5 Rounds for time of
10 Pull-ups
5 Overhead Squats, 115lbs
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Rowing Practice
Gabrus, Leo and Asta warm-up Thrusters
Here's the list of people going to see Food Inc at 6pm on Sunday at Film Forum. Email Margie today (ASAP) if you want to be included, or you can purchase your own ticket online.
Shaun M
Regan and Shane(?)
Check out Sameer's new event, Water Front Wednesdays
I'm starting a new weekly at the Water Taxi Beach Wednesdays! There is going to be some spectacularly awesome music, including Ark from France on our opening night. Check out our web page/facebook for some videos of this guy. He is nuts. Become our 'fan' on facebook. We have special bonuses for people who help us promote to their friends.
Cynthia says
Hey David!
CJ showed me the workout journal you had made. Very cool!
Love the CFSBK logo. I’m waiting for it to warm up so I can wear my tank top that Stephanie brought out for me. (yes, it gets cold in San Diego!)
Cheers,Cynthia in San Diego
tamar says
I just got a DVD screener of Food Inc if anyone would like to borrow.
Shawns says
ugh speaking of food…Today at work there was a board meeting so there was a bunch of pastries and chips….
I fell a victim of free snacks despite eating a bunch of my own healthy food..ugh….
first time ive slipped up in like a month, I already feel sluggish.
paul says
I am running some corporate challenge race thing tonight, but would rather be doing this wod. :(.
David McG says
yes, would like to borrow the screener of FOod Inc. i’ll be at the 6pm class. thanks tamar.
David says
Warm-up:Light Foam Roller, Droms, practice OHS reps
OHS/PU WOD7:48 as Rx’d
Liked this one, 115 sneaks up on you the second round. Forearms a little fried. Looking forward to seeing what people bang this WOD out at later today
Shane says
Warm-upFOAM ROLLIN’ (better than ecstasy)500m Row (10 strong pulls, 10 easy pulls)Catalyst Athletics Warm-up 15 reps of everything (that spiderman lunge is so beyond me right now)
OHS Warm-upClose-grip OHS 2 x515# Bar 2 x 545# Bar 1 x 565# 1 x 585# 1 x 595# 1 x 5115 1 x 3
WOD Rx’d 10:40. Not bad for not OHSing in over a year. Was clipping along until the third set. that’s when the bailing started. Loved this WOD. Burner w/ a high skill component. Forces you to get it together for the OHS or pay for it.
Time for Bench 5 x 5AI Stretch and Foam roll
tamar says
David McG — I’m going out of town tomorrow — I haven’t met you yet, by the way (hi!), but I’ll try to leave it there for you in another week or so. Cool?
David McG says
sounds cool, thanks tamar. good to meet you too.
David says
Warm-up:OHS/Pull-up WOD
Bench Press 5×5(45×5, 95×5)135×5, 155×5, 165×5, 170×4, 170×1
Lost my bar path on that last set and called it.Def. Feeling the OHS fatigue during this.
More Fun with BenchingNarrower Grip: 115x15Hold at the bottom for 5 seconds: 115x5Dumbbells: 40’sx8x2
Okay, thats plennntyyy horizontal pushing for one day.
Sameer Parekh says
Paul: I just saw some emails over here about some corporate challenge running thing. I guess I started here too late to sign up.
David Mak says
I miss Brooklyn.OK, so I couldn’t work out on Monday so I took that as a rest day. Yesterday did Annie subbing 3X jump rope for the DU’s. Due to stopwatch error I have no idea what my time was.Today I did full Murph/20 rounds of 5/10/15 on the PU/Pushup/squats. 54:56.41 My splits (run, every five rounds, run) – 7:03/14:26/24:33/35:06/44:54. This really sucked but I got into the zen of it mid way through.
Malcolm says
David convinced me to do this at 95lbs (I wanted to do 85), and I am glad he did.
9:58. I really really liked this wod. Per the earlier conversation I think this may have been one of my favorites. The matching of the overhead squat with the pullup is great. Makes me want to try Fran, although that one seems a little over hyped.
Laurel says
Went for 42lbs on the OHS because my bad wrist is tender and I don’t want to hurt it. Kipping pull-ups.
My time was 11:something – I’m thinking somewhere around 30 seconds, but if someone else remembers please tell me. My hand ripped part way through and that took most of my attention once I came off the bar for the last time.
I liked this one – I’d like to do it again once I get my wrist sorted.
