5 Rounds for max reps of
Bodyweight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)
There is no time component to this WOD.
Have you ever tried "Lynne" with strict pull-ups? How about ring push-ups or dips instead of bench press? Experiment with your WOD.
Post reps to comments.
compare to 2.18.09
Accessory Work
Rotator Cuff Circuit 2
Malcolm eats Power Cleans for breakfast.
Check out Dan R's Photos from the Gymnastics Cert!
Iraq's Quiet Health Care Crisis BBC
The Space Giant is Coming BBC
Scaled down on the bench press to 170 lbs (bodyweight probably somewhere between 180-185).8/237/185/155/155/13
Pull-ups not as strong as last time. Bench was about the same.
Post wod Annie: 7:20Only my set of 30 of the double-unders were broken, but my sit-ups were weak, perhaps due to the tabata on Thursday. 15 seconds slower then my pr, despite my double-unders being better.
scaled down to pushups because i am having some tweaked-ness in my right scap. also didn’t go for complete max reps, rather went for consistency, so as not to further tweak the tweakedness.
ah also, thanks to Charmel and Brian for the DU assistance. I am now able to go from single->double and sometimes get back into single->double.. not able to consistently string together single->double, single->double, but getting there.
decided not to do annie because I now plan to do it as rx’d, and it would take me 20 minutes to get through the first round. my double unders are close though, so i’ll be there shortly.
my first time doing annie as rx’d and it was H>A>R>D!
12 minues and something.. i think it was almost 13 minutes.
then i did 2 rounds of
20 12kg kb swings20 burpees20 situps
plus 20 more kb swings and 5 more burpees when i called it quits because i had to leave for sitter.
then i mowed the lawn with my shitty rusted push mower. cant believe i did that when i was pregnant.
First time bench-pressing at Crossfit – thanks Shane for the lesson and spotting! I worked at 52lbs which was 44% of my bodyweight:
+ 3 sets of 10 reps wall slides & muscle snatches @ 10lbs.
Lynne @ 1709/12 (WTF?)9/15 (WTH?)8/106/57/12 (WTF!?)
Annie as Rx’d: 6:48
3 rounds of a modified Hansen:20 2pood kb swings20 burpees20 GHD situps
Then 20 more kb swings.
Then Snatch work @65lbs — 6×5 just for technique. Have to move much faster if I hope to put up bodyweight.
Thanks Erik for all the encouragement during the bench pressing!
Pullups were all over the place. Definitely still feeling it from doing tabata pullups. Grip is fried.
Annie felt OK — finally got my doubleunders under control by the middle of the second round.
Need to work on my GHD situps. They suck!
Hansen is awful — doing that as RX’d is gonna be a killer.
Was nice having the orchestra there. Can they play something a little more lively next time?
Bench Press was not working with my bum wrist.Changed to knuckle push-ups.22/ 78/78/98/108/11One guess as to which round David corrected my push up form.Wanted to do Annie with the rest of the crew – but too many pre Lynne double unders.
Oops, should read 2 rounds of a modified Hansen. Mea Culpa.
warmup: 500meter row 2:10
Worked at 95lbs for lynne1.8bp, 6pu2. 7bp, 8pu3. 6bp, 5pu4. 5bp, 5pu5. sub: pushups 15, 5pu
Then did Annie as rx’d: 8:13pr. A new pr for me but I think it was the motivation to get free lunch that got me going. Wasn’t able to beat the master double under man! Damn! maybe next time erik 🙂
Mad respect to anne and nicole for doing annie and then hansen. Ladies you rock :-). Congrats to nicole for kicking ass on those double unders.
see you guys manana
My first L1 class. Push-ups instead of bench. Pull-ups were dead-hang with bands (first three sets w/ white, last two w/ green)
lynnebw/strict pull ups (last time i did this, i was on the green band)
11/11 11/9 8/8 8/8 7/7
nice job ash. first time off the band for pull ups. gabrus, nice work on your kipping pull ups too.
ring rows after
really cool to see so many at CFSBK today.
Scaled Lynne down to two round of 125, 3 rounds of 95. Did kipping pull ups. BW was 140.
Bench: 10, 6, 13, 7, 7Pullups: 23, 18, 10, 13, 10
Awesome to see everyone again, I should be back a little more often on the weekends now (I hope!).
LynneScaled to 115lbs bench.12/12 13/13 10/9 10/14 11/9 = 56/57
Today was the first time I really ‘got’ the kip. Previously my max kipping pullups was 3 (I had 9 dead hang last we tested). Really happy with the 14 in the fourth round. I feel like now that I am getting it I will have some good gains for a while.
Great lifting with you Bjorn and Alec really impressive work.
Subbed Annie for Lynne because my shoulder is still unhappy. (looking forward to fixing it with Deb and Alec!) Still don’t have double-unders, so did the 3×1 sub, which is not nearly as much work. Time: 9:23. Hope to get DU’s sometime soon.
Thanks for the encouragement Sameer!
Got booted out of the gym for a puppet show again.
Did an austere version of “Lynne” outside on the scaffolding.
Handstand Push-Ups/Pull-Ups10/3011/179/205/215/15
The scaffolding is terrible for max reps pull-ups. It gets quite slippery and I was readjusting my grip after 10 reps on each one.
I was really impressed with how well people worked together today during the 11:15am class. We had Quite a crowd. Just so you guys know.. there is ALSO a 12:15 L1 class!!!
Also, great to see the new Foundations folks in class. (Adam, Matt and Rebecca)
Im sitting in a cafe listening to two people talk about fitness and yoga. It’s very painful. very painful.
Can’t wait to see how Sal and Jeremy did in Hoboken
I think what I liked the most about this WOD is that I had done it only a few months before, so it was fun to see my improvements. Like the last time, I subbed push-ups for bench and stuck to the white-band for pull-ups. I wasn’t sure how it was going to play with my shoulder, but it did fine (um, that said… Deb and Alec, I should talk to you about my shoulder too… i totally forgot to after the WOD).
i shredded my hand on that last set of pull-ups, but i really wanted to stop from muscle failure and not grip failure. guess that worked, but um… ouch.
Did 11/19 10/15 8/11 7/15 7/15 as Rx’d
Pretty happy with that since I did Lynne two and a half weeks ago at 8/15 7/12 5/12 5/12 5/10
Then did Karen in 11:15. I hate wall ball
Had a great time today! I love wandering down to the city every few months to train with you all. Honestly, I think CFSBK is the friendliest place I’ve ever been. Huge progress on double unders today, and also learned kettlebell snatches – awesome. Thanks David! Hope to see some of you in Albany in a few weeks!
115 on the bench and worked my kipping:17/9 15/9 12/8 11/7 10/5Totally losing grip on the tail end.
Doing the 1215 class with the orchestra was a little annoying as we had to be somewhat quiet. Not quite as fun without some grunting and an expletive thrown in every once in a while.
Bench scaled down to 225 (though I only weight 237 now). Pull-ups were kipping
12.15 was great. thanks for my first-ever L1. muscles i didn’t know existed still saying hello … good to meet you Ari and Dave. (and orchestra = awesome)