Complete 7 Rounds of
:20 Deadlift, 225lbs
:40 Rest
:20 Burpees
:40 Rest
Todays WOD is a modified version of a CF Football WOD. If 225 is too much for you to
Deadlift, divide your 1RM by 1.4 to scale.
Post reps completed to comments
compare to 4.23.09
Accessory Work
Chest Stretch
Dumbbell Strict Press, 3×5
George and Lisa get their stretch on
Is anyone interested in afternoon classes? If so what times are ideal for you?
Westside Barbell Gym Tour Hardcore Strength Coach
How to Fight
How to Workout at Home
Those “How to” clips are way too funny!!
YES!!! me!!! afternoon class! but you already know that….
i’m having trouble making the night classes lately now that i landed this sweet waitress gig. boo. i’m getting weaker by the minute. afternoon class me, please!
done by 3 is what would work for me
Nicole, where’s this place your working? We’ll stop by and raise a little hell…
Nicole, I pity the 1st wise ass who pinches your rear.
Wahh! Sorry I missed this! Looks great. Stupid early-morning corpo meeting!
Props to Dan R for getting his photography on the mainsite and affiliate blogs over the last week. 3 pics, right, Dan??
Link to the abstract for a recent article showing the link between muscular strength in men and lower mortality from cancer.
I have asked a friend to send me a copy of this paper, but the abstract is pretty fascinating.
5 pm classes would work for me sometimes.
Thanks David!
I don’t think it’s been thrice, but has been a bit. Definitely feels good!
Look forward to seeing everyone in class.
(And getting a rematch on this WOD!)
Wait, I just watched the how to work out from home video and it looks like I won’t need to come to class anymore. If anyone else wants to experience the burn, you can borrow the implements anytime.
Hey Bjorn — that’s a very generous offer. Let me know if you’re up for some Russian twists and tosses.
Did you take the following pictures, Dan?
Main site: gillian inverted and splitA blog: gillian inverted with cab, Today’s post from the NEQ
im not telling where… im too surly to deal with people i know raising hell
Could not get out of bed in time for this morning’s class, so I did this workout in the Chelsea rec ctr in Manhattan. My first time there. There’s a small weight room on the 4th floor with mostly machines; two benches with bars, one of which I took for the DLs. Not a lot of floorspace but I found a little patch. It was pretty crowded. Needless to say, there were no other women in there. One guy stared at me as I loaded the plates onto the bar but after that everyone ignored me, thankfully. At the end as I was putting the bar back one guy who was training this bizarre older dude who was telling stories about all the women who want to marry him (reasons unclear) said, “nice job, young lady!” Heh.
OK:7 rounds 135 lb DL/burpeesDL: 8,10,10,9,8,9,7 (61)BP: 5,5,5,5,4,5,5 (34)
Was able to do strict burpees. Wasn’t able to go as heavy on the DLs as I expected; they definitely got tough in the last few rounds.
David– street fair on 7th ave on June 21st.
gotta call the woman on the page by June 5 if you wanna get a spot– so the turn around is fast, but at least its the right name and just in time.
WOD on 7th ave mayhaps?! Yeah baby! Crossfit exhibitionism!
Not the split — that was in Australia. I wish I could have gone…
Who is down to check this out?! We just have to watch “Over the Top” first. Maybe White Castle after too.
155 DL 51 total Started w/ 11 and went as low as 636 burpees–all legit for the first time–felt good.Sushi and beer chaser.
This was a vast improvement for me over 4/25/09.
This time I deadlifted 115 lbs. last time it was 65 pounds, so 40 pounds heavier.
Last time my total score was 99. This time it was 113.
I love crossfit. See you Saturday.
WOD-it’s a goodie245lb DL/BURPEES8/9, 9/9, 9/8, 9/9, 8/8, 8/8, 9/9total – 60/60 = 120last time – 70/66 = 136 (225lbs)
went this morning. i thought my arms would not hold up from yesterday’s MHPC, but they hung in there. went heavier than last time, lower numbers by a bit. will beat them next time.
double under practice was good too. finally felt them coming together.
interested in afternoon classes. i could do the done by 3 too.
dl: 11,10,10,9,9,8,9burpees: 10,10,11,9,9,9,10
felt pretty good about the rally in the last set, and about this wod in general. tried to really go for it and not hold back at all, the encouragement from justin really helped!
forgot to post totals:dl: 66b: 85
total: 151
Deadlift: 17/16/12/11/10/09/08 = 83-Burpees: 11/10/09/08/08/07/08 = 61Total: 144
PR Deadlifts by 4 repsWent down in in burpees by 1.
