30-20-10 Reps of:
Knee to Elbows
Box Jumps
Post time to comments.
compare to 3.29.08
Accessory work:
Back Squat 87%x2x5
Muscle-up practice
Mike has officially started his second year of medical school. Please give him trouble if you don't see him in class as often.
CrossFit Level 1 Certification at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
We will be hosting our first general cert on October 18 and 19. It's going to be a great weekend full of training, learning and meeting tons of CrossFitters. Even if you're not interested in teaching CrossFit these events are always a lot of fun and something you'll remember forever.
The BSQ rx only applies if you’ve done the previous lifts:
1. 80% x 5×32. 82% x 5×33. 85% x 5×3
If you’ve already got muscle-ups you can go for max reps. Two attempts, full extension and palms out at the bottom.
back squat 2 reps of: 205/215/225/235/235
WOD – 15:01
Today was a good day. There was a critical mass of ass-kickin. We squated, we burpee’d, we sweat a shit-ton, I saw Stephanie – I got that beautiful high that I haven’t had in a while… the rest days are paying off.
BSQ 82%x5x3 (126#)
WOD: 15:44 (last time was 13:47)
I am registered for the Crossfit certification. I have a renewed zest for personal training now. This would be the ultimate for me.
Congrats on the Level 1 cert at CFSBK! I’m going to post this on the Black Box blog to let our members know.
Back Squat330x 2,2,2,2,1 last rep didn’t count, cut it too high
WOD: 9:44
Did my 23 burpees on my roof this morning to the cheers of commuters passing by on the BQE.
As the caption states, my life is now filled with discussion of T Cells and Enterococcus bacteria, but I will do my best to keep coming to Crossfit as much as possible.
A healthy body is a healthy mind.
still staying light to focus on form: 155/155/155/165/165
wod: 13:48. coming into the last round i got the worst stitch in my side i’ve ever had.
This Saturday August 30th @ Brian’s House.678 East 22nd StreetBrooklyn 11210
Time: 4:30 (should allow enough recovery from class that morning)Will be approx 1 hour introduction to wine tasting and appreciation class which includes the famous “around the world wine wasting”!
$15pp – the more people who come the better the wine gets!
BBQ to follow. (with wine of course)*if you are veggie, vegan or have allergies, let me know*
Directions by train:Q or B to Newkirk Plaza.Walk to Foster Ave – Turn LeftWalk 6 blocks to 22nd st – turn right.Second to last house on the right.Plenty of parking if you come by car.
Please RSVP to nywineguy@optonline.net(even if you think I know you are coming!)Looking forward to having everyone over. Should be a great time and I have extra bedrooms if you cannot find the train station after.
by the way
14:04 on the WOD today.
I remember doing this back in March and thinking that you all were nuts. Glad I kept coming back.Happy to see everyone’s progress.I am not rockin’ 330 back squats like Jeremy, but getting better.
See you Saturday.
didn’t feel as great as i would have liked last night, but it was great to be at the lyceum and finally get to see margie, and everyone!
bsq 87%x2x5135#
wod: 19:06thanks to everyone for helping me finish:) i think knees to elbows might be my goat..well, one of them..
and WELCOME to the new foundations class! so many new faces!
Woot.. sorry I missed the class yesterday, flight got in late. Looking forward to the cert. I might miss tomorrow for some school orientation event too. feh.
A very warm welcome to Foundations. How’re the legs today?
Steph way to keep at it. That is a deceptively tough WOD. Great job everyone on beasting it out.
Brian, I’m SO there! Sent you an email confirmation.
BSQ: 87%x2x5 (117)WOD: 13:21 (subbing knees as far up as I could pull them)
Any suggestions for developing knees-to-elbows?
272# (85%)5×3 – accessory work that felt like a wod15:xx on the wod – I was completely gassed, haven’t felt like that since Barbara. I slept better last night than I have in a looong time.
Hey Brooklyn,I’m coming out to NY for only the second time ever tomorrow, and if it’s possible, I was wondering if I can squeeze in a workout with you, and see how the EAST coasters do it. I look forward to meeting some extended family, AND getting my butt kicked of course.
By the way, I’m coming from crossfit OneWorld in California. Home of Freddy Camacho and Jolie Gentry (2007 crossfit games champ)Hitting up my first Yankees game Thursday.
Will B. – I was just out at One World with Shane, one of South Brooklyn’s coaches. We had a great time doing 100 burpees for time with Freddy C. Your facility is gorgeous!
Looking forward to meeting you!
Will B,Left Coast CrossFitters are always welcome in Brooklyn! Please send me an email so i can ask you a few questions before you drop in and make sure you’re squared away with directions.David@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Bethany,When practicing K2Es hold your end range of motion for a few seconds to help develop strength at the margins of your current capacity. You can also get a coach or friend to assist you at the hips coming up and then try your best to control the descent. A lot of this movement comes from your lats, basic lever work and more pull-ups will help you getting those knees to ‘bows’ as well.
Brian & Everyone,I am 100% down for the Wine Wasting. I’m going to be dog sitting that weekend, what is the policy on small foo foo dogs attending?
Foundations rocked it last night. Really great group, we’ve got mothers, boxers, husbands to be and everyone in between.
I’ve been feeling pretty good the last few days. i tried “Diane” with HSPU’s on my knuckles last week and it was a hot mess that had me limping around afterwards. Easing back into loading my ankle and wrist:BSQ: 45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 155×5, 175×5, 195x3Press: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 105x3Power Clean: 95×3, 135×3, 155x3x2
Right achilles started to get a dull pain after 155 with BSQs but didn’t get worse and went away about 10 minutes after i finished. Press lockout hurt until i taped my wrist and then it was totally manageable.
