Did the Accessory work under Jeremy’s eye, then did two rounds not at all for time of 30 sledge hammer swings each side and 20 40# DB Swings.
Then as i was about to leave Mike asked me to do some pull-ups so we did a ladder up until the 10th round where his hand opened up.
I can’t remember my specific meals for the last two days offhand. I’ve been strict with the allowed exception of 2 glasses of wine last night that really made me want pizza. Had a vegetable omelet instead. Being a little tipsy was the first time i’ve seriously craved non-paleo foods. Interesting..
Erik K.says
155, 165, 175, 185, 195FThe final round really put stress on my left shoulder, causing me to bail.
After class: Annie!!!7:58 PR (previously was 9:17)I was really hoping to break the 9 minute mark, so I was stoked when I got a sub-8.
After brunch went to the gymDB Bench Press: 80×4, 80×3, 80×2, 70x6Really disappointing. I felt weak. I’m generally able to do more.
Yesterday:Breakfast: 4 strips of bacon, broccoli rabe, a few strawberries, almondsLunch: Lemon chicken, broccoli, carrots, 2 hard boiled eggs4pm snack: Sliced turkeyDinner: small salad, huge freaking steak, escaroleLater: a lot more almonds
I can think of few finer ways to spend a Saturday morning than squatting with my friends at CFSBK!
Front Squat: 95x2100x2105x2110x1 + fail (didn’t break parallel)112×2 (PR)
Good luck tomorrow Stephanie!!!
today’s chow:16.5 hour fast
salad of mixed winter greens, sunchoke, red pepper, beets, turkey and avocado. a few grapes, some creamed coconut. CLO
snacked on a few walnuts and persimmon and grapes and olives
dinnercod with basil/pinenut tapenade wrapped in prosciutto. Steamed purple kale and brussels sprouts roasted with leeks, garlic, pinenuts, shiitake in olive oil and lemon zest. This kicked ass. I cook tasty food.
some creamed coconut, persimmon, couple frozen berries.
whats up every body its sal i sprained my wrist. But i shall make a come back soon. I cant wait im in depression right know it sucks.I miss u guys
WE WON! game tomorrow for the championship! wish us luck.
oh, and i have only cheated once while down here which i consider a feat!
Congrats Stephanie…
fsq: 145/155/165/175/185
plus one muscle up
couldn’t get a second.. my timing was all off for subsequent attempts.
Congrats steph.
I couldn’t get out of the hole on 195. Torso angle and everything else felt pretty good on this today, but not perfect.
2 rounds accessory work because my core is shot right now. The second L sit happened about 3 seconds at a time.
Then I couldn’t get a muscle up at all (very frustrating) so I worked on some pulls:
100 pullups: 6:10
Last time I did 100 pullups was for Angie and took 35 minutes.
Yay Steph! That must feel especially sweet considering the season. And awesome job maintaining your diet.
FSQ: 100,105,110,115,120(PR)
AccessoryRDL: 2@20#DBs/25#/30#/30#Hanging tucks
worked on kipping pullups a bit.
By the way it was awesome to see Bethany and Allan.
Really solid work to my lifting ladies Bethany and Colette.
FSQ185, 225, 235, 255, 260PR
Goat WOD3 rounds25 Doubler-Unders5 Muscle Ups7:43
First time I’ve put a clock on that workout, much room for improvement.
Listen to this short and fascinating story on how bacteria in your gut affects weight gain/loss.
Warm-up:15 Wall Ball Shots, 10 Pull-ups x2
FSQ(45×5, 95×5, 135×2)155×2, 165×1, 160×2, 165×2, 170F
Did the Accessory work under Jeremy’s eye, then did two rounds not at all for time of 30 sledge hammer swings each side and 20 40# DB Swings.
Then as i was about to leave Mike asked me to do some pull-ups so we did a ladder up until the 10th round where his hand opened up.
I can’t remember my specific meals for the last two days offhand. I’ve been strict with the allowed exception of 2 glasses of wine last night that really made me want pizza. Had a vegetable omelet instead. Being a little tipsy was the first time i’ve seriously craved non-paleo foods. Interesting..
155, 165, 175, 185, 195FThe final round really put stress on my left shoulder, causing me to bail.
After class: Annie!!!7:58 PR (previously was 9:17)I was really hoping to break the 9 minute mark, so I was stoked when I got a sub-8.
After brunch went to the gymDB Bench Press: 80×4, 80×3, 80×2, 70x6Really disappointing. I felt weak. I’m generally able to do more.
Yesterday:Breakfast: 4 strips of bacon, broccoli rabe, a few strawberries, almondsLunch: Lemon chicken, broccoli, carrots, 2 hard boiled eggs4pm snack: Sliced turkeyDinner: small salad, huge freaking steak, escaroleLater: a lot more almonds
I can think of few finer ways to spend a Saturday morning than squatting with my friends at CFSBK!
Front Squat: 95x2100x2105x2110x1 + fail (didn’t break parallel)112×2 (PR)
Good luck tomorrow Stephanie!!!
today’s chow:16.5 hour fast
salad of mixed winter greens, sunchoke, red pepper, beets, turkey and avocado. a few grapes, some creamed coconut. CLO
snacked on a few walnuts and persimmon and grapes and olives
dinnercod with basil/pinenut tapenade wrapped in prosciutto. Steamed purple kale and brussels sprouts roasted with leeks, garlic, pinenuts, shiitake in olive oil and lemon zest. This kicked ass. I cook tasty food.
some creamed coconut, persimmon, couple frozen berries.
whats up every body its sal i sprained my wrist. But i shall make a come back soon. I cant wait im in depression right know it sucks.I miss u guys