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Accessory Work
Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows 3×12
Rowing Practice
Kadijah keeps a close eye on Melissa
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A but banged up from snowboarding this weekend, a few nasty wipe outs followed by leaving work at 6:30 made me contemplate taking the night off. Mentally resigned myself to just taking photos when I showed up. But you know how it is, you see people lifting heavy…
Warmed up with 20 reps at 185lbsthen 5 reps at 300lbsDecided to do one pull at 400lbsShocked myself silly with a 15 lbs PR.
3×12 dead hang pullups – chest to bar on most of them.
Then 55 burpees when I got home.
Congrats to Margie and Juliana on pulling 215 today — you ladies ROCK!
365, 380, 390pr, 400f, 400f
The first lift felt solid, the form on the second and third was far from good. The fourth and fifth attempts barely budged.
Also, those lectures are awesome.
Here are the directions to set your pace boat on the erg as we discussed in Level 2 for doing tempered piecesSelect Workout > New Workout > Single Distance or Time > Then go ahead and set up the length of the piece you want to do and at the bottom set the pace for your pace boat.Once you’ve set it up you can press the Check button and start your workout. Make sure the screen is set so you can see your pace boat. If its not, click the “Change Display” button until you see two small boats on the bottom of the screen.
Our goals are to:1. Develop the ability to set a consistent pace2. Get a better understanding of what we are capable of at different lengths. This translates nicely to workouts that include rowing in them.
Start conservative as all we’re trying to do find a pace we can sustain.I recommend a 500m length and starting anywhere from 2:00-2:15 pace depending on your rowing abilities and height.
Congratulations to all the new PRs today. Who knew lifting heavy worked!
Erik is my new obsession.
concentrated on form, making sure back did not round. leo, david thanks for the pointers, felt much smoother and easier to lift after.
295, 295, 315, 335, 365pr
pull ups with blue band. 3×12 ring rows.
hey all. good lifting before breakfast today. had to beat my 300 from last week.
also, strict pullups w/15 lbs. did them in sets of 6. was scolded for too much kipping.
Not sure where I’m at with a 1RM so I wanted to do start around 300 and go from there.
Deadlift:295, 305, 325, 345, 350
Pull-ups: 1×12 no weight, 1×12 with 15lbs palms out, 1×12 with 15lbs palms in and a final set with 1×6 with 15lbs palms in and final 6 no weight, palms out.
academicearth.com is the shizznit!