David McG says
WOD – modified. another fine wod.10 2pd KB swings10 pull ups
gabrus says
first time doing OHS so of course no scaling over here (mistake? I don’t think so)
22:23I was worried that I was going to start cutting into the AM class
Jon ‘as RX’d’ Gabrus
Becky says
Modifications:42 pound overhead squatsgreen band pullups
I liked this workout. I feel like it required a lot of balance.
Jeremy says
3:11 as RX’d
Should have scaled up a touch, the bar was didn’t really have to pay attention to technique much at that weight. It was fun moving fast though.
Sameer Parekh says
I think I sandbagged it today. I really wanted to go heavier than Juliana with 95 pounds but the 95 was feeling too sketchy. So I went with 85 and didn’t push the intensity that high, for a 10:06 time. I should have gone heavier, that would have been better. Oh well.
Note that it is VERY IMPORTANT that you “Become a Fan” of us on Facebook. Thanks!
Erik K. says
Subbed 135 lb Squat Cleans for the OHS
Back started to tighten up into the second round. I’m really getting sick of that excuse. I have no idea how I ever finished Elizabeth the one time I went there.
Still, I like squat cleans.
ShawnS says
Wow Im the 1st to post the workout from the 6/7 o clock?
This workout REALLY beat me up mentally. I think this was one of the toughest overall workouts Ive done because the overhead squats are such a new (foreign) movement to me. That combined with kipping pullups = mental beatdown. It definitely beat me down physically too (especially the pullups) but the squats didnt seem to make me as sore as I wouldve thought considering how hard they were.
ShawnS says
Oh yea..shoutout to Jack, You really helped me get through this one.
Margie says
14:0375# for OHS (80 would have been better)
Used the gymnastic grips which was a mistake since it added thickness to an already too thick bar. I spent most of this WOD looking at the pullup bar.
Then, at Jeremy’s suggestion:Isabel @45#3:34
Finished with5x2 ring dips3x10 situps that Malcolm taught me
Jeremy says
Margie, Isabel was 3:24
David says
Malcom, you’ve got an rx’d fran in your future.
Next time this wod comes up the rx’d weight willBe 135 and I might pop the pullups up to 12
sarah says
42lb OHS & Blue Band Pull-up ==> 8:54
Challenging to keep my balance in the OHS as I fatigued.
So sorry I had to jet and abandon my team before either of them had completed the WOD. Wednesdays suck.
Juliana says
Hey guys
85lb OHS, time 9:59
It was hard to keep control of the bar when ur breathing fast. I think the two movements were a good combo. Had fun lifting with the ladies like always :-)GOOO RED MAMBA !!!
Dan R says
7:28 @ 115# with C2B pullupsNo Gaming, just went for it. Fell off the bar a few times. Forearms felt “The Pump.”
Good stuff, enjoyed this couplet immensely.
The bar position felt solid, shrugging up with active shoulders is feeling more comfortable and stronger. A little more work with OHS and a heavier weight will be appropriate for this WOD.
Good times lifting with Mike and Carlos! Mike, nice work tonight. You’ll get those kipping pullups in no time. Carlos, you rocked it!
Side note: will make sure to wear my lifting shoes next time. The OHS would have felt infinitely more stable.
To future self: go for sub 5@135lbs and C2B.
Anne says
65# OHS9:58
I like this one.OHS did take a lot of concentration after the 1st rnd.Thank you to the girls for calling out my crooked self and to DMcG for the push on pull-ups.
paul says
milk thistle is looking for investors:http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/10/like-the-milk-invest-in-it/
Brian says
Subed High Bar Backsquats for Overhead Squats due to my wrist still being wonky.
155 lb HBBSq10 Pull ups – kip
Could probably gone heavier with the squats. Tore my hand on the last round of pull ups. All in all felt good.
B says
65lb OHSKipping Pullups
Went light tonight focused on getting proper depth with OHS. Kipping pullups were singles.
Anne strong work thanks for getting me motivated.
Ice Diamond you were a beast ….whooo I’m just getting started! Will up the weight after my fabulous rest day today.
Charlotte says
OHS are my goat. I bailed a couple times b/c of shoulder stability issues–so weird to bail on a weight I can comfortably put back up there, just not *keep* there.
OHS 62#Green band pullups9:27
Rested a lot btw rounds to keep the talking happening, so this was a lot easier than it would otherwise have been. in which case the OHS would have sucked even harder.
Dan R: You can actually send an email to your future self with your goals for this WOD. A friend of mine runs this website:http://www.futureme.org/
jack says
2 of the things I really have trouble with Pullups and Overhead squats. This WOD hurt me, even at 45 lbs. on the weight. What can I say