Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Post rounds completed to comments.
Needless to say it was an incredible weekend. We received phenomenal instruction from all the trainers and had the honor of having Coach Glassman speak at length about a variety of experiences. Hosting a Level 1 certification has been a goal of mine since the park days and after this weekend it's safe to say that it will not be our last. A big thanks to Pat, EC, Adrian, Rob, Chuck, Maggie and Jason for the amazing job that they did with the cert, everyone I talked to came away informed, energized and with a clearer understanding of why it is we do what we do. I'd also like to congratulate all the new Level 1 CrossFit trainers and encourage them to come back to our box anytime, we loved having you and hope to see you all again soon. Finally, I want to thank the incredible group of people at CFSBK who made this all possible. Shane, Jacinto, Margie, Jeremy, and everyone else involved not only with the cert but with our community at large should feel proud to be part of something very special. You guys have all changed my life and I feel completely honored to be your coach.
More pics from the cert! CrossFit Virtuosity
Late post. Crashed after another very late night and early morning, was all out of whack and had some sort of bug in the early afternoon, slept for like 5 hours.
Check out Sameer’s first muscle up on!! Congrats Sameer!!
My quads are still toast and I have a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class tonight. The warm-up always consists of jumping jacks, squats, push-ups and sit-ups, repeat. GREAT!
It was great to be with so many Crossfitters over the weekend. The room was filled with people who actually care about their fellow human being.
I enjoyed the realness and rawness of the Crossfit presentation. I have never seen the F-bomb get dropped so many times in an unoffensive way.
Having Coach Glassman speak to us was like having Bill Parcells at a football seminar or Renzo Gracie at a BJJ seminar. His message was so genuine.
I have to attack my weakness tomorrow; the pullup, ring dip and muscle up.
When I finally adjust to the rigors of BJJ and CKO, I will resume my Crossfit regimen.
I am pooped from the weekend and surprisingly sore, so I plan to hit up the AM class tomorrow – looks like a great WOD.
This was a truly wonderful weekend. The level of instruction and kind of information presented exceeded my expectations, and it was a such a fun time. I feel reinvigorated about my own fitness, the CFSBK community and continuing to learn more about our physical subculture.
I also felt incredibly proud of the positive feedback Coach Glassman, the trainers and attendees had for our space and our community. Ultimately, their responses were a reaction to and reflection of David’s work ethic, passion, skill, kindness and engaging energy. We are all ambassadors of those qualities. That kicks ass.
PS – I’m listening to Terry Gross interview Michael Pollan on Fresh Air. This man is my hero. Listen if you can:
The cert sounds like it was phenomenal. I was kicking myself for not signing up earlier, but it turned out to be providence, as I’ve spent the last week in the hospital with Lulu who caught a bad infection. We’re finally home and all is well, and if I never spend another night in a plastic hospital recliner I will be a satisfied soul.
Margie, I’ve read everything my Michael Pollan that I can get my hands on. Did you read his recent article in the Times Magazine to the “Farmer in Chief”? He puts eloquent words to vague concepts that have been kicking around in my head for years. He makes me want to wave a farm raised beyond organic chicken drumstick in the air and start the revolution.
I am tired as hell, but missing me some crossfit, so I may try to make it to the AM class tomorrow.
That was F.U.N. You guys are awesome! I can’t wait to be back in Brooklyn. Thanks for humoring me around town and kicking my ass in shuffleboard.
Have fun,-Boz
Workout sucked, grip was fried after the 2nd round. Did 8 rounds + 5pullups/3 cleans. Was awesome to see Darren get his first muscle up after class, so close the first few times and then bam!
The Cert was awesome. I will admit to being skeptical about how much there was for me to learn after having read so many of the articles, watched the videos, and being fairly proficient at the movements. I could not have been more wrong. In the lectures, so many small but important things about how and why we do things clicked. In the small group work on the movements, I not only found things to fix in my movements, I got to watch several amazing trainers (each with their own style) in action as they spotted, cued, and corrected flaws in others. I even got my muscle up kip figured out during Sunday’s MU station. Last but not least Coach Glassman’s speech was awesome. He’s great anytime he speaks, but to hear his passion for Crossfit in general and his genuine appreciation for the work that we as a community have done building this special place was more than worth the price of admission.
Finally, Boz is the man, although he’s as bad at shuffleboard as I am.
It sounds like you all had an incredible weekend. To see what this has grown into over the past year is utterly amazing. It was apparent from the start that there was something to it, but there was no way of knowing the full potential that would soon be realized. David, you should be proud of what you’ve done because it’s really become something pretty damn incredible. I’m glad your weekend emphasized this fact.
Tonights WOD: 7
Max – I am really happy to hear everything’s ok with Lulu. That must be such relief.
Yes, I did read the article in the Times – this interview is an extension of that. I agree, he articulates everything I’m thinking about and definitely fuels the farming fire I’ve been stoking.
Darren- congrats on the muscle-up!!! That’s awesome!
Congrats to all of you. I was so happy to hear that everything went so well this weekend. Thanks for representing New York City so well.
