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compare to 3.19.09
Accessory Work
Renegade Rows 3×8
Hanging out at CrossFit
Movie Night Info
Food Inc. opens on June 12 at Film Forum; we will be going to the 6pm showing on Sunday, June 14. If you'd like to attend, email Margie(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com by Wednesday, June 10 so she can pre-order tickets online (tickets are $11). If you can't make the film on Sunday, try to check it out before our potluck on June 20th.
Shoulder Seminar
Due to a scheduling conflict with the Lyceum, we're going to have to push the Shoulder Impingement Seminar a little bit back. More details to follow.
A Bloody Good Time, The Northeast Qualifier CrossFit Games
Join the CrossFit South Brooklyn Group on Face Book
Rob Orlando (5th Plae @ NEQ) does King Kong x2
Wow Ive been working out for 2 mos and havent benched pressed once. With all the new stuff I’ve learned Im not as excited about benching. Looking fwd to renegade rows.
For those of you who arent subscribed to the Brooklyn Boulders facebook page…
here is their newsletter that includes soem rate info…not bad at all.
It breaks down to like $50 a month if you join the First Ascent thing.
Wonder if anyone will buy a lifetime pass…
im stoked to bench again.
Sorry I have been away from class for a while.
I think afternoon classes would be awesome.or even late morning?
also petition to make rugby an olympic sport…sign that shit
we should have a rugby/football outside the box day.
i would LOVE to have a rugby outside the box day! lets do it.
(none of that football crap!)
The lifetime pass seems like a bad idea. It isn’t transferable. It won’t pay for itself for almost ten years. Who knows if I will still be around in ten years? Who knows if BKB will still be around in ten years?
If it were transferable, it might be worth getting. Then one takes a risk on BKB still being around for a while, but you don’t have to worry about continuing to live in the neighborhood.
there is a transferable version..for $2000 more.
I think I forgot to post the link earlier..unless the site just edits out url it thinks is spam.
here it is:
I’m in Southern Maryland in a shitty hotel that has a broken treadmill in it’s “workout room”. I’m going to have to improvise at least something for pull ups – looks like a week of body weight workouts for me.
Bench press was fun, my chest was a little tired, but nothing else. I felt like I was standing around a lot today and still ahd a lot of energy after workout. Wouldve stayed longer but had to get home.
95×6125145145 x4135145x3
Interestingly enough last time I benched was probably over a year ago and I could only get 145 up a few times. Today I think I couldve got about 160 1 rep max.
So crossfit has made me stronger!
Renegade rows were nice, Id like to keep working on those and throw some pushups in.
Good work Jack and Josh.
that 4th set fried me. I think my wrists might be the weak link in all my workouts.
Renegade rows at25x8 25×8 30×8
Bench WOD(barx8x2 135×8 185×5)225×5 235×5 245×5 255×5 265×4
felt pretty good. lost balance of bar from get go on 265.
renegade rows25x8 30×8 30×8
Bench WOD(barx8x2, 75×5, 95×5)115×5 140×5 160×3 160×3 150×4
Was feeling pretty bummed about this relative to old numbers from starting strength so I went and double checked my stats. My bench wasn’t 3×5 at 155 as I remembered but 145 3×5. So now I am feeling silly and thinking I should allocate time to really double checking things I did 8 months ago.
Then did three sets of 10 + 2 sets of 5 kipping chest to bar pullups. These were by far my best kipping C2b pullups yet. Very happy with them.
Bench: 65,75,85,95,105. GRIN. I thought the bar would be pretty heavy, had no idea what weight to shoot for… so very, very happy with this.
I’m sorry you are stuck with such a pathetic gym David Mak- there is always tabata!
David Mak
body weight workouts…
125 bench form was ok i hate bench presses which means i need to do them more
185 lbs x4, x3, x2, x3, x2So, really, I didn’t finish any rounds.My bench press hasn’t really budged in over 2 years. I’m not really sure what’s up with that. I’d hate to think that I’ve already hit my peak.Also, my max push-ups have gotten few, yet I finally benched 90 lb dumbbells recently, so that’s kind of inconsistent. I’d better have some chocolate.
The 145 was a 1RM PR, by 5 pounds. 135, also a five pound PR. Not impressive, but solid.
My 145 rep was messy, I think if I had focused more I could have gotten two out of it.
60 x 5 / 65 x 5 / 70 x 5 / 75 x 4 / 75 x 4
PR from the 72×1 I wrapped up with in March, so I guess that’s all I can ask for.
Fun lifting with Bethany for the 1st time.
Thanks for the chat Margie! I’m exciting to change things up.
(foundations)15/10/5 p/u bj – 3:28
should have done more bjlast 7 p/u modified, hopefully once i get stronger it will help compensate for the joint issues
I’m still fresh to bench press and it all feels quite wobbly and foreign, so I will be trying x-tra hard to make all the bench press dates in this cycle.
Lovely working with you Sarah, you were looking strong!
PS Laurel – 105?! very nice!!
oh yea renegade rows at 25 x 8 then did 3 sets @ 30 lbs.
Bench225x5, 245×5, 255×5, 275×5, 280×2
I was pretty much shot after that 4th set, I may have made some noises during that one.
Renegade Rows, 40×8, 50x8x2
Box JumpsPush Ups252015
Box JumpsPush Ups – modified201510
(45×5, 65×5)
75×5, 85×5, 95×3, 95×3, 90x5Pushing past my previous record of 100×5 was obviously not in the cards. I guess I need to be at a Rip cert to get my chesticals properly pumped.
Renegade rows20x8, 25×8, 20×8
Really enjoyed lifting with you Juli!
ran 4 miles to class. wasn’t quite feeling the bench pressing, so nicole and i did Sunday’s WOD.
11:46 w/ 65# and all DUs.
could have gone heavier (and prob should have) but overall i enjoyed the wod. still working on stringing DUs together. did mostly single-single-double.
Bench Press:65, 75, 85, 95×2, 90×4
I’m new to BP so still figuring out how to fight weight up when it’s heavy/I’m tired.
Renegade Rows: 3×8 w/15#
**Rob’s Bday BBQ is this Saturday, June 13th, 4pm – ?.All are invited! Let me know if you need directions.**
Bench Press last 2 sets, 155×3, 150×4.Felt weaker this time around. Renegade rows, 25×8,30×8,30x8Practiced pullups(I still suck) and Double Unders-ditto
Very fun crew on Tuesday morning. Did Sunday’s workout, Momma-modified:
30 KB swings 16kg (American)21 push press 60#30 swings15 PP30 swings9 PP
14:32. Lots of chatting. *Still* need to be better about scaling back the intensity. I think the problem is that every week “scaling back” means something different.
Practiced low-bar back squats a bit w/ PVC & 15# bar. Turns out I am totally bad at those. Thanks for the coaching, David!
85×5, 95×5, 105x4pr, 105×3, 100x5pr
I hit two new pr’s last night. Thank you Margie for all your help- I had a lot of fun. Any kind of pressing is definitely a weakness of mine but I’m really excited to see if I can push past the blocks.
Pressed for the first time at about 37lbs, I think. A PR, I guess, since it was my first time! Jenna and David, thanks for your help!
(45×8, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3)175×5, 185×5, 195×2, 190×3, 185×4
Need to grow some pecs. Shoulder were fried from the Push Jerk workout, and my arms were very unstable, visibly shaking while pressing.