In related linkage: is the site for the book. Reminds me a bit of Outliers.
10,000 hours of practice and the access to the right resources make all the difference.
Front squats:(45, 65, 85) 100, 100, 105, 105, 110Got to 115 on 4/20 but this felt like plenty this time. Thanks Bethany & Asta for helping with my form!
Front squat 5×380 90 110 120 125 + 2x130Last time I failed on the third rep for 125 – very pleased to get it today. I thought this was body weight, but today I am heavier! At least this means I am gaining lots of muscle.
Great lifting with you Becky,Shawn and Shawn… And thank you for your advice Dan R, I think that will help a lot.
shawn ssays
Front Squat 5 x random
80 x 390 x 4110 x 5120 x 5125 x 4
then tried a mini version of yesterdays workout (need to practice those kipping pullups)
Thanks Becky, Laurel and other Shawn for making my first level 1 so fun.
Didn’t have the mental intensity my skinny legs needed for 175.
Everyone was moving really well today, great work, everyone!
Erik K.says
185×3, 195×3, 200×2 F, 200×3, 202×1 F
200 had been my one rep max for front squats, so I pr’d on both my 3 rep set (200) and on my one rep (202). The weight is ok, it’s maintaining the form and keeping my elbow high that seems to be the problem.
Also messed around with squat cleans, going up to 135 lbs. Felt good.
Wasn’t feeling my strongest so took the opportunity to work on form & not folding over on the way up. Enjoyed working with Charlotte and Asta!
Dan Rsays
Front Squats 5×3:185×3, 205×3, 225×3, 245×3(pr), 255×2 (so close…)
C2B Cindy: 16 rounds*
Hamstring felt good today, so I decided to go for it. Would have been nice to get 255, but no need to be greedy!
First time with Cindy (C2B or otherwise), had no idea how to pace. Just went all out. Pullups were hard to string together, can’t explain why. Pushups were the death of me (by the 5th round I was doing 5, 3, 2 just to get through them). My squats were unbroken but slow. Would like to get 20 rounds of C2B next time.
*Doing Lynne the previous day could have something to do with how much this sucked…
Sleep note: slept from 11PM – 3AM.
Was awesome to see so many people working out today while having such a good time!
@Laurel – glad that helped. Your fsq is looking awesome; hope the shoulder feels better soon.
@Leo – always good to have you for a lifting partner, great work today!
FS:155/165/170X2/165/165Knees wobbled a bit at 170. Last set felt the best. Always good to lift with Sameer.
Dan Rsays
I just saw that the workout for day 2 of the SoCal Qualifier is posted. Looks BRUTAL!
22 deadlifts @ 315#/185#Farmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to top of inner loop (hill)22 thrusters with 45#/25# dumbbellsFarmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to bottom of inner loop (hill)Run to pull-up bar and do 22 chest-to-bar pull-upsRun to top of outer loop (hill)22 overhead squats @ 95#/65#Run to bottom of inner loop (hill)
Front Squats 5×3.135,155,175,180(PR),185(0).
Nice lifting with you Steve and Dan.
Felt a lot better than last time. I found a piece of muscle to rest the bar on. Last time I was resting the bar on some bone and it really hurt.
Felix thanks on the tips for working up to a muscle up. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
Dan R I thought that was a joke, because there is a video that sure made it seem that way. Damn. That looks mean.
Dan Rsays
Malcolm, I thought the same thing when watching Sevan’s video. It’s cruel, and a good thing that’s the Day 2 workout — anyone doing that will need serious recovery time.
Hope no one is injured, there are some very steep spots on that hill and people are very likely going to wipe out. Plus, 45lbs dumbbells dropped downhill could be a disaster…
90×3, 110×3, 120×3, 120×3, 120×3
Front Squatx3 105,125,135,145,155Worked out with the young dogs, Frank and Josh. We did a little burner afterwards, 21,15,9 kB swings(35lbs.)burpees, and box jumps Time 11:40 The 2 young guns smoked me, I think they finished in 1/2 that time, but it’s all good, they get older, I get better:). Great to be doing front squats again, shoulder feels good.Awesome work, Bjorn.Dan, the waitress wouldn’t give me back my phone till I gave her my #. Oh well,I said, get in line.
Shaun Msays
Had a good time working out with Laurel, Becky, and the other Shawn. Thanks to the 3 of you and to Sameer for the feedback on my form.
Nice work Ash!
In related linkage: is the site for the book. Reminds me a bit of Outliers.
10,000 hours of practice and the access to the right resources make all the difference.
Front squats:(45, 65, 85) 100, 100, 105, 105, 110Got to 115 on 4/20 but this felt like plenty this time. Thanks Bethany & Asta for helping with my form!
Front squat 5×380 90 110 120 125 + 2x130Last time I failed on the third rep for 125 – very pleased to get it today. I thought this was body weight, but today I am heavier! At least this means I am gaining lots of muscle.
