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Compare to 8.21.08 or 8.11.08
Accessory work
4 Rounds for time of:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/75
20 Box Jumps 24"
O.G.'s Amy, Jamaal, John C, John B, Jamie, Erik
CrossFit South Brooklyn is 1 year old today!
Our first WOD was on September 9th of 2007 at St. Mary's Playground in Carroll Gardens. I got there early with high hopes, my PVC and rings only to find that the gates were locked. Crap. Jamie and Christina showed up a little later and were met with lots of apologies and a little WOD that included some "PVC Thrusters" and rows with the rings tied to the outside of the playground.
There have been a few improvements made to the program since day one and there is still a lot left to be accomplished. I can't emphasize how grateful i am to all the people who have stuck with this little experiment and made it what it is today. Anyone who walks through our doors knows that CFSBK is more than a gym, much more. The community that we have developed is truely something very special and no description could ever do it justice, it simply has to be experienced.
I'm looking forward to all the new experiences, friends and PRs we'll all be making in the next year.
321 GO!
What was your first day at SBK like?
Scary as anything.
It was a Saturday in Dec of ’07. Cold as a shit brick house. I got there, signed my life away, met David then Allison strolled in followed by Margie.We did 3 rounds: 25 Ball Slam @30#, 25 PowerClean @ 135#, 25 uneven ring pullups.
Needless to say… I loved it. Have fun with front squats everybody
Scary as anything.
It was a Saturday in Dec of ’07. Cold as a shit brick house. I got there, signed my life away, met David then Allison strolled in followed by Margie.We did 3 rounds: 25 Ball Slam @30#, 25 PowerClean @ 135#, 25 uneven ring pullups.
Needless to say… I loved it. Have fun with front squats everybody
Struggling with hip drive and flexibility on the front squat.
SDHP/box jumps: 7:19
SDHP/Box Jumps: 4:22
102,107,112,115(f on 3rd), 102not too strong today
SDHP @65#/Box Jumps at about 24″: 8:54Nice WOD
Eric, I remember that day well.
My first day at SBK was December 22, 2007. I had emailed with David once or twice beforehand, yet he already knew more about me than most people. I remember walking down the steps and David greeting my by name with a big smile. I was totally shocked – I was expecting someone much taller. And older.
Anyway, John C and Erik were there. We did the following workout:4 rnds of DL x 10 (I used 75#)OH situps x15 (I couldn’t use any weight)9:30And then I think we worked on dumbbell snatches.
The organic expansion of CFSBK has been remarkable – from people, to equipment, to classes. And what is most impressive is the quality of people CFSBK consistently attracts. David you are a wonderful leader and Shane and Jacinto add so much to the program. Everyone’s skill, strength and commitment are at a whole other level. We should all feel proud.
Front Squat:95/100/110(failed on 3rd)/108(PR)/110(failed on 2nd)
WOD: 7:35subbed 20 12kg KB swings for the SDHPs and jumping on white box + 2 45lbs plates.
I would like to nominate Allan for the CFSBK spirit of determination award for showing up on 4 hours of sleep, having a wardrobe malfunction mid-squat, leaving not once but twice for wardrobe adjustments, then finally arriving again and absolutely destroying the box jump/SDHP WOD.
My first day at Crossfit was downstairs at the Lyceum sometime in March of this year. Not sure what the WOD was but there was definitely squatting involved – possibly even tabata squats? What I do remember was not being able to wipe the grin off my face and being completely hooked from day one. There is something really special about CFSBK that is hard to put into words, but I think Margie nailed it with “quality”. Happy birthday CFSBK, here’s to many more!!
Congratulations to David and the entire CFSBK community. It has been such an honor to be part of this and to observe and participate in the growth of the program and its members over the last 6 months.
My first day at CFSBK was back in February. I had just come back from my Level 1 Cert and after putting off making a trip to CFSBK mistakenly believing it was actually in SOUTH Brooklyn I came in and did Eva on a cold winter’s day.
After class I spent the next couple of hours chatting w/ David, Allison, Jacinto and Margie over coffee at the Lyceum and knew without a doubt that I had found my Crossfit home.
I thank everyone for their contributions to and support of this program and the CFSBK community. I’ve learned so much from each and everyone of you over the last 6 months and hope I have been able to return the favor in kind.
David, you have done so much in the last year and developed something truly special and unique. Be proud of yourself and what you have accomplished. I look forward to the next six months, year and beyond.
ah yes. i remember it fondly. It wasn’t my first CF experience, but it was a memorable one. Under the train at the park in Carroll Gardens. 4 of us grinding out burpees, double unders, knee to elbows and walking lunges. My first WOD is photo documented in the scrapbook. There is a pic of me doing some K2E’s in my blue tshirt. Eric i think you were there. Jamal was there because i remember warming up with 200m sprints and all i saw were the bottom of his Nike’s in front of me…way in front of me.
Cut to today, I’ve watched CFSB grow from a handful of people under a train in a park to a thriving community with incredible people taught by an incredible leader, David. Congratulations CFSB and David on your 1 year anniversary!
yours truley,P$ (aka Paul)
see you guys sunday.
Front squat:warm-up 95×3, warm-up 115×1 FAIL! (with loud ripping sound as my ass comes flying out the back of my shorts)
A few lessons learned: lightweight cotton shorts not so hot for squats; shiny silver man-panties (that auntie inexplicably bought me one xmas — hey it’s laundry day OK?!) fun to wear, uplifting even, but not so cool to inflict on fellow crossfitters; shop-girls in Brooklyn industries not a good source of comfort in times of great emotional distress (suggested I buy SPANDEX?! Witches! :p)
Accessory WOD: 5.09 as rx
My first day I skulked in feeling like a Black-box defector — then seeing Margie there, felt a great wave relief not to be alone in my perceived treachery!
CFSBK has become home since — the success is much deserved, it’s a wonderful place and a great crew! Congratulations to all!
My first day at CFSBK was kinda funny, I was the only one there until some guy Crossfit Cleveland showed up and David Shanghaied him into working out (despite him nursing a bit of a hangover). It was a vintage downstairs lyceum workout with a dumbbell complex of cleans, push presses, and OHS. Oh yeah and Bear Crawls, mustn’t forget those. I remember the WOD kicked the crap out of me, there is a picture of me on my back enjoying the aftereffects of the workout, but David promised me I could deadlift the next day so I came back.
Also I have now just seen the dumbest thing on the internet:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmecTqPu62I
My first day at SBK was overhead squats with David, probably back in May. Also some kind of shoulder/back exercise on the floor that killed me the next day.
Then Jacinto gave me 10 minutes of cindy with the rings. That hurt.
To make up for Jeremy’s ‘dumbest’ video, here’s a video of some Polish olympic weightlifting training, possibly the national team. Check out the box jumps around 4:20–insane.
After watching Jeremy and Sal today and the Polish training video, I really want to try some higher box jumps!
My first time had to be around the end of March this year, downstairs at the Lyceum. I had been Crossfitting on my own for a few months and was pumped about finally working out in a pure Crossfit environment. It did not disappoint. David, Shane, Jacinto, you guys are awesome. My crazy schedule keeps me from being there more than I want to, but I always look forward to hitting up CFSBK!
Late post…
135, 155, 175, 185, 195
8:06 on the accessory work.
I also hit one of the goals I set for myself this year: 4 muscle ups in a row!
If I recall correctly, my first experience at SBK was a max effort DL day. Little did I know that the warmup to that DL would kick my butt so hard! I was hooked.
Can’t wait to really start training with everyone. Foundation class is great!
Spread Love,Lavall