As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
10 reps, Power Clean at 75% Bodyweight
15 reps, Push-ups
20 reps, Squats
Scale Power Cleans to 65%, 55% or 45% depending on capacity.
Post rounds to comments.
Accessory Work
Mobility Moves
Play is an important part of fitness.
Jim Cawley and Bruce Evan's 10 General Physical Skills
1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – the ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen
2. Stamina – the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units to apply force.
4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed – the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination – the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movements.
8. Agility – the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance – the ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy – the ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
CrossFit Queens launches their first class this Sunday!
Thanks for the mention David!!! We’re sad we won’t be at CFSBK, but really excited to be at CFQ!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to kick things off this weekend. Help spread the word for Brandy and I.
Burpee Challenge day 13! Buy-in goes to triple-digits tomorrow, join today for only 91 and get a free toy!
What is the difference between stamina and endurance?
Hello from Chevy Chase. Went to CF Extreme Fitness in Rockville today, didn’t make it down to Fairfax. They are all starting a “Jackie Challenge” so I joined them for the Jackie Prelims. 9:34.
Bjorn – I can’t tell exactly but from the definition posted it looks like endurance is focused on oxygen whereas stamina is focused on energy. So I’m assuming that endurance is based on processing what you breath while stamina is based on processing what you eat.
135 lb Power Cleans (pretty much RX’d)
5 Rounds + 10 Power Cleans + 15 Push-ups
After brunch
Bench Press:20 – 60 lb dumbbells7 – 70 lb dumbbells8 – 70 lb dumbbells7 – 70 lb dumbbells4 – 75 lb dumbbells
Pull-ups, strict8,5,4,4
6 rounds + 5 cleans @ 125.
8 Rounds, messed the math up and went a few pounds too light. Felt good to be moving with intensity.
Here is a simple way to think about the difference between stamina and endurance.
Not enough Endurance- think Huffing and puffing, gasping for air.Not enough Stamina- think burning muscles, legs are screaming
7 rounds + cleans + 11 push ups @ 95Lbs.
did mid hang power cleans. right leg’s feeling a little tweaky or somethin, not sure..another nice WOD.
13 burpees and ring rows 3×12.
Warm-UpDroms, 8 pull-ups, 8 30# DB Thrusters (X3)
PC/PU/SQ WOD6 Rounds + 10 Cleans & 4 Push-Upsas Rx’d (110lbs)
Enjoyed that quite a bit. Throat was buuurrnning
Nice Big classes today.
ack, my sister said she has to train for a 10 mile run in a month so she made me join her for a 5 miler. This after Jackie. I haven’t run more than 800m since OCS! Went pretty well.. took it fairly easy but I think we averaged about 9m per mile– on the way back for the last mile or so (maybe 1/2 mile?) we broke it up into max effort intervals with walking rests.
First long run ever in my vibram five fingers. Was nice. My calves got tight towards the end.
WOD: Power Cleans/Pushups/Squats7 Rounds + 1 power cleanas Rx’d (130lbs)
Squats were slow, my legs are fatigued from max effort Rowing just the day before. Pushups were OK until the 4th round, then I had to break them into sets of 3’s and 4’s.
Did another 15 power cleans for practice; I need plenty of it.
4 rounds exactly at 110lbs.My clean form was totally wonky. Muscle cleaned the middle rounds and all went super slow. Last round of cleans actually felt the best as I focused on form and did singles.Squats all unbrokenPushups – first round unbroken, then 8/7.