Laurel's Nephew models the CFSBK "Pood" romper that John C. Designed!
SBK will not be holding weekend classes on two occasions this month due to the Certifications we're hosting. Consider this a great opportunity to either check out a different affiliate or get an outdoor WOD in. Here are some links to local affiliates for you to check out
CF Queens
CF Staten Island
CF Virtuosity
CF Montclair, Guerrilla Fitness
CF Hoboken
MPower CrossFit
If you're interested in checking out any of these boxes, make sure to call ahead of time to see if they allow drop ins. Otherwise, is anyone interested in organizing a Prospect park 5K or Austere WOD?
Also, if you usually attend weekend classes but can't because of the seminar, please email me so that we can modify your 4 week package to accommodate the change in schedule.
Patience or Performance Dutch Lowy
Do you think SBK provides a welcoming environment for newer athletes? Let Dutch know on his blog!
The Just Very Dirty 5050 Box Jumps50 Jumping Pullups50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5p)50 Walking Lunges50 Knees-to-Elbows50 Push Press50 Wall Ball50 Double Unders23:25After the first 10 swings I went to Russian, and I counted about 5 DU attempts toward the end, because I am weak of will…
I find that oxygen management is one of my largest hurdles. If I let myself get too far into the Sucking Air mode, it takes a long while to catch up. I also need to have a breathing methodology for each exercise in a workout like this. I am probably holding my breath (as if doing a squat) way too much.On the other hand, I could just not be in shape.I am hoping the blood work I had today confirms I am still a bit anemic and provides me a much needed rationalization, haha.
It was cool to see Josh and Gabrus back in this morning and it took away the “I was just here last night” excuse. Charolette is inspiring.
I’d be down for putting together a workout at a park on Saturday
also interested in park workout (possibly murph?) on sat.
btw, sarah and I were planning on making a field trip out to cf queens on sunday. anyone else interested?
Wow, thanks Don!
Great working w/ Melissa today–we kept chasing each other through the sets, it was great.
Modified Filthy Fifty:50 Stepups (Pregnant ladies can’t jump!)50 Jumping Pullups50 Kettlebell Swings (16kg)50 Walking Lunges50 Knees-to-Elbows50 Push Press (22lbs)50 Wall Ball (8 lbs–next time 10 I think)150 Single jump rope27:50.
As always, thanks David for keeping me honest w/ the intensity. One day I hope to be sucking wind again.
The old playground has a few pull-up bars we can use, plus it’s sheltered by the subway (it’s suppose to rain).
I was thinking either the deck of death, cindy, angie or tabata something else. Perhaps at 10:30?
I’d also be interested in CFQ on Sunday, perhaps.
I can’t believe you guys did filthy fifty!! (well, minus the GHD situps).
Charlotte – that’s pretty incredible. I am impressed.
Paul – I think we’ll be doing Murph in early June (since the qualifiers are during Memorial Day).
Hey guys…just a heads up CFQueens Sunday classes have been cancelled this Sunday 4/12 on Easter……See everyone soon. I will be Crossfitting Texas style this weekend.
Oh, I think it was one pood, not 1.5 after all.
I would be up for Saturday.