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Accessory Work
3 Rounds of 8 Reps of the following complex (NFT)
Double KB/DB Clean
KB/DB Push Press
Walk out to Push-up
Kevin Swings
Winter Strength Series: Part Deux
Tomorrow marks the beginning of part 2 of our winter strength cycle. Over the next two weeks we'll be focusing on the Mid-Hang Power Clean, Front Squat and Press. We're looking forward to seeing people solidify their technique with these movements and continue to put up new PRs in 2009.
Safe Travels David, Margie & Gillian!
For those playing along at home David, Margie & Gillian are all out West soaking up all that sunshine and training with our friends on the Left Coast until next Monday. Fear not, all classes (with the exception of the Saturday Teaser classes) will be running as scheduled. We wish the travelers all the best and look forward to frequent updates of their adventures.
See you all tomorrow!
Your Tight Hips Betray You San Francisco Crossfit
Margie and I have arrived safely in San Fran. We’re staying with Boz and Kim for a few days and will be heading out to CFSF and the Farmer’s market tomorrow.
I feel guilty walking around in a T-shirt..
i dont know how to break this to you but today is the 17th. way to fuck it all up.
Glad the travelers are safe (and jealous of the temps!).
Re: cycle – does that mean Sunday will be 5×5 Front Squats?
Leonidas, what time are we meeting at Wild Wings?
David and Margie, what day are you going to CF Oakland?
Did the 155 C&J workout from last year’s Games. 10:01, brutal, almost 4 mins slower. I think the fact that it was 75 degrees colder than the last time might have had something to do with it.
Staci,Yep, Sunday will be 5 x 5 Front squats.
Nicole-I hate you…no matter what day it is.
Everyone else other than Nicole, Great work today!
David, I know what you mean. I feel guilty walking around in snow pants.
Hang Power Cleans:135 x 5145 x 5155 x 5160 x 5135 x 5
I’m still not getting very low.
Later, dumbbell bench press…70 x 1280 x 580 x 580 x 550 x 18
Dips: 10,7,7,7
I’m still rather sore from Thursday.
Left my notebook at the lyceum but think my cleans went something like this:
Really need to work on my shrug and hip opening.
Accessory wod:2 rounds w/ 2x20lb dbs1 round w/ 2x25lb dbs
It was surprisingly OK in the lyceum once we warmed up considering that it was all of ten degrees outside!
Hang Cleans 105×5; 110×5; 115×4; 115×5; 95x5Power Cleans 135×3
Accessory WOD with 30lb db
mid hang power clean95x5 105×5 105×5 105×5 105x5stayed light to work on form.
accessory wod with 30lb db
make the most of the t shirt weather you guys.
Have fun in Cali, guys. I’m sure you’ll soak it all up!
Give Robb Wolf my love and tell him his help is having a major impact on my training and I’m forever grateful.
Live it up!
And hello and great work to the CFSBK peeps! You’re setting a great example to affliates all over. You’re all the tippity top in my book… and not just because you’re cool people. You’re building a great training environment.
Lots of Love – Allison
At CF San Fran with Kim, Margie, Trish and some other cats:
Warm-up: x2UB DROMS/Mobility10 CTB Pull-ups, 15 Push-upsLB DROMS/Mobility10KB Swings, 5 35″ Box Jumps
Mid Hang Power Clean(45×5, 95×5, 115×3)135x5155x5165x5175x4175x2
175 Came up EASY on the first three reps of the fourth set, 4th rep came up real squirrly all of a sudden and then i missed the 5th. Didn’t wait long enough and botched the 5th set. Oh well.
Accessory Fun4 Rounds unbroken of 95#SnatchMid Hang Split SnatchOHSMid Hang Power CleanFront Squat
I think we’re going to CF Oakland tomorrow?? I’ll have Margie call you, Grant.
Have fun guys!
CFSFmid-hang pwr cleans with Kim, David, Trish…
(DROM, DUs, mobility)(33# – a bunch of reps)53×5,63×5,73×5,78×5,83×3 failed 4th rep. Working on those damned elbows. Got a little faster and more aggressive with my shrug, but grrr.
OHS 5×3(45×5,65×3)75×3,80×3,85×3,90×3,95×2 f 3rd rep.PRish
So far we’ve pretty much spent our time eating a lot of deliciousness. And being warm.
115, 135, 155, 165, 135
midhang power clean
(45x a bunch)
felt pretty good
accessory wod – used 25# dbs on first round, 30#s for second and third. omitted the push press