Great lifting with you Becky,Shawn and Shawn… And thank you for your advice Dan R, I think that will help a lot.
Front Squat 5 x random
80 x 390 x 4110 x 5120 x 5125 x 4
then tried a mini version of yesterdays workout (need to practice those kipping pullups)
Thanks Becky, Laurel and other Shawn for making my first level 1 so fun.
Front Squat
155×3 175×3 185×3 205×3 225F 215×1
great work today bjorn and ash.
last time i couldn’t get the bar placement right on the ‘meat’ of my shoulders. raised up the bar and it made a big difference.
C2B practice, GHD practice.
Good stretching work at the end.
front squat x3105, 125, 135, 135 (x2 3rd failed), 125
21,15,9 of push ups, kb swings and box jumps
2 minute plank
Front Squat 5x3155x3 175×3 185×3 195x3pr 205×2 205x3pr
Thanks to David and Ash, sorry to make you hug my sweaty, blubbering self, it was an emotional moment.
Jack — you left your cell phone at Sheep Station. The waitress is holding on to it for you.
Front Squats are hard. No PR today.
185/195(shorted my 1st rep)/195/200×1/185
good work on the 205 Bjorn! I will soon be there with you.
Warm-Up: x310 KB Swings, 1.5pd10 Strict Ring Dips10 reps Abdominal movement
FSQ 5×3(45×5, 95×5, 135×1)145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175×1, 175F(135x5x3)
Didn’t have the mental intensity my skinny legs needed for 175.
Everyone was moving really well today, great work, everyone!
185×3, 195×3, 200×2 F, 200×3, 202×1 F
200 had been my one rep max for front squats, so I pr’d on both my 3 rep set (200) and on my one rep (202). The weight is ok, it’s maintaining the form and keeping my elbow high that seems to be the problem.
Also messed around with squat cleans, going up to 135 lbs. Felt good.
FSQ: 100, 105, 105, 105, 107×1+fail
Wasn’t feeling my strongest so took the opportunity to work on form & not folding over on the way up. Enjoyed working with Charlotte and Asta!
Front Squats 5×3:185×3, 205×3, 225×3, 245×3(pr), 255×2 (so close…)
C2B Cindy: 16 rounds*
Hamstring felt good today, so I decided to go for it. Would have been nice to get 255, but no need to be greedy!
First time with Cindy (C2B or otherwise), had no idea how to pace. Just went all out. Pullups were hard to string together, can’t explain why. Pushups were the death of me (by the 5th round I was doing 5, 3, 2 just to get through them). My squats were unbroken but slow. Would like to get 20 rounds of C2B next time.
*Doing Lynne the previous day could have something to do with how much this sucked…
Sleep note: slept from 11PM – 3AM.
Was awesome to see so many people working out today while having such a good time!
@Laurel – glad that helped. Your fsq is looking awesome; hope the shoulder feels better soon.
@Leo – always good to have you for a lifting partner, great work today!
FS:155/165/170X2/165/165Knees wobbled a bit at 170. Last set felt the best. Always good to lift with Sameer.
I just saw that the workout for day 2 of the SoCal Qualifier is posted. Looks BRUTAL!
22 deadlifts @ 315#/185#Farmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to top of inner loop (hill)22 thrusters with 45#/25# dumbbellsFarmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to bottom of inner loop (hill)Run to pull-up bar and do 22 chest-to-bar pull-upsRun to top of outer loop (hill)22 overhead squats @ 95#/65#Run to bottom of inner loop (hill)
Front Squats 5×3.135,155,175,180(PR),185(0).
Nice lifting with you Steve and Dan.
Felt a lot better than last time. I found a piece of muscle to rest the bar on. Last time I was resting the bar on some bone and it really hurt.
Felix thanks on the tips for working up to a muscle up. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
Dan R I thought that was a joke, because there is a video that sure made it seem that way. Damn. That looks mean.
Malcolm, I thought the same thing when watching Sevan’s video. It’s cruel, and a good thing that’s the Day 2 workout — anyone doing that will need serious recovery time.
Hope no one is injured, there are some very steep spots on that hill and people are very likely going to wipe out. Plus, 45lbs dumbbells dropped downhill could be a disaster…
90×3, 110×3, 120×3, 120×3, 120×3
Front Squatx3 105,125,135,145,155Worked out with the young dogs, Frank and Josh. We did a little burner afterwards, 21,15,9 kB swings(35lbs.)burpees, and box jumps Time 11:40 The 2 young guns smoked me, I think they finished in 1/2 that time, but it’s all good, they get older, I get better:). Great to be doing front squats again, shoulder feels good.Awesome work, Bjorn.Dan, the waitress wouldn’t give me back my phone till I gave her my #. Oh well,I said, get in line.
Had a good time working out with Laurel, Becky, and the other Shawn. Thanks to the 3 of you and to Sameer for the feedback on my form.
5 x 805 x 905 x 1103 x 1203 x 125