Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Accessory work
Foam Roll
Mobility Wk2
Pat Sherwood on "The Idiot Suit" CrossFit Again Faster
Pull-ups: 100Push-ups: 99Sit-ups: 91Squats: 145Total: 435
Push-ups were harder than I remembered. Last set of squats kicked my ass, I had to crawl for a few minutes after that.
Pull-ups: 56Push-ups: 75Sit-ups: 97Squats: 101
Total: 329
My last tabata something else was when I was in Oakland on 5/28…34/92/82/83 for a 291
I’m not real pleased by the huge drop in push-ups. I’ve been feeling those getting weaker, now I have proof.
hey CFSBThanks for hosting me for two days. The space is great and the crew is cool.
My total today was 305…thats all remember.Thanks again,JOseph from Miami
Well that was fun. My first Tabata! :)Worst by far was the pullups, even with the green band– apparently I was on the fat bar side (I didnt know this) so it was really hurting my hands and forearms just trying to hold on.
48/66/66/96 total 276
total was 454 iirc, pushups sucked. running in the rain sucked worse! 🙂
I forgot to write down my specific reps before i left the Lyceum today. i THINK? my final score was 386, margie can confirm or deny that.
Pull-ups and sit-ups were fine.Push-ups sucked as usual, i was breaking them up in round two. Squats were the most painful, the recovery from the workout was more painful than the workout itself. Overall I enjoyed it.
70 degrees in Sacramento today. Went to the park and worked out with my younger brother.
me – Total:29541/48/85/121Matt – Total: 32428 (strict pull ups)/72/80/144
sit ups could have been more if I had something to anchor my toes. Feel good about performance. Finally got my kipping to work. Squats have my legs still wobbly.
Introduced Matt to crossfit face!
See you all tomorrow!Brian
Total 361Pullups 40 w thin band–yikes hands got wet could not hang on:Oand can not string reps together anymore…back to the drawing board
Stephanie you are my hero!! Nice work on those kips! You KILLED the pullups. It must be all those magic “Stephanie bars”..yummy
Pushups 55situps 102squats 164
uhhh make that 354, must have remembered wrong.
Today I didn’t workout. But I am proud to say that I saved my brother in law from spending five grand on a home globogym. I think I have infected him with the crossfit bug. he is going to buy a pullup bar, some rings, and find a local trainer.
I just compared before and after pictures from the paleo challenge. I can safely say that it’s working. I’m going to continue using it as the foundation of my diet, except with some leniency when it comes to an occasional cheat meal or simply to try a few bites of something forbidden… and I’m having some chocolate, damn it.
Does anyone have a copy of the book, Paleo Diets for Althletes or another helpful book on the Paleo lifestyle you’d be willing to lend me? I’m reading a lot on line and thinking of giving it a shot but would like to know more.
this was my first tabata something else and i really liked it. subbed box jumps for squats though.
pull ups: 42push ups: 45sit ups: 101box jumps: 57TOTAL: 245
push ups were the worst. pull ups felt good – thanks brandy, you were hammering out those squats woman! awesome work!
fell off the paleo wagon for breakfast (yum) but will return for lunch and dinner. i want to stay mostly paleo with some dairy added back in (who doesn’t love cheese!??!) and some treats/cheats now and then too.
I skipped tabata yesterday. My body decided it had to have a rest day. But it was awesome to watch you guys kick ass! I dub Steph the pullup queen and Brandy the squat queen. Y’all will be my inspiration when I make up this WOD.
I too plan to keep a pretty clean diet. After falling off the wagon for thanksgiving, it’s taking me a few days to right myself and I don’t like it.
Cynthia – I know Jenna and Rob are big paleo for athletes fans, so you might want to pick their brains.
first timer with tabata.dont have my individual scores, but it was in the 280 something range. started off good with each discipline and then crashed midway and picked up a little at the end. might sound like madness, but, looking forward to the next time.
still diggin the paleo. with my folks here it’s been challenging, but all in all good. dont really miss the other in ireland is going to be the tough one. beer drinking especially. will have to break down for that. looking for a crossfit over there. hopefully be able to keep it up somewhat.
Cynthia, you can borrow my copy of Paleo for Athletes. I’ll leave it with David for you when I am there on Thursday. Get ready for the crazy in-depth science that makes me crush on Joe Friel. 🙂 It’s geeky.
Foundations WOD:
10 Dead Lifts10 Push Ups9 DL9 PU…1 DL1 PU
82 lbs
9 min 32 sec!
hey gang,did this WOD in my basement.Ring pull ups 55 (so much harder to kip on rings, kept losing my rhythm)pushups 86stiups (unanchored, with a towel) 84squats 122total 347
I have to look back to see what i did last time i did this. I think i was relatively the same. the rings pull ups killed me.