Finally:Everyone should thank Jeremy for helping me bring the big black burpee mat out to BK from Equinox.and,Congratulations to Jacinto who was not in class last night because his daughter was giving birth!!!
to his 9th grandchild!!
I don’t know if I’ll take part in the cert myself, but I’m sure you’ll do a great job hosting it.
And someday, yes, someday I will trek down to workout with the South Brooklyn crew.
Jacinto: you keep setting the bar higher and higher.
Ewen (CFNYC)
congrats jacinto!!
and looking forward to meeting will from one world tomorrow!
Congrats, Jacinto!
Congrats, David for hosting two certs this year. Awesome.
Hey Will B.
Margie’s right we had a great time out at One World and look forward to having the chance to return the hospitality! Safe travels and welcome back to NYC. Looking forward to meeting you.
Congrats Jacinto!
Great news about the cert, I am registered!
Got in too late last night to make it, and will have to miss tomorrow too for some pre-term business. See y’all on Thu. I am keeping up on my burpees though. I will not let that lapse, like last time!
Congrats to David & Co. for hosting. I don’t regret having gotten my cert at Virginia Beach, but I would have loved to have done one at the Lyceum. October is no good for me, so you’ll have to schedule another one soon.
And congrats to Jacinto. You’re a grandfather? I had no idea you were so elderly! 😉
Wow! Small world, huh? I look forward to meeting you guys as well. It’ll be fun to get back home and tell everyone the stories of having my ass kicked my true New Yorkers. Should be on every tourists wish list of the Big Apple!
Congrats Jacinto!!!
David—big things at CFSBK. Congrats on landing another cert!
See you all soon! I’ve been quite the beach bum but will be back, working hard soon.
Wow, lots of great stuff happening lately!
Jacinto, congrats on the new addition to your fam!
David, that’s awesome about the level 1 cert!
So today I tackled “Murph” from yesterday’s mainsite. Beautiful day for it, ran the mile from Sterling/Washington down to the 9th st. playgrounds.
1 mile run: 7:30100 pullups200 pushups300 squats : 26:50 (sets of 5,10,15)1 mile run: 10:11
Total time: 44:36
For next time I want to shave time off that second mile, that was the hardest part to get through. I like the Cindy format for the middle, but maybe I should switch it up next time. Any other benefits to a different strategy there?
This was one of the first crossfit wods I ever did almost a year ago, first time with it since. My time was 58 min then, I thought I was going to die, had to go to the bathroom at Crunch and almost puke, but made it through and have been hooked ever since!
Hey all,
21:15 that was a difficult WOD.
Accessory work, 100 lbs BSQ = 87%
I felt kinda weak going into the WOD but I should feel better tomorrow.
Congrats to abuelito Jacinto !! is this really his 9th grandchild?
Thanks to Jeremy and David for the new mat, its really comfy. It was a little challenging doing the burpees on it (my hand were shinking into it and I felt like I was getting stuck). Possibly it was just all the damn burpees.
I am down for the wine tasting on saturday. I think I’ll need a train buddy after though ( I get wasted pretty quick).
WELCOME to the all new faces.
Margie you rocked those BSQ’S !!!
in an attempt to lower my # of burpees to make up, i made up my own wod using the “vertigo” format (kind of)
10 pull ups (on rings)1 burpee9 pull ups2 burpees8 pull ups3 burpees7 pull ups4 burpees6 pull ups5 burpees5 pull ups6 burpees4 pull ups7 burpees3 pull ups8 burpees2 pull ups9 burpees1 pull up10 burpees
55 total pull ups and burpees16:13
Looking forward to meeting everyone. It looks like I’ll be in the 7pm class tomorrow after speaking with David. See y’all soon.
Finally got to do some real food shopping, for the first time since June. So looking forward to eating my boring repetitive, zone balanced, George Foreman Grill cooked meals. I am sick of restaurant food.
Also I canceled my NYSC membership today. I worked out there today and got a quick refresher in why I don’t want to work out there anymore.
CFWU 3x15A few rowing intervals, some jump rope work and my burpees for the day.
Wait long enough and the Certs come to you. I’m signed up for my first Cert at SBK. Looking forward to it.
This is all very exciting, this whole people signing up for the certification thing.
Yoga today.
Do I have to do my burpees???? I feel so whiny about it.
David! The transfer worked out so me and Ari will be doing the Cert…please fly my hero Annie in for the weekend 🙂
See ya this weekend.
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! It’s pretty exciting and a little nerve racking to be hosting our first cert. We’ve already had some people step up and offer to help out which i’m eternally grateful for. If anyone reading happens to have access to additional Dynamax medicine balls please let me know as we’ll need as many as we can get!
Brandy,I’m really happy that you and Ari got to switch! I signed up for our cert today and when i read clause about not being able to switch it because of the high volume of certs it made my gut sink a little. Please let me know if there’s anything else i can do to help you two out.It’s funny how many specific “requests” i’ve had from people regarding who will be at the cert. So far i need to get Coach, Nicole, Eva, Annie and Jon Gilson out here. No problem, guys..
I spent several hours today setting up the Mind Body software so that you guys will be able to pay online soon. There is still A LOT more to be done with set up but i think everyone will be pleased with it once we launch.My eyes were burning from staring at the computer screen for so long, i feel for you 9-5’ers.
Lastly, theres a picture of some of us from the O lifting seminar in Boston on the Affiliate Blog. From the 18th. Check it out.
Looking forward to meeting everyone at the 7pm class tomorrow night.