685 total. was sore from DLing on thursday still, should break 700 no problem on next total (unless it’s tomorrow).
BSQ: 150 (155f)Press: 75 (80f) (tho I put up 78 afterwards, so I think I’ll take that)DL: 210 PRtotal: 437
Accessory windmills @ 30#, R & Lx9x10x2
Yes congrats to Max and Charmel. Strong strong work. and to Paul too! Nice round of PRs today.
Shane and David, thanks for keeping the bar from chopping off my head. I think 155 BSQ is within my reach!
BSQ – 330 (pr)Press – 155 (matched pr)DL – 415 (pr)900Jeremy – thanks for the pointers. Between now and the next total I’ll try to get closer to the bar.
I hadn’t done 1RMs of most of this before. I’d done a 1RM of press but it was a really weak day so I only got 65.. Felt good about my bsq and press. I went a wee bit light on the deadlift because my form was iffy during warmups and I was a little sore from DL on Thursday, so I stuck to the same max I did on Thu, 255. Still happy with that though. My ass is sore now. I guess that is a result of glute-squeezing, thanks to Jacinto’s strong exhortations!
Charmel: I have been reading Mish since March but didn’t really believe him until last month. I believed him to a point but I was mostly in denial. If only I had believed him back in March! I wouldn’t have to sell my car!
By the way – great article today David (even if it is a thinly veiled advert for vivo barefoot). Adam, i hope you read it cause it was for you.
*My range of motion on the back squat is not there yet, but I’m glad to at least have a number to build on for next time, though my real goal will be depth, not weight.
Of course I don’t get to check until days later! Thanks everyone!
I thought for sure I had lost that DL, but I wasn’t going to let go until my form broke!
Warm-up: x215 Squats, 10 Push-ups, 15 Sit-ups
BSQ (45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×1, 185×1)200, 210, 220
Press (45×5, 95×3)120, 125F, 122F
Deadlift (165×1, 225×1)315F, 295, 305
220+120+330= 645@ 145lbs
Deadlifts were surprisingly heavy today, 315 has been a safe open for a little while, shit was glued to the floor today. I was hoping to break 330.
One presidential candidate goes chin over the bar:
That’s STRENGTH you can believe in.
Great work on the Total today everyone!
Ian thanks so much for all of your coaching in Muay Thai. Looking forward to learning more and getting back in the swing of things.
Charmel, great to have you back. Way to put up 900. Max…that last DL was a hell of a fight
Margie…that weight is coming up. Loved you putting up 210
Back Squats: 260F, 260, 270FPress: 135F, 135, 142FDeadlift: 350, 370F, 370FTotal: 745 (25lbs lower then my last total, not so cool)
After LunchBench Press70 lb dumbbells x 880 lb dumbbells x 485 lb dumbbells x 390 lb dumbbells Failed80 lb dumbbells x 3
Dips: 10, 8, 8, 8
Pushup Tabata: 10 each round
Haircut and massage: too much money
Accessory work:
2 Rounds of:40lb DB Windmills x12, Hip Extensions x 20
2 Rounds of:30 Sledge Hammer swings onto the tire each side, 20 40lb DB Swings.
Good fun.
squat 235(pr)press 135(pr)dl 315
685 total. was sore from DLing on thursday still, should break 700 no problem on next total (unless it’s tomorrow).
BSQ: 150 (155f)Press: 75 (80f) (tho I put up 78 afterwards, so I think I’ll take that)DL: 210 PRtotal: 437
Accessory windmills @ 30#, R & Lx9x10x2
Yes congrats to Max and Charmel. Strong strong work. and to Paul too! Nice round of PRs today.
Shane and David, thanks for keeping the bar from chopping off my head. I think 155 BSQ is within my reach!
BSQ – 330 (pr)Press – 155 (matched pr)DL – 415 (pr)900Jeremy – thanks for the pointers. Between now and the next total I’ll try to get closer to the bar.
Definitely cool being back in the fold
I hadn’t done 1RMs of most of this before. I’d done a 1RM of press but it was a really weak day so I only got 65.. Felt good about my bsq and press. I went a wee bit light on the deadlift because my form was iffy during warmups and I was a little sore from DL on Thursday, so I stuck to the same max I did on Thu, 255. Still happy with that though. My ass is sore now. I guess that is a result of glute-squeezing, thanks to Jacinto’s strong exhortations!
Charmel: I have been reading Mish since March but didn’t really believe him until last month. I believed him to a point but I was mostly in denial. If only I had believed him back in March! I wouldn’t have to sell my car!
By the way – great article today David (even if it is a thinly veiled advert for vivo barefoot). Adam, i hope you read it cause it was for you.
*My range of motion on the back squat is not there yet, but I’m glad to at least have a number to build on for next time, though my real goal will be depth, not weight.
Of course I don’t get to check until days later! Thanks everyone!
I thought for sure I had lost that DL, but I wasn’t going to let go until my form broke!
Squat: 285Press: 115DL: 305!