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Accessory work
4 Rounds for time of:
25 Double Unders
25 Sit-ups
Mobility Wk3
Congratulations to Juliana for doing her first full WOD ("Fran", no less) with rx'd pull-ups. That's 45 real deal pull-ups on top of 45 65lb Thrusters. Great work, Juliana! Click on the picture for a few more from Wednesday.
Check out the redesigned external links column to the right. By clicking on the "Training" or "Nutrition" tabs you will be taken to a more comprehensive list of valuable resources for all your fitness needs. Keep your eyes peeled for more additions soon to come.
Rob says
Check out our fearless leader.http://www.crossfit.com/cf-affiliates/2008/12/saturday_081206.html
Bethany says
Juliana == Bad ass. Nice work!!
Hope to see you all Sunday!
Sameer Parekh says
mhpc: 115/115/125/125/135/140
a/w: 5:21, subbed 3x for doubles
after: tried some d/u practice. failed miserably.
Margie says
52#/62#/72#/77#/82#/84# failed 2nd rep
some tall cleans at 42#
WOD: 7:33
Pullup ladder8 rnds plus 8 pullups.Now if I can only do that during Fran….
Jeremy says
Mid Hang Power Cleans:135×2, 155×2, 175×2, 185×2, 185×2, 185×2
Cut it off at 185 since my form started to break down there.
Accessory Wod8:18I still hate double-unders.
Erik K. says
MHPC, messed around with 145. My form needs help.
Accessory Wod4:17
Finished the first 3 rounds of d.u. unbroken, the last round took a second to find my rhythm, but then finished with 23 consecutive. I’m getting more comfortable with the non-Buddy Lee ropes, which is good.
Now I’m going back to the Y to try to work off the hot fudge sundae and caramel latte I just devoured in record setting time.
Nicole says
thanks everyone for helping and not being annoyed with the baby distraction. i’m totally never doing that again, dont worry. i had some delusion that she would sit and play quietly with herself. stupid mommy.
and if i’m not mistaken i believe audrey pressed 82lbs.
Jenna says
You know… I think Cleans are the thing I struggle with the most. I just cannot find this one at all.52/52/52/42/42/47WOD 7:46 3x1DU
And Nicole, give Audrey some props… not only did she press 82, but she did it one handed. But the best was riding Jeremy in pushups. Every playground needs a Jeremy.
Jenna says
oh, and WAY TO GO Juliana!!
paul says
135/155/175, failed some of the 175s but definitely feel I made some form improvements. I really feel like I need to go heavy now to make corrections in my form, because it’s easy to get away with bad form at sub-maximal loads. is this correct at all, or no?
Juliana Agudelo says
OMG I’m so sore and I love it!
WOD: 62, 72, 82, 84, 87, 89Tall cleans 42 lbs kept it low weight cause I struggle with tall cleans
Accessory work did all double-unders 7:52
The cleans got heavy towards the end. I definitely agree with you margie on not jumping up in weight so soon.
Thanks guys for all your encouragement and wonderful support (tears). I really enjoy hanging with everyone and getting to know so many new and interesting people from so many different walks in life.
See u guys mananaJuliana
Erik K. says
Later workout:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of body weight deadlifts (185 lbs) and push-ups
4:11 – PR
I had a time of around 4:25 a couple weeks ago at 180 lbs (I think I’ve put on a few pounds). This one was pretty much unbroken. I have no idea how I’m going to lose 12 seconds to get it under 4 minutes. Needless to say, my back was a little tight afterwards, nothing too bad though.
Bench press with 70 lb dumbbells: 10,8,7,6
Dips: 12,8,7,7
L’ish shaped pull-ups: 8,7,6,5
david mcg says
MHPC95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145was thinking too much about the movement instead of not. got better as i went along.
WOD 8.25. double unders, got to keep practicing.
mobility #3
yes, awesome work on fran juliana.
Dan R says
Focused on technique: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155.
Tall cleans were UGLY, managed to slam the bar into my jaw on a few occasions. Have to work on that shoulder pull and getting under the bar FAST.
Mini-WoD was fun! 4:15. Need to work on transitioning faster between exercises and not stopping on the situps — last round had to break them up into 15, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1.
Tomorrow’s workout looks awesome, can’t wait!