Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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Accessory work
5 Rounds for time of:
12 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
12 Box Jumps
(10 Minute Cap!)
(Left to right)
Rob, Jason, Pat, Jacinto, Maggie, Adrian, Margie, Chuck, David, EC, Shane and Jeremy
Don't mess with Julie! (fight starts after 2 minutes)
FAQ'ing Aye!
Sweet pic! The cert was a blast at your box. I look forward to heading back out there. Keep hitting it hard!
This is another goodie.
Press x1: 65,70,75,78,79 (PR)Push Pres x3: 75,80,85,90,95(PR)Push Jerk x5: 80,85,90,95,100 failed on 3rd attempt
Wrenched my back a bit – hopefully nothing too severe. Otherwise though, felt pretty good. My form was starting to get squirrely (hence the wrenched back)…. I think I’ll take David’s suggestion to try working with the weight belt.
Mike Rose you are the man of my psoriatic dreams.
Press: 135, 155, 175, 185, 190Push Press: 190×3, 195×3, 200×3, 205×3, 210x3Push Jerk: 190×5, 195×5, 195×5, 200×4, 135×5
Form wasn’t quite right on the Push Jerks, knocked the weight down to stick a few correctly at the end.
Warm-up:500m row, DROMs, P/PP/PJ @ 45lbs
Press: 95, 105, 115, 120, 125FPush Press: 125×3, 130×3, 135×3, 140×3, 145FPush Jerk: 145×2, 120×5, 125×5, 135×2
Pretty freakin tired by the time Push Jerks came around.
I put on the mysterious belt that showed up at the Lyceum one day just for the hell of it and felt a lot more secure with my push presses and jerks.. which is to be expected.
Didn’t get to the Accessory work since classes were starting. I’d like to try it tomorrow… depending on what mainsite posts.