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Accessory work
21-15-9 reps of
Dumbbell Snatch 40/25
FIGHT GONE BAD at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Competitors: 29
Teams: 6
Money raised to date: $5,187.00
Movement Standards:
Wall Ball Squat below parallel / Ball Hits target at 8' or 10'
Sump Deadlift High Pull Both bumpers on floor / Bar to or above clavicle
Box Jump Both feet on floor / On box with hips open
Push Press Racked touching chest / Fully extended arms with the ears visible from profile
Row N/A
If you have a mobility issue which prevents you from hitting the standards please inform your score keeper before your heat.
Hamstrung CrossFit Virtuosity
(featuring coach Jacinto!)
Warm-up:Row- 1M on 1M off x320cals, 21cals, 20 cals
FSQ 2-2-2-2-2(45×5, 95×5) 135, 155, 155, 165F, 135×5
ACCWOD10:30 as rx’d
Feel free to skip either the FSQ OR Metcon today if you want more recovery before FGB.
Was worried about subjecting myself to Crossfit first thing in the morning, but the Level 1 class was a great way to start the day. Glad to get some sumo high pull practice in before Saturday.
Front squat 5X3, max 135.
Three rounds for time ofFront Squats 3@135 lbsShoulder Press 6@68 lbsSumo High Pulls 9@135 lbsPush Ups 12
Accessory work:Sit UpsCurls
Last night I had a dream that, while on the fifth round of Cindy, I was completely wiped out. I couldn’t do another push-up, couldn’t even budge myself from the floor. As if paralyzed, I was stuck there on the lyceum floor. It wasn’t a fun dream.
That said, I’m getting over this cold right on schedule and should be good by Saturday. Needless to say, I’ll be going home and resting tonight.
Your friend,
Mr. Kreuzheben
FS 135 155 175 195 200WOD w/40# dumbbell 13:24
Good luck to everyone on Sat! Wish I could be there.
We now have 5 FULL teams.
Sal got up to 225×2 with FSQ and did the WOD at 7:10
Thanks for the link, David!
Good luck with FGB3! Kick butt!
I think this book would be in the CFSBK library (we’re starting that, right?): “fat”
I’ve been reading about that book! It’s on my list to get.
If I were to write a book, that and Nina Planck’s Real Food are the two I’d write.
If I were to write a book, It’d have a lot of pictures in it. Pictures of boats.
And yes, we’re all about creating a CFSBK lending library. We’re working on fleshing it out and are requesting suggestions/donations of books/dvds etc for the collection.
We also need something to house/store the material so if anyone has a book case they are looking to get rid of or a footlocker or something we’ll gladly take it off your hands.
Just from chatting to folks so far the library will have such classics as.
-Starting Strength-Practical Programming-Lights Out-The PM Olympic WeightLifting video-A whole slew of Zone Books-The Paleo Diet-The Encyclopedia of Kettlebell Lifting DVD set-a 20 minute video of me eating ice cream-Les Miserables
and whatever other goodies people want to contribute.
We’ll figure out the lending/accountability and storage system over the next few days and get it going.
You asked for it, you got it. That’s the CFSBK way.
Remember, knowledge is power and power is cool.
I’ve got a copy of Starting Strength I can contribute indefinitely. I also have some Ironmind weightlifting DVDs and some really random Polish weightlifting training video from the 50s or 60s. I’ll bring them over next week (or as soon as I can).
If anyone’s interested, I’ve also got stacks of unread “Men’s Fitness” magazines that inexplicably get sent to my apartment and about 10 never-to-be-completed books of Sudoku puzzles.
Yesterday’s Met Con21-15-9
DB Split Snatches (40#), each armPull-ups
Fun stuff. My toes weren’t pointing toward the mid-line on plenty of reps. Noticed my tendency to put my non-lifting hand on my thigh in the start position. David said it is a sign of weakness in the posterior chain. Gotta work on that. My pull-ups are finally back to close to where they should be.
10:46Pull-ups (11,10), (10,5), (9)