Deadlifting:315 lbs x 2335 lbs x 2355 lbs x 2380 lbs x 1 (a new PR and well past 2x’s body weight, which has been a target of mine for some time)390 lbs – failed twice
I was hoping for a good, low-rep heavy-weight wod today. loads were:285, 305, 315, 315, 315(f) – 285. just could not get the bar off the floor the last set. 315 is a new pr for me also.
from earlier this year, my goals were handstands, muscle ups, and 2xBW DL. got the first two, and closing in on the 3rd. this crossfit stuff actually works! 🙂
Sumo DL 225/275/315/315/335Felt much better than traditional DL’s because I was able to keep my back set.
David McGsays
nice pics everyone. FGB was a really great experience.
first dead lift set i’ve done.
needed to use 25 plates on the ground to raise the bar to keep my back set.
felt good, could have done more.
Deadlifting:315 lbs x 2335 lbs x 2355 lbs x 2380 lbs x 2400 lbs x 2 – 400 is my new pr; I’m a happy man.
FGB – 250. My first as rx’d. I’ve come so far, I’ve got so far to go.
I had such a great time yesterday. Thanks to all of you.
Don and Margie, that camera work rocks. Great song choice too.
John B.says
Everyone did an amazing job yesterday. It was great to get involved with CFSBK again.
I can’t wait to get back full time. I feel like I am missing out.
See you all again soon!
John B.
DL175x2 then decided to do singles:185, 195, 200f, 200
Charmel and Erik – you are beasts!! Nice work.
Don – love the video! So great. Thanks for posting it. And thanks to Bethany and Sean too for all the fab photos.
It really was a great day. Thanks again to David, Shane, Jacinto, Hillary, Jenna and everyone for making it run so smoothly. I see lots more events in our future.
Oh and John B – SO happy to see you. Thanks for jumping in to help.
That makes me feel better =)
Awesome editing Don and great pics.
Deadlifting:315 lbs x 2335 lbs x 2355 lbs x 2380 lbs x 1 (a new PR and well past 2x’s body weight, which has been a target of mine for some time)390 lbs – failed twice
It’s been a great crossfit weekend.
I was hoping for a good, low-rep heavy-weight wod today. loads were:285, 305, 315, 315, 315(f) – 285. just could not get the bar off the floor the last set. 315 is a new pr for me also.
from earlier this year, my goals were handstands, muscle ups, and 2xBW DL. got the first two, and closing in on the 3rd. this crossfit stuff actually works! 🙂
Sumo DL 225/275/315/315/335Felt much better than traditional DL’s because I was able to keep my back set.
nice pics everyone. FGB was a really great experience.
first dead lift set i’ve done.
needed to use 25 plates on the ground to raise the bar to keep my back set.
felt good, could have done more.
Deadlifting:315 lbs x 2335 lbs x 2355 lbs x 2380 lbs x 2400 lbs x 2 – 400 is my new pr; I’m a happy man.
FGB – 250. My first as rx’d. I’ve come so far, I’ve got so far to go.
I had such a great time yesterday. Thanks to all of you.
Don and Margie, that camera work rocks. Great song choice too.
Everyone did an amazing job yesterday. It was great to get involved with CFSBK again.
I can’t wait to get back full time. I feel like I am missing out.
See you all again soon!
John B.
DL175x2 then decided to do singles:185, 195, 200f, 200
Charmel and Erik – you are beasts!! Nice work.
Don – love the video! So great. Thanks for posting it. And thanks to Bethany and Sean too for all the fab photos.
It really was a great day. Thanks again to David, Shane, Jacinto, Hillary, Jenna and everyone for making it run so smoothly. I see lots more events in our future.
Oh and John B – SO happy to see you. Thanks for jumping in to help.
WU: Row 800m 3:15
Deadlift:(135×2, 225×2)275×2, 300×2, 315F, 310F, 305F, 275×2
These barbells have been feeling a lot heavier lately..
K2Es:4lbx12, BWx12, BWx12
Then Shane and i played around with kettlebells and wall ball variations.
Don, GREAT video, did you edit it??? When can we commission you for another film?!
Great photos/video! And an amazing day.. had a great time :D, thanks to all!
Was wicked having the CrossFit Harlem team there too — these guys knew how to whoop it up! (volume!!)
Today I felt the aftermath of FGB. (LOL)
DL 135-145-155-160-165prthis was really fun today.
Margie I think ur a beast!!! Kick-ass.
FGB was alot of fun and I can’t wait for next year. Thank you to all who made the event possible.
Juliana – you’re not so far from beastdom yourself. I wanna see you get to a weight you fail at!
First time deadlifting heavy
135, 140, 145, 145 could not get it off the ground, 140
Thanks Margie and Juliana for helping convince me that I could lift that unfriendly bar off the floor when I wanted to stop.
I was excited for low-rep deadlifting, but ended up not really feeling it.
My form just didn’t really feel good until the last two sets, so I kept it light.
Instead of 3×12 knees-to-elbows I did
12 knees-to-elbows12 hanging straight leg raises12 windshield wipers
I usually jump at a chance to work on Olympic lifts, but I was beat.
Done at home
225, 245, 260, 270, 282
This puts my final set at 2x body weight according to the morning scale. The last rep was pretty ugly though.