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Accessory Work
3 Rounds of the Following, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post time for each of the three rounds to comment.
Richard's O(verhead) Face
A Note of Thanks
I wanted to express my thanks to Jacinto, Jeremy and the entire CFSBK community for a wonderful week of training. Thank you all for the hard work you have put in and the great energy you have brought with you every single day. It has been a pleasure holding down the fort David, Margie and Gillian away….Ok, I'm really just happy no one got hurt.
Thank you Shanetastic! Sounds like you and Jacinto and Jeremy have done a bang up job!
This week has been a wonderful time for David and me in so many ways, not the least of which is to recognize how damned lucky we all are to have found this group of people who are crazy enough to workout alongside each other no matter what, even in 10 degree weather in the middle of Brooklyn.
Cheers to you all! See you very soon.
I am heading to San Diego in a couple of hours.I am too beat up to workout but I’d like to visit an affiliate while I am out there. The problem is there are like 10 affiliates out there. Anyone have any input as to which one I should visit if I can get away from work?I am staying in the gaslamp or gaslight district which is near the water.
Rob -CrossFit San DiegoCrossFit CoronadoCrossFit SoCalIn that order.
135×5, 155×3, 175×3, 185×1, 190x1Shanetastic told me my form was way off though but because I moved the weight and I’m stubborn I’m counting it.
Definitely count it Ed. You got it up there. But when we get you dialed in on your form you’re going to blow those numbers out of the water. Good work man
Rob– My friend April G. works out at CrossFit Flood. http://thehyacinthgirl.wordpress.com/
she was actually the final motivation that got me started on crossfit.
today: stuck with 115lbs 5×5 to work on form, reclosing the hip. Felt like I did well on reclosing the hip, got to work with jacinto on keeping my feet from spreading out too far.
metcon: 20:-something. The situps totally sucked.
185, 190, 200F, 200F, 185
1) 3:522) 11:40 (actual work time, minus rest: 4: 48)3) 20:31 (5:51)4) 30:16 (6: 45)5) 39:32 (6:16)
27:32 without rests
My left knee really started to give me problems halfway into the final round. It’s still feeling rather tweaked.IAs is Barbara’s nature, I felt messed up afterwards. It took a half hour for the nausea to subside.
Thanks to everyone for pushing me on the last two rounds.
oh right, my splits:
so that’s
165, 175, 175, 185F, 185F, 185. felt really good to get 185, that’s a PR for me on clean.
metcon was 17:45.
I really suck at the cleans, but thanks for the help, Jacinto. 17:21 on Barbara, used green bands on the pullups. The hardest part was riding my bike to and from in this weather, but the hot tea from downstairs helped.
Thumbs around Richard!!!I’m verrrry excited to be back at the lyceum tomorrow. You guys are family.
it will be good to see you back, david, margie and gillian. shane, jacinto and jeremy were awesome while you guys were gone.
mhpc135, 155, 165, 175, 180180 was not pretty. but good to see the weight increasing. need to put all the movements together, especially the shrug.
metcon15.04. green band for pull ups. leo, thanks for the extra push.
Shanetastic!You are the man!So great to see Jacinto for the whole week!I smell a new nickname in the works. David who? Margie What?
Thanks for all the coaching and help! Great job all around.
Peace out!
This has been a terrific week at crossfit! Lots of fun and energy from the excellent coaches. Shanetastic? lol u did a phenomenal job keeping us on track (it’s not an easy task especially with so many of us). It was wonderful having Jacinto back this week, he is always ready to kick our butts and I love it! A special shout out to Jeremy!!! Thank you so much for all your help and guidance, you have a wealth of knowledge and I intend on picking your brain.
As for today’s wod: 85-90-95-100pr-100
I was a little slow around the bar and I needed to get more aggressive as it got heavier.
Accessory work: 20’s, something like that
I felt nauseous afterward and ended up in the bathroom! What a nasty bitch! It doesn’t help that I went out the pervious night and got wasted,lol.
Lots of fun see u guys manana
oh, Erik u so rocked it today!!! My hero 🙂
First single attempt on Cleans85-90-95F,92,92..too slow and not enough shrugs.
These are freakin cool
105; 115; 130; 140(f); 130 (f); 115Didn’t really feel the groove. Anyway, Jacinto’s hints helped a lot.
Barbara (Acc. WOD)5:537:188:06
Barbara was kinda crazy. Erik, too. But both in a nice way.
Great work sister. I walked about a half mile in the cold yesterday and thought I was going to die. Next race you’ll PR it up.
Everyone’s cleans were looking greatly improved. Things were clicking and even on pulls that were a little off you guys could tell something was off and worked to adjust.
Edgar, bring little man back anytime. He was rocking the warm-up.
Way to slug it out on Barbara and mini-Barbara. You guys are awesome.
See you all tonight!
MHPCwu: 75×5, 95×3
100,110,120,125(F),125(F) (extra back at 120)
125 would not go up. at all. couldn’t even really get a shrug. i went for it though which i was happy about – i was channeling the “what would david make me do”
mini barbara – 17 flat.
throughout the day – 50 burpees. yesterday was day 25 of the challenge but i’m behind bc of my shoulder buggin out. a few more days of extra burpees and i’ll be caught up.
a HUGE thanks to shane, jacinto and jeremy for not just holding down the fort, but really doing an amazing job as coaches this week. while we obviously missed david, margie and gillian, there was no drop in the level of coaching, intensity and fun at the lyceum. we do have a great thing as cfsbk.
and shane, nobody got hurt or died so you can have that sigh of relief now! 🙂
To Rob going to San Diego:
I just saw your post from last night. I hope that you’re still checking for responses!!
The best best best affiliate in San Diego is Crossfit Invictus, which is right next to the Gaslamp/downtown area (On Columbia Street, between Beech and Ash)
Check out Crossfit.com’s affiliate blog today (Mon 1/26) for the shout out to CFI. And check out the list of coaches at CFI (the best of San Diego recently started up a new box.)
Have fun while you’re here!!
Cynthia in San Diego
Thank you Allison, Sameer and Cynthia. Went to CF San Diego. Very nice place. Spoke with Karina. Bought a tshirt. Looks like I’ll be workin over night so I might be able to get to CF invictus and CF flood