Post loads to comments.
compare to 6.03.09 and 4.09.09
Accessory Work
Fun with Box Jumps
Got Bumps?
Much respect to David Mak for doing full "Murph" Lone Wolf style!
Check out CrossFit Montclair Guerrilla Fitness on the "Men's Fitness" Blog!
Adidas Weightlifting shoes for Cheaps! Dynamic Eleiko
Is it the shoes? It's gotta be the shoes NJ Sports Med
One more reminder…
Big BBQ this Saturday, June 13th! Let us know if you need directions. Shoot Rob or I an email, find us on FB, etc. We’ll be firing up the grill by 4pm. All are invited!
Bday WOD for Rob? 🙂
See you then!
3 Rounds For Time:
Eat 1 hotdogDrink 1 beer10 burpees
DQ if you vomit!
Anyone? Anyone??
CFNYC posted this today. I know it’s after the fact, but it’s still useful.
62 x 3 / 67 x 3 / 72 x 3 / 77 x 3 (PR) / 82 x 0
Just couldn’t get that 82 up. Still need to get better form, primarily the aggressive launching up of the bar and dropping down underneath it. Might be that I’m worried about hitting my colar-bone, but David says if I launch it up properly my arms and shoulders will all be there to catch it… something to think through before next time.
great read margie:
65, 75,75 85, 95Bar felt heavy for my grip–but the form and technique is getting better..though still a long way away. Having Adam with me helped a lot.
Stayed after and played around with Malcolm Laurel and Jan (sp?).
After all the crap I ate yesterday I decided to do an IF. I ate a decent meal last night and this is my 1st meal today..yum.
The IF didnt make me feel weak at all…In fact i Just felt hungry with some stomach growling–but I didnt feel any weaker muscle wise.
Not bad–will try to work it in more often
did cleans at the Y.. got lots of weird looks and bad advice from strange men. fun times.
got to 97 lbs, think i can do 100 but couldnt deal with the dude who was talking to me anymore so i left. i’ve never done cleans to failure before but would really like to.
david, do you know when your planing on doing singles? i want to try and be there that day.
105,125,133,143,143Failed at 153 but I think it was in my head. Need to get my elbows around faster.
thanks for the post margie.
MHPChrmph!, muscle cleaning and not getting under the bar at all.
(barx5, 95×5, 135×5)155×3 165×3 175×3 185×1 135×5 135×7
single leg box jumps are fun
2k row 7:40 tried keeping tempo steady
135 155 165 175×2 175 185×1
felt strong up until 185, and then everything just went to shit.
McGrath that’s a great row time! Damn.
(42×5, 52×5, 62×2)72×3, 77×3, 82×3, 87×3, 92×2, 92×3(PR)
got up to 31 or 32 inches on box jump which is about half my height.
My knee was giving me problems when I was stomping for the cleans. It wasn’t really an issue with a light weight, but as soon as the numbers got bigger I started freaking out. The last thing I want is a knee injury. Strangely box jumps and high box jumps didn’t hurt it. I think I just need to let it rest and heal.
Warmed up with (45,45,75,95 all by 5) then opened with 115 which was fine. Jumped to 135 which still felt pretty solid but my knee was giving me some unpleasant and unnerving sensations when I landed. At 145 I started to be scared of hurting my knee and my form fell apart.
Did the decelerations and they didn’t aggravate it at all.
Did a pushup ladder doing +1 each round on thirty second rounds. Completed 13 rounds which is a pretty big PR.
Did box jumps with everyone afterwards. Jan and Jeremy have some pretty huge hops in them.
85, 95, 105, 115, 125×2 – cleans leave me feeling like a cooked noodle. I like them, but it’s a very different kind of tired. I need to work on being aggressive and always letting go of the bar.
Box jumps – I think my max was 41 inches. It’s strange that between one black mat and the next, my brain becomes afraid and I suddenly can’t do it.
cleans: 115/125/125/135/145
felt really good. My form broke down at 145. Previously my form was breaking down at 125. Now I will have to hit MHPC at 135 for a while I think to get the form dialed in further, and then 155 and 165 will be within my reach.
(145 == BW)
Found the gym at the local Navy base and got my MHPC on. Warmed up with 45, 45, 95 (all X5)
115, 125, 135(X2), 125, 125, 130Felt uncomfortable at 135 but I think it’s mental. Very sore today.
felt real good and strong, and my grip was not absolutely dead. Really stoked to do singles.
bummed I missed jumping, I would like to see how high I could get my fat ass.
does anyone find straight cleaning easier than MHPCs? I find starting from the hang to be kind of awkward once it gets heavier.
Paul – yes, cleaning from the floor is a much easier (and ultimately better) movement. The MHPC is more of an assistance lift to really work the shrug and pull underneath the bar.
Ummmm –
Anyone interested in this post-WOD/pre-movie on Sunday????
I was reading the men’s fitness article (first time I have ever written that) and I noticed he said they were doing 48 inch box jumps. I was feeling bad about our box jumps so I went to the guerrilla fitness website and checked the wod for that day. 20 inch box jumps.
I think 48 inch box jumps incorporated in a metcon would result in a lot of bloody shins.
ran the jp morgan corp. challenge last night which was a good race but i would take MHPCs any day! hopefully i can make them up saturday morning.
margie – if i get enough home improvement done on saturday i would venture up there sunday afternoon!
sweet steph! I think we gotta get a crew together so’s we can manage (ie consume) the wide array of ‘cue goodness.
Count me in, Margie!
hmm, devouring copious amounts of pig before watching a film that exposes the horrors of the meat industry. interesting …