21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 225lbs
Post time to comments.
Accessory work
3 rounds NFT of:
30 Reverse walking lunges 25/15
1:30 Lateral plank each side
Carry the dumbbells suitcase style for round 1, front squat rack for round 2 and overhead for round 3.
Stretching the Truth NY Times
Steve (from yesterday’s post) – One of the major points in Cordain’s paleo book deals with the acid/base balance of the foods you eat. He argues that our modern diet is too acidic, which presents a problem to our kidneys, and leaches calcium from our bones to even it out. This was one of the parts of the book that I understood the least, and I’m personally not too worried about some vinegar because I eat a lot of greens and vegetables (net basic) and don’t eat a ton of acidic modern foods.
Margie – I think I shook it too much, the fat plug at the top was gone when I got it back to the office. That chocolate milk though looks unreal–three layers: fat on top, milk in the middle, and some dark chocolate on the bottom. I’ll try that later; the sugar would kill me at the office.
the fat plug should be gone if it’s dispersing properly. but the method of shaking should be fairly gentle and gradual – turn it upside down and right side up, (like ringing a bell) rather than, um, well… a vigorous up and down motion. same is true for the chocolate milk (which is freakishly good)
hey all!
ive been checking in with your blog since the cert, and thought id chime in. sorry to miss the nutrition gig this wkend – im sure it was awesome.
great post i saw re: acid/base balance.http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2008/10/acid-base-balance.html
the short of it: eat real foods (with high mineral content), and youre ok!
Day 3Still don’t have much of an appetite.1/2 Salad with shrimp, eggs, avocado.. Seltzer3 Eggs, Steamed Broccoli, Grapefruit H20Chicken Thighs, Almond butter Seltzer
Feeling better though, i’ll see you 7am’ers tomorrow.
3:24 as RX’d
Grip was pretty much the only limiting factor, didn’t feel that much out of breath at the end, but my forearms were fried.
Accessory work was pure suckage.
Almond butter seltzer? Sounds delish.
today’s chow:2 boiled eggs, carrot/celery/beet/sprouts, couple macadamia nuts, cod liver oil, decaf
roasted chicken, steamed romanesco cauliflower, 1/3 of an apple, olive oil and mac nuts
turkey, melange of veggies from the organic salad bar at Lifethyme with olive oil, bit of sweet potato, some free ham, couple of grapes, lick of almond butter.
Thanks for chiming in EC!
Breakfast: apple sauce with blueberries, almond butter (which is the greatest thing ever), turkey
Lunch: salad with an egg, chicken, ham, broccoli, cucumber, walnuts
4pm snack: 4 oz turkey, almonds, all green juice (spinach, cucumber, parsley and celery from a juicer)
Post workout: 1/4 pound ham
Dinner: 2 small hamburger patties, broccoli, almond butter, strawberries
Mood: Commute was tough, prone to feel rage. After I got to work, I started to feel off, really hungry but also light headed, almost doped up. After lunch I started to feel a bit better. Snack was meant to hold me off till class, kind of worked. After the main wod, I was useless, which turned into anger, which perpetuated the uselessness and thus a downward spiral was born. All in all, I’d say it’s better then yesterday, but still far from right. Even having just finished dinner, I’m feeling rather pissy. I’m looking forward to being a couple weeks into this thing. Hell, I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving.
I’m also impressed so many have decided to give it a shot. It will be nice to compare notes/results at the end of the month.
Erik, all- don’t forget to take a picture and weigh in (if you’re so inclined). I’m thinking about getting a blood panel too, just for personal knowledge.
As rxd: 5:38
Yes, grip was a big issue here, but the deads and pullups were difficult too.
Accessory work was killer. I remember side planks being much easier.
Dinner (quantities estimated):6 oz pork chop = 6 blocks protein1.5 cups onion/2 cups collard greens/1 apple/1 sweet potato = 10 blocks carbsolive oil/butter = a few blocks fat
Wow, I just went for the carbs and planned to count them up later. That’s definitely plenty. I really like cutting carbs during the day and moving them to post wod (dinner); it works great with my schedule and typical insulin response. Hopefully it works out as well for recovery and body comp.
oh right, 9:35 as rx’edand my rather cheap scale had me at 182 lbs this morning
aw fun, 20 lbs hang & rack, 15lbs overhead
don’t vote!
