurel and Sarah! I was nervous about the workout since I haven’t lifted in ages and have never done a clean workout that wasn’t a light-ish weight in the middle of a WOD. So it was fun to put it through its paces and always nice to remember how helpful you coaches are and how much toughness and talent you see in everyone.
x3(62, 67) 72×2 72×3 77 82×1 82×3
Ropes were fun but watching Malcolm do it in an L-sit makes you realize how much farther you can take it. Wow!
Laurel EAT what makes you feel energetic and keep a journal on what you eat.Eliminate the food that robs you of energy.
David Maksays
153X3, 140X2(PR), 145X1(PR), 155X1 (real ugly), 155X1 (even uglier)Felt pretty good but having a lot of trouble getting my elbows up.
Rope climbs are always fun! 1x anchored, 1x overhand and then tried the “Malcolm” but my L was more of an N and only got half way up. Great fun!
NOOOOOO rope climbing.Ill be at work tonight…argh will have to catch next rope climbing session.
Squatting dog!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p88rFB33UJM
(late pass if everyone’s already seen this)
Perfect! I am one day off of my USAW cert. Guess what we did at the cert.
Bring your raincoats and umbrellas to class tonight.
Stupid Rain, Stupid Roof.
I’m so excited for rope climbing! Should I wear pants? Bring gloves? Maybe my rain pants?
Bring boots for rope climbing!
Will we learn how to mhpc and rope climb with an umbrella?
Given how warm it is in the Lyceum, we could all just wear swimsuits and pretend it’s a water park.
Rope climbing!!
So I’m having ravenousness difficulties – today I ate:Breakfast:2 eggs cooked in plenty of butter,2/3 pint of whole milk,1 cup of strawberries,2 tablespoons of coconut butter.
For lunch I had:roughly 4 oz of chicken,1oz cheese,maybe a cup of brussels sprouts and okra,1/2 cup baba ganoush,1 cup mixed berries5-6 tablespoons of whipped cream (no sugar)
how is it that I feel almost lightheaded with hunger? Isn’t this enough food?
Will likely miss tonight’s workout — need to be reassembled after aggravating my shoulder doing bench.
I am pissed that I am missing this for re-shoots for some shit that doesnt even pay.
and I missed yesterday, because I went to the Yankee game, and they lost!!!
sorry to air that here.
Get some more protein in you. you may also need some dense carb sources like sweet potato. I know the state that you are in very well. Yes, it may be a fair amount of food, but your body is building muscle rapidly so it really needs the calories.
Can you get a can of wild salmon and an avocado?
I think we talked about this before–but I have the same ravenous appetite especially when it comes to snacks.
If something is within a short 10-15 step walking distance I will devour it.
Laurel — Had a similar problem this morning — I hadn’t eaten enough yesterday (or slept enough either). I let it go to the point where I wasn’t even hungry anymore, and I paid for it dearly this morning in class when I completely hit a wall/ black hole (in the bad way), and I couldn’t even finish the workout. Sucked.
Greetings from the mile high city! I’m bummed that I am going to miss the rope climbing and the fun times over the weekend, but I don’t get back until Saturday morning and head out to Virginia 36 hours later. I did get a chance to check out Front Range Crossfit here in Denver– site of the Rocky Mountain Qualifier. Skip and Jodi here are great hosts and I am hoping to make it back again tonight if my headache lets up. The altitude definitely made the workout a lot harder– makes you appreciate the advantage that people who train at altitude really do have against the rest of us. Hoping to check out the local affiliate in VA next week as well.
anyway, love from the road and kick ass against NorCal this weekend. I’ll be cheering for you all from the comfort of my bed and the laundromat.
Jenna — where in VA are you going? That’s my home state.
I am back and forth between Sterling and Reston… there are a bunch of affiliates out there. i may try more than one depending on how the week shakes out. tried any of them yet?
No, though I used to live right near Sterling in Ashburn (in a different life). I know some people who do crossfit in Virginia Beach (which doesn’t really help you).
Do you have a “Jackie” game plan, you ask?
Yeah, kicking crossfit nocal’s ass, that’s my game plan. A bunch of hippies against the fine men and women of South Brooklyn, are you serious? Come on people!
OK, with that said, it’s time for me to go work my coop shift.
Wait, what did he say? Dissing hippies, yet working at the coop? Hello?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a complicated individual. Represent!
67 / 72 / 77 / 82 / 84 (PR)
Rope climbing is fun! Just like I remember from elementary school.
(Excellent work today Shannon!)
erik, we are hippies. accept it. we talk about eggs and nuts and berries. we work out barefoot.
oh –
95, 105, 110, 110 (f), 110
i have a problem not being aggressive with my shrug, im pretty sure i can get another five or ten up if i get it together.
85, 95, 100 (PR), 105f, 105f, 100
Not getting underneath the bar properly so my knees are shooting out over my toes when I catch it.
played around with single full cleans and worked up to 95 and then got tired. a few no feet, halfway up the rope climbs.
Then… vast hunger and an unreasonably sore back.
Warm-up:3 Rounds of “Cindy” with Butterfly Pull-ups
MHPC 3-3-3-1-1 (since I missed 5×3)(95×3, 135×3)165×3, 185×3, 195F, 195×1, 200m
185 is a PR for 3 and 195 is a PR for a single. Pretty happy about that. I think I can get 200 for 1 and 190 for 3 next time. Felt pretty rushed as I only had about 16 minutes to do all of this.
One day I hope to be as fast as Richard.
imovie== awesome
my power cleans on youtube
Check out facebook to see Margie and Sal!
Was worried about this today because of the trouble I have been having with my knee so I took the jumps really carefully. Turned out okay.
MHPC 130,140,150,162(PR),170(F).
I did 162 instead of 160 because I thought I weighed 161.5 and I wanted to be able to say I can clean myself. But when I weighed myself today I weighed 159. How I drop 2.5 pounds in a day is beyond me, this is why I only think about moving averages.
Rope climbs were super fun. I enjoyed attempting to get to the top in a L-sit. Got about 4 feet from the top before I had to put my legs down.
Not sure how, but I think I ingested some gluten today and probably over the last few days. grrr. Bother gluten. If I had a genie and three wishes, I’d wish allergies didn’t exist. The worst part is not knowing the source, I’ll have to cut out everything that I ate and wasn’t homemade in the last few days.
I was looking forward to this lift all week! I’ll have to make it up as soon as I’m feeling better.
Great work Sarah and Shannon!
Thanks for all of the cheering and guidance, Laurel and Sarah! I was nervous about the workout since I haven’t lifted in ages and have never done a clean workout that wasn’t a light-ish weight in the middle of a WOD. So it was fun to put it through its paces and always nice to remember how helpful you coaches are and how much toughness and talent you see in everyone.
x3(62, 67) 72×2 72×3 77 82×1 82×3
Ropes were fun but watching Malcolm do it in an L-sit makes you realize how much farther you can take it. Wow!
Laurel EAT what makes you feel energetic and keep a journal on what you eat.Eliminate the food that robs you of energy.
153X3, 140X2(PR), 145X1(PR), 155X1 (real ugly), 155X1 (even uglier)Felt pretty good but having a lot of trouble getting my elbows up.
Rope climbs are always fun! 1x anchored, 1x overhand and then tried the “Malcolm” but my L was more of an N and only got half way up. Great fun!
Wall ball 1/2 Tabata 20 lbstotal reps = 40