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compare to 2.23.09
Accessory Work
5 rounds of:
Max Double Unders in one minute, Rest one minute
Thanks to everyone who came out to yesterday's Rock Climbing field trip. What a great time!
Don't forget about today's free Nutrition talk at 1pm. Bring Questions!
Deadlifts started @ 165 & ended @ 215Big thanks to Marge for explaining that the butt won’t go back unless the hip bends… der.Single jumps on the jumprope111, 100, 90, 91, 93Great working with Adam today.
woo hoo, another dl pr
tried 305 again after my pr, but it just wouldn’t budge so I figured I’d finish up with 255s.
ropes: first round was messed up because i picked a rope that was way too long. Subsequent rounds, singles: 130/120/130/130
Had to miss the nutrition talk because I have a lot of things to take care of today.
nice day for some deadlifting250, 275, 305, 315, 325, 335, 345(Failed)
Enjoyed the nutrition talk, I’m definitely looking into some of those resources. Thanks Margie!
365, 405, 415F, 415F, 415F, 410F, 410F
A whole lot of failures, but I was worn out. I knew I wanted to pull 405 again, to prove it wasn’t a fluke and to take ownership of it. That didn’t feel so bad. I should have probably tried a 410 after that. It wasn’t long before it just became an exercise in futility.
Double-Unders75-50-56-51-57The first round started with 61 consecutive, a personal best and raising the bar, ever so slightly, for Bryan.
My shins are shot now.
Margie did an awesome job at the seminar.
Welcome to the 400 lbs DL club, Erik!
DL(Did 5 instead of 7)190,200,210,220 (PR), 225 (PR)
Snatch work15 @ 42#
Fantastic PR Sameer – very dramatic! Also lovin’ Erik and Jeremy’s work today.
Thanks so much to everyone who came for the food talk! I am pleased with the conversation we’ve started and am looking forward to digging into our list of special topics. My goal is to have at least one conversation a month. If you have any specific feedback, please send it along anytime.
Crossfit TotalSquat375F, 380, 385F380 ties my best ever
Press190, 195F, 195FStill can’t get past 190, had 195 at forehead level, just can’t get my head through
Deadlift500, 510F, 510FNot all the back yet, but it feels good to catch up with an old friend.
Charmel, I am certain that you have 475 in you. Next time a ME deadlift comes around, warm-up, pop one at 450 to get the feel of something heavy, take a few minutes to recover and then nail fucking thing.
Margie, I really enjoyed the food talk, I think it’s the start of a great exchange of info here at SBK.
Erik – You are now the Roger Maris in my life. 61, Damn that record didn’t last very long.
I will see you tomorrow my friend!
Nice work
Great weekend, great people, great times! CrossFit, nice climbing session and good nutrition advice – perfect combo!
First time for the deadlifts: 120/130/140/145/150/155/155.
I felt like I could have lifted something heavier, but I want to have excellent form before pushing up.
Great talk Margie! I’m excited about future topics and hearing how people like olive oil shots.
Deadlift285, 315, 365, 385, 405, 405
felt really good to break 400. i think my back was not set as it should be, at least for the second 405.
double unders35, 35, 40, 41, 21
felt good except for last one, horrible. strung 28 together on my 41 reps, which was great. now i’ve got to get to the 60 club to join erik and brian.
sorry to have missed the talk margie.
Deadlift195,245,265,285pr,305pr stopped.
25lb pr. My first pr on one of the slow lifts since starting crossfit and this without really doing any max effort deadlift (just timing somehow I missed it). This stuff works!
Great talk Margie, I know I am really excited about adding that discussion to our community.
Also posted on beyond the white board which Jenna got set up for us. It looks like it will have some really neat functions.
I enjoyed the talk too, Margie– you had a lot of info to go over and you did it all justice, which is a feat only to be outdone by your PR just before. I’m also looking forward to future CFSBK Fireside Chats. ๐
Lifted with Laurel today (thanks for keeping an eye on me today, Laurel!), so same numbers– 120/130/140/145/150/155/155. My previous PR was 145, so this was good– but I definitely need to work on not standing up before I pull… I think the heel push will help.
Can’t believe between travel this week and no class next week I hafta wait 7 days to get back to the box. That sucks nuts. But I’ll be stalking y’all from the depths of govt hell– and per Malcom… add yourself to the BTW CFSBK affiliate– we’ll be putting the daily WODs up so you can track your progress.http://www.beyondthewhiteboard.com
I am having trouble posting on beyond the whiteboard. I did ‘join gym’ but then when I go to the top and click ‘post’ it only lets me post main site wods, not sbk wods.
I was able to figure out how to go into the sbk page and find a link that said ‘post result’ but what a pain! Can’t it work so that all I have to do is click post at the top?
Sameer,In order for you to post to our WODs, your linking to our affiliate has to be approved. I just approved it– there aren’t any email notices, so I just hafta check to make sure people are adding it. You should be all set going forward– now you should be tied to SBK.
jenna, can you approve me also? thanks
slacker… i did like 10 freaking hours ago. ๐ paul too.
I clicked that thing like 100 times, they need to make it more clear that it’s pending approval, right now it just seems like it doesn’t work. But it’s all good now.
Managed a PR of 415 on the Deadlift (up from 400). Left hand began to uncurl mid-lift, finished the lift only by the tips of my fingertips…
Doubt I’ll be able to pull heavier until I strengthen my grip. Have kicked around the idea of holding a heavy barbell to failure, hanging from the pullup bar with lots-o-weight, maybe some heavy farmers walks — anyone have any other ideas? More rock climbing? Weighted rock climbing? ๐
Mad props to David McG and Erik for reaching 405 (and also for pushing me on to lift heavier).
Congrats to Margie for a massive PR on her DL and also an awesome job at the Nutrition talk!
Also wanted to shout-out to Tal and Dan L for awesome work on the DLs and also for all the encouragement. Thanks!
towel pull ups if you want grip strength, Dan
Wow Dan! Nice work! And David and Malcolm!
So much strength…
Maybe try weighted rock climbing when you can lead a 5.14, outdoors, multi-pitch, Dan. =)
(Well I guess if you are leading a multipitch climb, your rack will weigh you down at least 10 pounds. Then if you go for a multi-day, multi-pitch, where you’re sleeping on the side of the rock, then you’ll have a whole pack full of food and water and sleeping gear etc, so that is probably weight enough too. Maybe we’ll do that for our next outing. ๐
I don’t think climbing actually would be that good for your barbell grip. It’s a very different kind of grip.
Margie 225!!?!??!?! AWESOME WORK GIRL!