110#/thin band pullups10:45went light and slow on this one to make sure the back was ok, which it was!
Accessory w 15# dbs
Happy election day!
i really want to do this wod! maybe tomorrow..
dinner last night was GREAT – i experimented and just threw a bunch of stuff in a pan and it was delish and filled me up
olive oilsliced yellow pepperspinachalmond butterchickenshrimp
woke up not feeling as starving as i have been.
i also remembered to take photos on Sunday. YIKES!
breakfast today:
3 hard boiled eggshanful of nuts/seedsa couple raspberriescoffee (half caf)
More on not voting:
13:47 with 195#Blue band for the pul ups.
Several notable things for me today:I have graduated to the Blue band from the Green band.My grip gave out very quickly.My calluses all felt like they were ready to tear until Shane gave me a good tip on really grabbing onto the bar.And I took a fair amount of skin off my shin while lowering the bar on the deadlifts.
Post WOD recovery drink: Nestle reduced fat Chocolate milk. The perfect 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein needed for my recovery.
Breakfast:2 scrambled eggs with ham, homefries, rye toast with BUTTER.2 cups of coffee with a dash of MILK and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
You could say I am doing the “Paleo for athletes plus diet”.
Day 4:
Breakfast: Applesauce with blueberries, almond butter, turkeyLunch: Steak, a hard boiled egg, some mixed fruit, green beans4pm Snack: Remaining steakDinner: Even more steak, broccoli, almond butter, walnuts, honeydew and cantaloupe
Started to lose my temper at Whole Foods (freaking crappy ass line system and $20 almond butter). I keep having to try to cool myself down, reminding myself it’s just part of the process. Keeping myself together while waiting in line over an hour to vote also proved challenging.I also have phases of being brain dead, vacant, like where I’ll be writing an email and realize it makes no sense and is full of mistakes. It’s not fun. That said, I do think it will start getting better soon.
Everything that is prohibited appeals to me more then it ever has.
today’s chow:
bfst: sardines with celery and roasted onion, drizzle of olive oil, 1/3 apple. maybe a taste of almond butter? cod liver oil
lunch: roast chicken, steamed tatsoi and shiitake mushrooms, beet, avocado, couple macadamias
snack: couple of olives
dinner: steak with broccoli, yellow pepper, leek and garlic sauteed in olive oil. about a Tblspn almond butter, about a Tblspn amazon bliss (coconut butter thing… sort of illegal), a little hemp butter, 1/3 of an apple.
I had literally 2 sips of caffeinated coffee and it totally made me starving for sugar/fat.
Erik – I don’t know what the volume is on the fruit you’re consuming but it looks like a fair amount. perhaps you should try to swap some veggies in… even densely carbed veggies. see if that affects your mental clarity.
Day 4+ 4 eggs+ Salad (greens, chicken, sprouts, radishes, couple dried cranberries)+ Salad (greens, bacon, tomatoes, chicken, strawberries)+ Almond Butter, Asian Pear
Tried to hit the WOD this morning but about 5 deadlifts in i could tell i wasn’t totally better and took it slow, probably finished in about 10-12 minutes with plenty of rest.
Nutrition-wise i’m feeling fine. I need to eat more fatty meats, i think.
oh- i actually laid down after the workout and ended up falling asleep for like 20 minutes literally under the barbell. As it turns out, doing 7 deadlifts and 7 pull-ups is better than a shot of espresso to get you going.
I’m feeling saucy, and thinking of doing this wod at lunch in addition to whatever the wod is this evening. good or bad idea?
ok, so how’s everyone doing with the paleo challenge?I don’t know how much longer I can take feeling like this. Seriously, this anger just isn’t healthy or right. I feel like shit.I’m even having a hard time concentrating on this post. I’m completely useless.Needless to say, I’m not going to class tonight because I just don’t see the point. I’d just be pissed off the whole time.I’m also feeling clammy and disgusting physically.Oh, and I’m down to 180 lbsI’d like to get to two weeks to see if there is any return to normality, but I’m starting to have my doubts. I don’t see how anyone can ever feel good on this diet.
Did this workout last night, and it just killed my hands. I actually bailed out half way through the final round after ripping my left hand badly. My time was 13:40 when I bailed. I had plenty of gas in the tank cardio-wise, I just couldn’t hold onto the bars any more.
13:40 with 75lbs, green rubber band and David pushing me up.