Went all out, maximum exertion, no putting the bar down between reps. All solid technique. Also did this in normal workout clothing for a change!
Malcolm and Laurel noticed that my burpees are sprawl’s into a plank followed by the pushup. Could likely improve the cycle time if I just dropped to the bottom of the pushup, then again don’t want to injure my shoulder.
Last time was one in motorcycle boots and jeans.Deadlift: 17/15/11/11/09/08/08 = 79-Burpees: 10/10/09/08/09/08/08 = 62Total: 141
Oddly enough, this workout seems to come up when I have crummy days… CrossFit makes me happy!
92 total
Last time I did this as the guinea pig with box jumps, so no comparison is really possible. DLs last time were better, I think, but this time I am still in murph-recovery.
Foundations WOD
12-9-6SquatsPush Ups (modified)Sit Ups
Time: 3:43
DLs at 160#total: 49, though the last rep was coming down t the buzzermostly 7s, one 8 and last set 6. All sets but final unbroken
burpees: 58all sets 8, except one set at 9
last time i did lateral jumps which I think are harder than burpees. My DLs went up a few reps this time.
Jack – that was fun! Good work.
21-15-9squats, push-ups, sit-ups3:00
DLs@107: 10, 10, 10, 8, 9, 9, 10 = 66Burpees: 10, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8 = 61total: 127
Just checked and last time the weight was 3lbs heavier, but my totals were 45 + 45 = 90, and my form degraded badly. This time everything felt right, so next time I’ll go heavier.
Dumbbell presses 3X5 @ 15lbs. I’m looking forward to the day where my form looks like Sarah’s.
Great working with you Anne – you gave me encouragement at just the right moments and I enjoyed watching your intensity.
Deadlift @ 135: 12, 13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 12 – 83BP: 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7 – 50
Last time I tried going to heavy and David stopped me because if my shitty form. I only got 42 DL and I stayed the same with 50 BP. My BP form seems to need some serious tweaking. I really like this WOD!I was able to maintain descent DL form for most reps.
Becky- That is seriously awesome.
It’s great to see the foundations folks posting – welcome!
DL@185: 11/7/7/7/6/6/6 = 49Burpees: 10/10/9/9/10/8/10 = 66
Last time I did the deadlifts at 225 and got 29 reps. And the burpees were 54, so a big improvement in reps. The lighter deadlift allowed me to keep form better.
Did the 3X5 of press with 30.Did 3X5 of kipping chest to bar pullups and 3X10 of glute ham raises.
Now some fish oil and sleep.
Sean (sp?) –
Here’s your reps:
DL:7-7-7-6-7-7-6 @145BP:8-8-8-7-8-7-8
Nice work.
Oh, totally forgot to write in *RX’d* on my workout. I think I was a little light headed. Had considered going heavier (1rm/1.4= 296) but 225 was acceptable. When I’m pulling 15 in the last set, then I’ll move up!
Also omitted the presses:
Tried 50lbs — got one rep!Went to 40lbs — easy, breezy.45lbs was just right!
so 40×5, 45×5, 45×5. Would be nice to do a strength progression on the press. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge…
Great work Foundations Crew! Nice little burner ya did.
MHPCs at the Y:
115×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5, 165×2
I was a little worried about doing these unsupervised, felt pretty good though.
(foundations)squat – 21/15/9p/u – 12/9/6s/u – 21/15/96:15
DL 87BP 79Total 166
PR by a couple of reps. I think I went out a little faster last time, but having goals to shoot for helped me be more consistent.
Hey, does anyone have any idea why beyondthewhiteboard won’t save weights for the MHPC WOD?
Warm-up:500m RowLots and lots of Droms
:20/:40 off DL/BP WOD as RX’d:Deads: 11,12,11,9,9,7,9 =68Burpees: 11,11,11,10, 9, 9, 9 =69
Total: 137
DB Press: 30×4, 40x5x2Triceps Still FRIED from Angie style Murph, kept it light.
I really enjoyed this WOD. Kind of hit a wall at the 4th set but think I did well pushing through.
