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Accessory Work
3 Sets of 5 reps of:
Mid-Hang Clean High Pulls
3 sets of 5 reps of:
Tall Cleans from the Mid-Hang
Nicole proving you're never too old for Crossfit.
Happy Birthday Nicole!!
Gymnastic Cert Goodness featuring Gillian Crossfit.com
The Clean High Pull Performancemenu.com
Dan and I would like to suggest the following ‘dirty thirty’ version of the ‘filthy fifty’ accessory work in honor of my birthday:
30 Box jumps30 pull-ups30 Kettlebell swings30 Walking Lunges30 Knees to elbows30 Push press30 Back extensions30 Wall ball shots30 Burpees30 Double undersFor time
who’s in?
nicole – happy birthday!
if i had 2 functioning shoulders and were going to be there tonight (last minute work trip to NC, i leave in a few hours) i’d totally do the dirty thirty with you! enjoy 🙂
Nicole happy birthday and many more.Iam in for your birthday wod.
Happy Birthday Nicole.
I have a late meeting today but would have loved to do the “non shoulder involved” portions of the dirty thirty!!
Nicole Happy Happy birthday girl!!!U totally rock I am also in for tonight and your birthday wod. We should hang out and celebrate.
See you tonight
Of course I’m down for this… But only in addition to, and not in place of, the tall cleans and the mid-hang cleans.
Mid-Hang Power Cleans (95); 135; 135; 145(x2); 125; 125
Mid-Hang High Pulls 125Tall Cleans 95
Nicole’s Birthday WOD in 21:46ish. Well, maybe I am kinda naive but I’ve to confess it was an unexpected experience to celebrate a birthday by doing a lot of painful exercises…
Clean Pull200x5x4
Bench Press210x5x4
Afterword I received a crash course on running a WOD with a lot of moving pieces. Thankfully everyone killed it and seemed to have fun doing it, especially the birthday girl.
135, 155, 160, 160, 170Fourth round was probably the best, after listening to some advice from Shane. 170 didn’t feel that difficult, but it’s really more about form at this point.
135×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175×3, 180 fail, 180 Fail, 180 FAILclean pull 115 3x5tall cleans 135 3×5
mid hang power cleanstayed light to work on technique115 2×3 135 2×3 140×3
clean pull115 2×5 135×5
tall clean65 3×5
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and for enduring the dirty thirty with me. I was a big baby and wimpered all through the 30 burpees. And the knee to elbows. wow. those were horrible, wait and the jump rope at the end. oh my god. terrible. Without Dan yelling at me I I think i would have had a little hissy fit.
It was funfunfun.funfunfun Thanks!
Happy birthday Nicole!! I’m sorry I missed celebrating – it sounds like you all had lots of fun.
We spent the day at Chip Conrad’s place in Sacramento today. Did my mid-hang power cleans then this little combo:Betrand Russell6 rounds of 6 reps each of the following:bent over rowsswingsthrustersburpeesused 20# db x213:42
Then we played around with a macebell and clubbells.
Stayed light on the mid-hang power cleans. Had a really hard time doing these while wearing sneakers… So wardrobe change for:
Mid-Hang Power Cleans: 125, 135, 135, 125, 125
Mid-Hang High Pulls 125
Tall Cleans 95
Nicole’s dirty thirty took 16:00; had to do singles on the jump rope though a 5x sub (suckage). Mental note: need to buy my own rope and cut it to the right length.
The 30 wasn’t dirty enough for me, so I joined the 7pm class for another go. No clue what the time was as we had to abandon the WoD. A few of us were stubborn and *quietly* finished the dirty thirty on our own.
Happy birthday once again to Nicole — she definitely rocked it!
Dan, your and animal!
I’m so jealous of all you guys and your WODs!Can’t wait to join Level 1 next month!
Mid-Hang Power Cleans3-3-3-3-362, 72, 62, 62, 67
Went back down on weight to work on form…I think it helped. I lose it as things get heavy with the cleans.
Accessory Work3 Sets of 5 reps of:Mid-Hang Clean High Pulls52, 62, 67
2 sets of 5 reps of:Tall Cleans from the Mid-Hang52, 57
Helpful drills!!
AND the most fun Birthday WOD!Dirty Thirty – 18:38
Wall Balls to Burpees killed me.Happy Birthday Nicole! No better way to celebrate. (well…)And thanks to Jeremy and Dan for setting up and directing the Level 1 Drones throughout the WOD. It was fun!
Mid-Hang Power Cleans:67x372x377x382x384x2+Fail
Mid-Hang High Pulls:45×5, 77×5, 79×5, 82×4, 84×3
Tall Cleans:44×5, 47×5, 49×5
Still puzzling over what is going on with my cleans – just not moving as much weight as I could in November. I did find the accessory drills super helpful though.