Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.
Compare to 9.15.08
Accessory Work
Max body weight dead hang off pull-up bar
Thanks for all the help with the tire info guys, I’ll look into all of it.
Also- I actually did a seminar with the Punk Rope people like 3 years ago. I popped my head into their class but can’t tell you much more than there was rope jumping and.. punk music.
Hail to the Chief!
Looking forward to this one as numbers from last time weren’t so hot and did it solo.
Good luck to everyone tonight!
damn, looks like i’m gonna miss tonight. last time i was but a mere foundations newbie.
if anyone cant make it tonight and wants to do it another time, let me know.
Hey David McG,
I really want to do this one also, but am still getting over some cold. I hope to make class tomorrow and would be all for trying to do this one also. If not, perhaps over the weekend.
I love jump roping and punk music.
sounds good erik. i’ll be there tomorrow night. if not the weekend for sure. get better
Hey guys, I have a paleo question here—is seitan an acceptable protein substitute? It’s a wheat gluten so that throws me off. I’m not a vegetarian or anything, but I like to vary things a bit.
The Chief.3 Power Cleans (85lbs)6 Pushups9 Squats1 — 42 — 43 — 3 + Cleans4 — 3 + Cleans5 — 3 + Cleans
Trashed me. Amazing how hard air squats can become. I need to get better at opening my hands at the top of the clean.
Deadhang pullups Max = 9.
6-5-5-5-5. ouch. 17 dead hang pull-ups, not ready for those.
The Chief. Cleans at 70lbs.1 — 3 + Cleans2 — 2 + Cleans3 — 2 + Cleans + pushups4 — 2 + Cleans + some pushups5 — 2 + Cleans
First time cleans felt like one movement, but I’m still slow. I think my new cues will help a lot, thanks Margie!
Deadhang chin-ups: 8. I should have fought for the 9th a little longer.
80 lbs
1- 3+ cleans + pushups2- 3+ 2 cleans3- 34- 3+ cleans5- 3+ cleans
i think i get lazy during workouts like these. i knew i wasn’t going to get four rounds so i paced myself too much to just get the 3 rounds in… but it sucked anyway.
I just noticed that if you ‘weigh in’ and give your height and weight to beyond the whiteboard it calculates work output for workouts. I am betting the accuracy isn’t too great but it is very exciting to read that for the chief (even in my very scaled version) I did 26,866.791 ft*lbs of work!
Rnd 1 3 plus pushups and 6 squats
Rest of the rounds were 3 plus 3 cleans
pushups and squats unbroken.
Good work tonight everyone!
Chief as RX’d:
54+3 cleans4+2 cleans4+2 cleans4+1clean
18 strict pullups
Right hamstring is still unhappy. Air squats very slow. Cleans not as fatiguing as I thought they’d be.
Left elbow unhappy as well. I blame the burpee challenge.
Pushups unbroken. Squats unbroken for the most part, just way too slow.
The Chief85#
1: 3 rnds + 3PC, 6PU, 7SQ2: 3 + 3PC, 6PU3: 3 + 1PC4: 4 (but had 15 xtra seconds)5: 3 + 2PC
Max pull-ups: 1 chin-up and then 3/8 of a real pull-up 🙂
Great job coaching Margie!
Rob reminded me that we did this WOD in SanFran back in October. I don’t have my exact data with me, but I’m pretty sure I used only the barbell (no weight) or just 15# DB’s.
David – we used my ipod yesterday…I think everyone (maybe except Julianna) wants you and your tunes to hurry back!
I would love to make up this WOD this weekend also