Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees
Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.
Post time to comments.
Accessory work:
Foam Roll
500m technique row x2
This workout is in honor of Maplewood, Missouri Firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, who was killed by sniper fire July 21st 2008 when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. He is survived by his parents Andrew and Jackie Hummert.
What better way to spend a Wednesday night than Deadlifting and hanging out with friends?
Respect Weight, Respect the Movement.
As CrossFitters we pride ourselves on using functional movements to develop our strength and conditioning. We poke fun at typical gym-goers and their 'interpretations' of classic movements like the back squat and deadlift. All too often however that last pull on "Diane" or that 3rd round of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls on "Fight Gone Bad" can be unacceptably compromised for the sake of getting a better score. It's true that at high intensity technical perfection is impossible to maintain but certain boundaries must be established to ensure your safety and the preservation mechanical functionality. These movements are POTENT, their returns in fitness are unparalleled and therefore must be respected. At CFSBK we stress that the rx'd loads are there as guides for you to determine what kind of workout it is rather than something set in stone. We're also of the contention that a sloppy ass clean or back squat is not PR material and big weights shouldn't be approached until consistency with the movement has been established. Take your time, practice the movements, practice them some more, THEN jump into the fire.
Missed your opportunity to sign up for our level 1? Why not Register for Guerrilla Fitness' cert on November 15th &16th.
David, Jeremy and Sal, have fun, and go hard at the hopper on Sat!!!
3 rounds, 2x ringdips/pullups for MUs — 18:50-something
so very close to getting a muscleup. still not there.
More market trauma today! Good thing I am going to the cert next weekend, perhaps I need to consider a new career.
I love burpies most of all when I am on the couch 2 hours later. 🙂
Ok… 4 sets in 17:26:7 green band pullup7 dips21 burpies
Thanks for band wrangling and cheerleading Margie and Shane. And thanks David for egging me on for another set.
5 Rounds as RX’d21:06
Muscle Ups were tough, I need to work on my MU kip.
WOD:subbed 2 sets of 7 pu & 7 dips for every set of 7 muscle ups. Completed 5 sets. After I finished I realized I missed 1 set of 7 dips in my final round. I just had my mind set on finishing those last 21 burpees. I was so exhausted I didn’t record my time. (think it was 23:08) It was somewhere in the mid 20’s range. I need to work on getting muscle ups for multiple reps.
3 rounds of
7 green band pull ups7 short-guy dips21 burpees
time: 14:04
broke the burpees up into mini-sets of 8, 8 and 5, which made it a little easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel…
later did a wee 500m on the rower to check out my form.
still contending with some major upper back pain that has been plaguing me, but am continually impressed with how the crossfit movements don’t seem to aggravate it at all…I feel much less pain when I’m doing a WOD than when I’m sitting at my desk, for example.
Still resting my hip flexor so I did the following weird-ass workout:
5 rnds:5 swings w/20kg kb2 laps double sandbag scurry: shoulder both sandbags and run/walk (ie scurry) from wall to rower area and back, 2x
then i did a couple of single sandbag TGUs, 20kg TGUs and attempted to do a double sandbag TGU, alas. Those freakin’ sandbags piss me off man. I will conquer those things… nothing but giant, rubber commas.
Have a great time in Baltimo’ Sal, DO and Jfish!!
Off to the farm….
Hillary, I know what you mean. Make me stand up on the subway for ten minutes and my upper back gets fatigued. But have me do any WOD that uses the upper back a lot and its fine.
Couldn’t make it tonight, instead:
eat one turkey burger and onion ringsthen four rounds for time of:write one technical documentation doc
about three hours
Oh yeah, Sal, Jeremy and David, kick ass for us in Baltimore!
Margie, enjoy the farm!