For time:
100 Squats
5 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle-ups
50 Squats
15 Muscle-ups
25 Squats
20 Muscle-ups
Post time to comments.
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
Time to start planning for the Paleo Potluck!
Paleo Friendly Recipes Performance Menu
My Paleo Kitchen
settled for brussel sprouts instead of chocolate.
sort of helped.
I want a good burger with fries and a beer.
Breakfast was an arugula and ground beef omelet. mmm
every thursday at work we have treats. this thursday, cupcakes.
i want a chocolate cupcake. i will settle for some broccoli and a glass of water.
No chocolate!No cheese!I’m in Baltimore starving but staying true to the paleo.I think we’re slipping into the “yeah, I can do it… but why phase”, where cheating sounds oh so good.
Oh so very good.
Tomorrow is two weeks.
I’m hungry.
Thanksgiving was originally declared and “anything goes” day however i fully intend to stay Paleo on it.
Wow, you guys make Paleo sound so freaking rosy. And to think I’m about to jump into the fray. 🙂
I call dibs on something I don’t have to cook for Sunday. You will thank me for that, trust me. Suggestions are welcomed lest I show up with fresh warm cupcakes to torture you all.
“JASON” – 25.57 ouch!!!
re paleo..i’m a week behind everyone..and getting into the angry about everything phase..i think it’s getting easier, but damn it’s tough to do the w.o.d’s
breakfast smoked salmon and boiled egg
lunch celery sticks rest of last nights cooked salmon.
snack nuts
dinner sashimi and salad
Anne and I had a burgers last night and they were delicious.
David M – are you eating enough? and enough variety? seems like pretty slim pickins
I was thinking about keeping paleo on T-day too. And then I realized that is a moronic thought.
Actually, I don’t intend to go nuts. I mean I’ll eat dairy and grain, but I think I’ll focus on the veggies and turkey.
The thing is – I feel much better eating paleo. The cravings are just that. But if I take a step back and think about how I feel, it keeps me honest.
As some of you may have read, we lost a fellow probationary firefighter at the FDNY Academy this week. He collapsed shortly after our FST evolution (basically CrossFit dressed as a firefighter) on Monday and immediately went into respiratory arrest. He died at Mt. Sinai Hospital on Tuesday – Veteran’s Day. He was a Navy veteran, husband, father of two and Brother to 291 “probies.”
In dealing with this, one thing that sticks out is the advice of our instructors:
“Don’t dog anything the rest of the time you are here. Don’t dog anything for the next 20 years of your career”
At 33 years of age, Jamel Sears was no doubt in his prime. He passed arguably the most difficult evolution of any fire academy anywhere in the world on Monday. On Tuesday, he was gone.
Don’t dog your next WOD. Set a PR. Scale up instead of down. Hurt a little bit more than usual.
Keep the Sears family in your prayers.
John B.
Today I did between 6am and 10pm every four hours the following Mini-WOD:three rounds of10 Push Ups20 Squats
The Paleo thing seems to become more and more awesome. Too bad I’m going to miss the potluck at Margie’s.
You all have inspired me to get even more serious about my diet. Today, I signed up for Robb Wolf’s Feb 2009 nutrition seminar in San Diego.
Margie: can I adopt you to be my personal chef? Your meals always sound so adventurous and yummy!
All the best to CFSBK and thanks for sharing your experiences.
Cynthia in San Diego
Was cruising until the last couple Muscle-ups. That last one in particular just didn’t want to come. A better kip will make this WOD a little easier next time.
21:12 as Rx’d.Muscle-Ups were harder than I anticipated them to be. I thought I’d cruise through the 5, 10 and maybe even 15 unbroken. I was wrong.
Cynthia-Thats GREAT. You’ll learn a lot at the seminar, Robb and Nicki are an awesome team. If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been following our blog?
Heads up- be on the lookout for a Gymnastics Cert to be posted on the Maincsite for 4/25+26 at CFSBK soon. I highly suggest this certification.
on behalf of jenna and I, we would like to say wow!
that was some real amazing determination.
I’ve been checking you guys out since around August or so. You seem like a nice kid (jeez, I’m old….) with a great group of people training there. From various postings on your blog, I’ve looked into eating locally, food co-ops, organics, etc. I thank you for bringing these new things into my world!
“Nice kid” heh.
That’s awesome. Are you training at CFSD?
Yep! CFSD is my home away from home. Have you ever been out here, or do you know anyone here?
I don’t know anyone from SD personally but i’ve heard so many great things about the coaches and program.
Please know that if you ever make it out to the east coast we would love to have you train with us. I smell a Paleo Month in your future.Please keep us updated on your progress!
from tonight’s foundations class…
dead lifted 105 lbs.
21-15-9 ; burpees-kettle swings-box jumps in 12 min, 14 sec.