Did anyone catch the “nic” debacle on the main board?
If you did, I have one piece of advice for anyone who feels the need to defend Crossfit. WE have the power. People need what WE know. WE don’t have to prove anything to anyone. People have to prove to US that Crossfit isn’t the best available method, and we all know the truth about that.
55#8 rnds plus 5 thrusters plus 7 HPC
Morning class was great! Nice to get all that accomplished before 8 in the morning and lovely to see Bjorn, Amy, Hill and Melissa.
My forearms were burnin’!
i’m jealous and proud all at the same time. jealous that i couldn’t be a part of what everyone has said was an amazing weekend – i definitely want to attend a level 1 cert in the near future and would love for it to be at SBK. also, proud of david for never losing site of his vision and of everyone at SBK for being such an amazing community.
came to the level 1 class last night
4 rounds of5 fsq (85#)10 elevated push ups (on small box)10 box jumps (on large box)10 kte
WOD as rx’d 7 rounds + 5thr + 3hpc
The next time i go home i think im going to try and bring back the ping pong table in my parents basement for the Lyceum.
I am still looking at all the pics from the weekend. Way to go Sameer on your first muscle up. And nice work most of all to David and the crew. Seems like CFSB is getting some due recognition. Way to go.
As a huge fan of Michael Pollan myself, I thought I’d share a link. With all the talk of trying to grow the base of farmers out there, now you can take an organic farming vacation and help out organic farms in need of labor all over the world. Might be a hellagood testament to functional fitness.
Yesterday’s WOD used 75# instead of 95#. First time doing Thrusters with a barbell. 8 rounds plus 5 Thrusters.
In the past 7 days I’ve done 4 workouts in 4 different CrossFit Facilities. CrossFit South Brooklyn (Erin), CrossFit San Francisco (The Chief), CrossFit Oakland (Filthy 50), and last night’s WOD at CrossFit Suffolk.
Each box does things a little bit different. The crowds could not be any more different (more on that later). But the one thing all of them had in common was the caliber of the people. Everywhere I went the people were welcoming and friendly. You could tell they were just good people.That’s not a great description of what I am trying to get across. I’m still not used to walking into a gym and having people come over, introduce themselves and just be friendly and helpful.
I got to take a class with Coach Adrian Bozman at CF San Francisco and he was great. As were Coach Connie and Moses at CF Oakland, the 10 am class was the LOUDEST. No wilting flowers in that joint.And last night I had the great pleasure to take a class at CrossFit Suffolk with Coach George and Lisa. Old friends of mine who I had lost touch with and who had seen my picture on the CFSBK site.
One of the CF Suffolk crossFitters is a Marine who is in a wheelchair. He did a modified version of the WOD using a dumbbell, a kettlebell and propping himself up by holding onto a bar. He’s new to CrossFit and hadn’t done anything that lasted close to 20 minutes. In my devious mind I figured I would wait until he tired out and in a show of solidarity for my injured Marine brother I would stop when he stopped. Did I mention he was a Marine? He wouldn’t stop until the twenty minutes was up. Talk about Motivation. You think the WOD was hard? How about pullin’ yourself up out of your wheel chair and doing it? I (we) have nothing to complain about.
I am bummed that I missed the Level 1 Cert. It sounds like people had a great time. I am signed up to take the one on November 15-16th in New Jersey.
A big thank you to Coach David, Shane and Jacinto for 2 things. 1. Everywhere I went people commented on my strict form (notice I didn’t say good). That’s a reflection of the good job you all are doing. 2. Thanks for pulling together a great community of people to work out with.
I am SO all about wwoofing Jenna. I’ve actually started my own little program: spent a weekend at a beef farm in Ghent with a guy who is all about Joel Salatin, rotational grazing etc. I’ll probably be going up there with some regularity. Next week I’m spending a day on a biodynamic farm in Amherst. I am seriously thinking about apprenticing on a farm for a while.
Dude, there better be Ping Pong next time I stop by! Get on it!
PS and you’re right about the Z axis staring us in the face all along…Greg always says that explanation for a concept is always behind the concept itself. Nature does not consider the human timeline neccissary to formulate and communicate ideas (processing time, really)…it sure is nice to have some language to give these concepts meaning though!
ack, sorry I missed this morning! I was wiped from the weekend. The muscle-up was great, thanks! Thanks particularly to David, Shane, Jacinto, Keith for helping me get there! I didn’t quite realize how bright my jacket was until I saw those pictures just now. I am hard to miss! haha. Fun times. Great cert.
It was great meeting all the CF’ers from the northeast area and all over and the trainers from all over. What a treat.
Congrats to all on what sounds like a bumping cert.
Good to be back with the a.m. class this morning after my sinus sabbatical last week:
35# for the WOD; HangPower Cleans are my biggest goat among goats.5 Rounds (+ 1 extra thruster coach Shane thrusted upon me.)
bah I suck and didn’t wake up early enough, did the main site wod in 23:xx, tore up my hands pretty good on a crappy, non-cfsbk pullup bar.
Anyone going to the Kettlebell cert in Montclair?