Becky,That’s an amazing improvement! You should be very proud of yourself!
Dan,The next 9 weeks have been planned out. Sorry to say no dedicated pressing in these Effort cycles but as I told Malcom, expect more heavy DB/BB pressing and CTB strict pull-up accessory work. Also more fun warm-up type stuff like we did today.
Foundations Folks,Great job tonight and really glad to see you all posting! We’ve got some good movers this month.
Also good to have Justin in house and meet Aiden.
Finally,Screw everyone who made fun of my outfit today!
This WOD was fun.
Hated to workout and run after being late, but work on one end and baby on the other.
Chris, sorry my counting was so shitty today–running 15 minutes late, forgetting my bike lock, and needing to leave ASAP had me kind of flustered. Great work overall, we both have to work on our DL form but I think we both improved.
For some reason my feet are sore.
Question for anyoneHow do you get more than 8 burpees?I felt like I was going all out on those and couldnt get past 8–am I that slow?
im so happy i made it tonight. margie… you are STRONG!!!! really really strong.
dl 140 total score was 120.. last time i got 124.
my burpee score was exactly the same, but my dl was one less for four sets. not as bad as i thought i wouldn do.
ShawnS — During the burpee challenge (not recommended) we learned a thing or two about burpees… Some of the things we’ve found to make them faster:
Starting at the standing position:1. Sprawl into the bottom of the pushup position (warning: I’ve almost knocked the wind out of myself doing it in the past, so you need to catch yourself before your chest hits the floor).2. After the pushup, sprawl into a squat and be as upright as possible.3. Have your feet land where your hands were on the mat.4. Make sure your hands aren’t there when you land.5. Jump the ever slightest off the ground.
That’s it! Oh, there’s a little something called breathing. Through trial and error, holding the breath during the sprawl is very effective. But after you get 30 – 50 of them, controlling your breathing will likely go out the window.
And whatever you do, don’t slump over — you just waste energy standing upright. Noticed this at the NEQ: people were resting at the bottom (lying face down on the floor)!
Good luck with your burpees!
DL 225 11,11,10,10,9,9,9Burpees 7,7,7,7,9,8,9
DB Press 40x5x3
Good advice on the burpees, Dan. I was having the same problem as ShawnS for the first couple rounds (but I couldn’t even get to 8) and after looking around and noticing people were doing them as you described, I was able to get a few more in on the final rounds.
Sean (sp?) –
Posted this last night, but it did not take.
DL:7-7-7-6-7-7-6 @145BP:8-8-8-7-8-7-8
Good effort.
Bjorn, if you don’t select the metric (lbs/ kgs) but add in the weight number, it will presume it is lbs in the results chart, but it will set the weight/set at “NA” because it can’t really compute it. Try editing the workout to put in the LBS metric and see if that doesn’t fix it.
If not, nuke it and recreate it– they made some updates over the past 2-3 days that made things get a little funky for a short time and now it should be running ok again.
Ok, workout deets.Dan, I caught myself doing exactly what you were with the burpees a few days ago in yoga class– I jump back into a full push-up, which was contributing to some badness on my shoulder. So yesterdays burpees were more jumping into that sprawled bottom of the push-up just above the floor (for those yogis in our midst, marisa has been workshopping me through chaturanga and its very similar and much more shoulder safe). I think that helped me pick up the pace a little on the burpees this time. I also worked with a slightly lower DL weight than the last time we did this. So I kept it at 100lbs to really try and hold my form more than I have been lately.Got 58 DL/ 47 Burpees, which actually gave me a higher power output than the last time I did this heavier, so I think it was a good move. For now.Dumbbell strict press 3×5 with 15lbs. I’ve done a crapload of these lately with PT, but its gotten stronger for me, so I was glad to do it some more.thanks for cheerleading sarah!! greatly appreciated.
Thanks Dan R,
I was doing them strict into the pushup position like Sensei David taught us. I didnt know I could jump right into the bottom sprawl. So in competition for time, you just have to get chest to the floor, jump off the ground a bit and clap–for it to be a burpee?
I will work on that next time!
Jenna, thanks, tried that, but didn’t make a difference. Looks like results get saved, but you have to edit your post to see them. Oh well.
Bjorn, i set all your reps to 100lbs. see if you can see it there and then try updating them and see what happens.what kinda computer/browser?