4 Rounds For Time of:
10 Handstand Push-Ups
10 L-Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Accessory work
Weighted Hip Extensions 8×3
Basic Bounce or Double Under Practice- 10 minutes
The Relaxation Response
Have you ever experimented with regular meditation or relaxation techniques?
Moderate volume in today’s WOD. Keep your ROM strict and the L Pull-ups legit. Go chest to bar if you can.
I used to meditate in college pretty regularly. You do get a lot better at it with consistent practice and the benefits are quite apparent. My advice would be to not have any expectations of it the first several sessions. It’s interesting how hard it is to quiet your mind.Hard mental training for sure.
hey guys. not gonna make the WOD today shit’s piling up at work. time to hit the globogym. see you guys on wednesday.
bacon resources:
Not going to make it tonight, hopefully tomorrow morning.
Adam, you forgot the Wake N’ Bacon in your worship. http://www.mathlete.com/portfolio/wakeNbacon.phpI'm waiting for the proposed air cannon add-on before I take the plunge myself.
Warm-up:Not much, some Droms and Sit-ups
WOD:7:15 as Rx’d
Chest to bar level
Hip Extensions: 45x12x3
I did presses instead of handstand push ups.1st round started with 115 lbs, did the first 9 reps, dropped down to 105 lbs for the 10th rep and for round 2.For rounds 3 and 4, I did 95 lbs.My L-shape is really more of a squiggly line.
Time 14:54
After that did Annie in 9:17my first sub-10 minute Annie, beating my previous PR by over 2 minutes. The double-unders were working, the sit-ups actually proved to be more difficult.
So after yesterdays 2x’s bodyweight + deadlift and todays sub-10 Annie, I’ve achieved what were my two primary goals. As a 405 lb deadlift is a LONG WAYS OFF, it’s time to start coming up with a couple other primary targets to obsess over.
Erik – nice. I know you wanted that sub-10 Annie.
ack what a day. I wish I had relaxation response technique dialed in.
Today’s WOD
1 ab mat + 1 15lb plate for HSPUsL-pull-ups/chin-ups
Accessory Work3 Sets/ 8 reps Strict DB Press-40#3 Sets Hip Extension (10, 25, 35)
The HSPUs were a lot stronger than they were during the last time I did them during that dreadful ascending/descending WOD earlier in the summer. Keeping my legs together and focusing on midline stabilization was key. Thanks Margie! Still need a lot of work on them.
Great work on Annie, Erik! Now that my bum has healed I’m eager to do it again.
Yesterday’s WOD
Warm-up800m Row-2:57 (59 Calories)
WODWarm-up (135, 225)Work (275, 300, 315, 330 (f), 315 (f))
K2E3 Sets x 12 (4#, BW, BW)
Tried stringing together some muscle ups. Got a couple of 2s. Really really ugly though. My right arm keeps getting stuck during the transition. hmm
18:40HSPU to 1 15#plate and 1 abmatPullups mix of strict and kipping
accessory4 sets hip extensions (bodyweight, 10, 25, 25)DB shoulder press: 8 reps/20#; 8 reps/25#; 6 reps 25#
Worked DUs. Was able to string together 5 or 6 DU/single/DU a bunch of times for the first time.
17:44HSPU to 10#plate + 2 abmatsstrict + kipping pull ups
accessory work + db presses (8 reps @ 20#, 8 reps @ 25#)
feeling even more sick…again. boo.
what a week
12:4725 lb dumbell presses for hspu
more dub presses 8x38x3 hip ext 10lb
10min jump ropewhee
maybe this week the world will end!
WOD – 7:51 using 2 abmats for hspu (keeping my balance was hard, thanks Jacinto for your help)weighted hip ext – 25# 35# 45#jump rope – needed the pracice, can’t get double unders yet.
14:4420 full rom hspu overall, 20 40# db presses40 L pullups
back ext – 20,30,40#’s, 8×3
Tried to get the triple under, couldn’t quite get it
57 burpees
By the way – thanks for bringing up relaxation David. Personally, the past month or two has been emotionally challenging and it’s definitely impacted my ability to quiet my mind, which has affected my quality of sleep. As soon as that gets off balance, so does my eating and exercise. All that stuff is cyclical and self-perpetuating.
I’ve gotten myself back to yoga once a week, which gives me a chance to be in my body in a very different way, and also benefit from the mini-meditation that comes at the end of class. And, yes, it’s really hard to actually relax my face and mind.
Interesting post about the relaxation and meditation stuff. I’m with Margie in that I get that from yoga more than anything else. (I tried to become a buddhist nun once. Got rejected. True and humbling story.)
That said, and David, I will email you offline too, if there is interest, I know a certain yoga teacher who would be happy to teach a mindful yet sweaty vinyassa class in the vastness of the lyceum, if people were interested. Might be a fun workshop– a moving meditation, as it were.
just for fun.
DIY kettle bell!!
Just ran the park and did a crossfit-esque rotation of push ups, sit ups, and pull ups. Now it’s time for League Night at Melody Lanes. Looking forward to thursday foundation’s class.
yeah, i was introduced to meditation in the buddhist vipassana tradition (‘insight meditation’ in the us) by my favorite college teacher back in ’01. definitely worthwhile– benefits in calmness, openness, kindness, and wellness are quite apparent, as david says, if you stick with it.
this type of practice is taught here in the city at new york insight– nyimc.org
Jenna, I would be into a sweaty vinyassa series. Interesting that sleep seems to be an issue for a lot of people these days. Stressful times and it often plays out in our sleep. Would be interested to hear what others are doing to prevent sleeplessness.
Looking forward to Foundations on Thursday. The “sore” this week was not as bad as last week although those burpees have left their mark!
Have loved Cross Fit since starting, really hoping to kick start myself into shape after a long hiatus from any type of Gym routine. I have recently signed up to run the London Marathon in April as I always think it helps to focus by having a fitness goal and what better way to do it than combining it into a trip.
Big up to the other Matt in our Foundations class for helping me get through that last set of Burpees, I appreciate it!
Finally, I was just thinking about this the last class, but does anyone else ever feel like they are in an old school Janet Jackson video working out at the Lyceum. I love the water dripping from the roof and the aged looking scenary, it gets me pumped for a workout like I am in one of those Rocky training scenes.
Anyway, see you all this Thursday.