Sorry about that little SNAFU there guys, it’s kind of a long and boring story but we’re back up!
185/205/225/235/245F. Got 1 rep on the last set but I felt some discomfort on a hip injury that I thought had healed.Accessory work 6:03subbed 100 jumps for du
Still being careful about my hip so I skipped squatting. Sigh. Oh how I love the backsquat.
Did some OH situps with 10 and 15# dbs and weighted back extensions
First time doing a WOD with double unders as RX’d (although only kinda sorta since I counted attempts). The ring pushups were a welcome relief from smacking myself in the leg with a jump rope.
That looks like fun.
Sub: 10 hours in the office, shopping for mexican vanilla and competitively priced, quality tequila. Accessory: venison fajita in achiote (= amazing), tequila, habanero.
Seriously though, I can’t wait to get back to eating heavy stuff and lifting a zone diet. Do you know how much sugar they eat down here?
Sorry about that little SNAFU there guys, it’s kind of a long and boring story but we’re back up!
185/205/225/235/245F. Got 1 rep on the last set but I felt some discomfort on a hip injury that I thought had healed.Accessory work 6:03subbed 100 jumps for du
Still being careful about my hip so I skipped squatting. Sigh. Oh how I love the backsquat.
Did some OH situps with 10 and 15# dbs and weighted back extensions
Accessory WOD – subbed 10 ring pushups8:18
Warm-up: 3 Rounds of15 Wall Ball Shots @ 10#, 10 Knee 2 Elbows, 10 Hip Extensions
Back Squat(45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 165×3, 185×3, 200×3, 205×2, 205×1 (185×3, 175×3, 165×5)
Damn these puny legs!
Accessory WOD5:25 as rx’d
Someone can string double unders together now!
I really like the picture today. Not sure why but i think it’s pretty cool.
225, 235, 245 (a new pr for sets of 3), 250 (an even better pr for 3’s), 205 x 5
Accessory WOD5:24 as rx’d
Ooo, beat David by 1 second
I might have to get a bit obsessed with that work out. I’d like to get a sub 4.
I also really like todays photo, although narcissism may play a large factor in my opinion.
Happy Birthday to Paul “P$” Coviello. All the best man. Come back to workout soon
Happy Birthday to Paul “P$” Coviello. All the best man. Come back to workout soon
Back Squat275x3, 295×3, 310×3, 315×2, 275×3
Accessory WOD: 9:12
First time doing a WOD with double unders as RX’d (although only kinda sorta since I counted attempts). The ring pushups were a welcome relief from smacking myself in the leg with a jump rope.
That looks like fun.
Sub: 10 hours in the office, shopping for mexican vanilla and competitively priced, quality tequila. Accessory: venison fajita in achiote (= amazing), tequila, habanero.
Seriously though, I can’t wait to get back to eating heavy stuff and lifting a zone diet. Do you know how much sugar they eat down here?
Gilson’s done another cool interview this time with Brian Mackenzie
He talks about, the POSE certs, and running in general.
Adam – Venison fajita?! Come on man, that sounds so much better than double unders and ripped calluses.
Anyway, isn’t there a pyramid you can climb? For time?
Way to go Jeremy and David for stepping up their DU game…. I had slightly better luck with those crappy things myself.
Happy bday P$!! Looking forward to seeing you blow it away this weekend!
Dear Diary,It’s only 2.5 hours after doing squats and I’m already sore. A new worlds record??
5×5 @ 135lbs. Felt like I might have been able to go a bit higher, but I’m glad I didn’t with the way I feel now.