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compare to 3.08.09
Accessory Work
Group Foam Roll
Congratulations to everyone who participated in our Annual Memorial Day Murph! (Belated edition)
Today is June's first Foundations class. Good luck to all our new athletes over the next 4 weeks!!
CrossFit Olympic Lifting Certification at CrossFit Black and Gold, Dec. 9 (hasn't gone main site yet)
Gillie Beans on the Affiliate Blog
Charlotte – you look so strong! It is inspiring having you with us.. I think baby counted as the weight vest yesterday.
Some people have expressed an interest in seeing Food Inc.
Opens June 12http://www.apple.com/trailers/magnolia/foodinc/
Any takers?
Hey Dan, thanks for posting! I have actually something in the works for that for our next SBK nutrition/food event. If y’all don’t mind waiting for a day or two, we’ll be posting shortly!
Warm-up:Lots of DROMS
Rowing “Murph”, Angie Style
2000m 8:28100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Squats2000m 8:58
deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
my back was not great on the final rep of the last set.
I am ti-re-d
315, 335, 355, 375 (pr for set of 3), 400 (an even better pr for a set of 3, although UGLY)
The last time I did this, on Feb 15th, I failed at 360, so that’s a huge jump.
deadlift275, 305, 325, 345PR, 365PR
felt good. hamstrings still too tight though.
Tabata squats: 10(Foundations)
215225235235Then the wheels fell off the cart. Scaled way back to work on form. Not feeling it tonight.
Bad energy with the open mic night upstairs and the opera downstairs.
look forward to the next deadlift session.
deadlift 5X3225, 245, 265, 265 (with bad form), 245 (to work on form)Have to concentrate on form.
hard time deadlifting today
271/281 (3 sets of 1)/271
then dropped down for 5s
Tabata squatsLowest round: 9(Foundations)
Tabata Squats, lowest round- 20
Deadlifting was killer post Murph.
Didn’t have the strength in my core to hold what my legs could move.
Form got pretty shaky as I was having some difficulty setting my back. Can’t wait to do this a little fresher so I have more core strength left.
80 x 3 / 100 x 3 / 110 x 3 / 120 x 3 / 126 x 3
I remember doing tabata squats my first day of foundations. My score was 9 and I couldn’t walk right for at least 5 days. Don’t worry, it gets easier (and more fun).
Deadlift 5×3: 125,135,145,155,160. Thank you Margie. I’m looking forward to trying a 1 rep max sometime soon.
Welcome new foundations people!
Deadlift315x3, 405×5, 425×3, 455×3, 475×3 (PR)
I came pretty close to passing out on that last one, my vision went a little grey at the edges on the last pull and I had to drunk walkover to the wall and sit down for a bit afterward.
That’s absolutely awesome, Jeremy. I’d love to see you on a powerlifting stage. Have a look at the results of the raw nationals 2008. You can definitely cause some stir in the upper lightweight class (75kg).
Also, congrats to Eric. You did great, too!
Warm-up135 X 5185 X 5
Work Set235 X 3265 X 3265 X 3215 X 3215 X 3
I started to black out on the 265’s. Wanted to set a new PR at 310 for a single, but that wasn’t happening.
Damn Ive been wanting to do deadlifts again….
(75×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×3)
175×3, 185×3, 190×3, 195×3 PR
huh. I think I forgot to pull my last set of 3 but I don’t have my book in front of me… that’s weird. Maybe I shouldn’t lift in the morning.
Still hardcore super rookie mode, so I haven’t been tracking/ writing stuff down, but I lifted a few at 85 lbs (I think) this morning. That was my max.
Foundations,Tabata squats- lowest round 5
Tabata squats – Foundations Class 1 of 8. Lowest round was a 7