Jason-21:17 modified pull-ups(blue bad, negatives dips?).
This wod was awesome, kicked my butt totally! My legs felt like J-E-L-L-O. I had a great time working out with the ladies tonight! U guys are a riot. I also got to repeat yesterday’s kiping pull-ups (really exciting).
David, I wanted to extend an invitation to u this weekend for my show; I have two free tickets (for this weekend only) for fri-8pm, sat-8pm, sun-4pm. Let me know if ur interested and give me the name of the person accompanying u. All the CSFSB crew is invited the show runs for 5 weeks (i’ll only be there for 4 weeks).
See u guys on Saturday! hopefully
Ok, so Jason- Opted for the green band on the pull-ups having spent way too much of my morning doing pull-ups (I forgot to mention last night… y’all would be proud of me… i taught the trainers at Trinity about the rubberband pull-up trick… they were so excited to think that the women training with them might be able to finally do some pull-ups to get stronger too.) I used the blue band on the dips, tho truth be told, I should step that down to tan. 21:42 in the end. Better than I expected given I walked in the door pretty much shot already.
And to echo Nicole’s comment, nice work Legolas… err… Jeremy. Watching your perseverence on that last muscle-up was off the hook.
foundations class
three rounds of 21-15-9;burpees, kb-swings, box jumps
19:16subbed 1:1 ratio of pullups/bardips. Used thin band for pullups.
This is a weird workout since it hits easy, medium and hard movements for me. Squats flew by, the dips were pretty challenging by the end and I’m in a weird in between spot with the pullups – band is too easy, but it would take me 18 years to finish without it.
Cynthia – I’d love to be your personal chef! That totally makes my day. As David said, feel free to post questions/progress on our site.
Bfast: 2 x large boiled eggs, mix of radishes and kohlrabi and roasted parsnip with 1/2 tspn olive oil, lick of creamed coconut, CLO.Lunch will be a burger with steamed broccoli and olive oil and half an apple.Dinner TBD, but definitely fish from the farmers market.
Lunch yesterday was a slice of pizza in the car with a can of coke.Dinner was a Mama’s special from Leo’s latticini in Corona. The Mama’s special is a hero with salami, ham, sweet peppers, fresh mozzarella and marinated mushrooms. I tried not to eat the bread but it made the sandwich hard to hold.Breakfast this morning was a scrambled egg with Ham on multi grain bread with ketchup and a cup of coffee.:)
I forgot/am afraid to ask Margie what is a lick of coconut?
that’s awesome!
I did 27 something I think. I forget. 2x sub of pullups/dips. Dips got really evil at the end, had to go to jumping dips.
Last night I was out until 5. No sleep to recover. Today i am sore. My classmates ate cheese fries in the east village. I declined. (Hey, it’s something! =)
Made up the Power Clean WOD which i couldn’t do because of Jazz downstairs.
Warm-up:4 Hours of vacuuming, mopping, sweeping and arranging.500m Row, DROMS
PWR CLN 7×1(65×5, 95×3, 140×1)150, 160, 165, 175F, 175, 180F, 180F
creamed coconut is my current crack. Xuan Mai gave me a jar and I will love her forever.
ack! no cfsbk for hill these days. *finally* got my a$$ to the orthopedic doc and turns out this persistent month of neck/upper back pain is thanks to back spasms, which is why my faithful routine of heating pads wasn’t doing much.
i left his office with prescriptions for a muscle relaxer & anti-inflammatory (both of which i’m loathe to take) and also a cervical collar and appointments with a physical therapist. wtf?
it’s no doubt a whole mess of things that’s causing it, but according to him, i should let it heal before getting gradually back into a serious exercise routine, mostly because of muscle tightness that aggravates it. i plan to take it day by day… i’m not really into the medications, but it’s been bothering my sleep so much lately that i may just need to go for it.
any advice from fellow back spazzes out there??
point is, i’ll be confined to lots of squatting in my apartment for a bit. will be missing my lyceum fix for sure & will just have to read the blog with longing till i’m back!
Is there creamed corn on my plate? I specifically requested NO CREAMED CORN.
je un aime solitaire.
we’ll miss you hillary.
That sucks hill,
You’re going to be tempted to rush back, but it’s best to let it heal, else it’s just going to take longer to get right.
This is something we all learn the hard way.
This is also something we never listen to, no matter how many times we learn it the hard way.
margie. getting used to it now. i think at the start it was too little, but am increasing the loads. feeling better. as the days go on, the stuff i was missing i’m not now. sports drinks working out is still tough
i cant make the pot luck unfortunately.
for t’day, i’m going to try to keep on the paleo.
today friday
breakfast – smoked salmon, fruit, nuts
lunch – soup, watercress and beef
dinner – grilled chicken pieces with a cucumber, tomato, celery and carrot salad