Juliana, you’re just a beast. Are you secretly training for next year’s Crossfit games?
Sal!!!! Welcome back brother. And what a return to form. I thought I wasn’t that far off your Tabata score until I realized I miscounted by about 25 reps.
The snatch can be quite challenging…heh. It’s mastery is a long process of which I myself have only just begun…heh heh. What I am interested in is gradual improvement and everyone beginning to feel the difference in the movement as it cleans up and that’s what I saw a lot of tonight from both classes. Awesome stuff.
Morning workout (I spent 2 hours in a park close to set hiding from my boss so I hit the playground):
4 sets (untimed)10 bar dips5 assisted pistols each leg
then I worked some more pistol progressions on ledges of various heights.interspersed w/ 6×4 sets of strict pull-ups
Tabata Something Else: 339My kipping pull-ups were a sin against God. Need to work on that and get back into the groove. My legs have never hurt so bad after a WOD. ever.Oh, and hobbling home I realized I still had my 16 burpees. Not so bad. Working on doing them in single sets still and focusing on recovering as quick as possible after the set is done.
First metcon back.. was feeling fine until sit-ups where i started to feel pressure in my ankle. didn’t get worse but didn’t get better with Squats.
It was a workout Mutiny, stef!
People are really starting to dial in their snatches.. i’m very pleased with the progress.
Most of you may not know this, but I am a Sommelier. I am thinking of hosting a Crossfit Wine Wasting at my house in Ditmas Park on the 30th.
Would be about $15 per person for the grape juice. How many of you would be interested?Thinking of doing an introduction to wine class followed by BBQ.Brian
“A sommelier, or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, commonly working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service.”
I’m down for getting drunk on good wine. Count me In
Um. I think that would be a yes from me Brian. Or rather a Hell Yes.
Sad I missed the workout tonight! Had to go tell artists how to apply for money. Maybe it’s a good thing since I feel like I got punched in the face.Oh wait, I pretty much did.
See you guys soon enough.
Hey guys,
283, modified w/green bandThis tabata workout made my butt even more sore. (Don’t even think about it shane).
I am down for everything listed above. How about friday for the bath? I have alot of free time (wait that sounds terrible) I have time.
Yes shane I am a beast!! What can I say I love to torture myself; Then it gives me an excuse to play even harder.
ahhhhhh…mutiny! my bad.
unfortunately i can’t make the wine tasting – moving that weekend (a whole 5 blocks). i do love bathing, rock climbing, and drinking though.
still have mets tix for thursday’s game if anyone wants – $15 – email me @ shpaddock@gmail.com
Brian, you can count me in on the wine tasting! love wine, love tasting things (watch it juliana!). Margie was kind enough to drag my unsophisticated self to a couple of wineries in Sonoma and I had a ball and even learned a thing or two. Glad to have you back!
I would be down for wine probably. main site wod was 321 total, weighted pullups were 40,60,60,60.
enjoyed the snatch instruction and got quite a lot out of it, looking forward to getting better at the oly lifts!
So, i woke up this morning and my ankle was totally swollen and in pain again. Color me bummed.
Okay, time to put together the new bench. The 10Kg bars are set to be delivered on Wednesday morning. Once some funds get in order we will order more matting and take over where the batting cage is doubling our lifting space.
My hope is that by mid next year we will have almost the entire floor matted and enough equipment to handle 2-3 classes going on simultaneously. We certainly have the space.
was busy going to the beach for the last two days, so I caught up with “Diane.”
For the first time I didn’t bitch out halfway through and switch to assisted HSPUs. I used to equivalent of 2 abmats under head.
Anyone else’s joints feeling über-achey/creaky since the Snatch day?
Today I went to le gym to do Back Squat: 85%(115x5x3) + Burpees (17) + gravitron pullups & dips (10×3 each).
Yesterday after reviewing the burpee demo video on the main site, I realized I haven’t been doing my burpees 100% correct. I was missing the squat portion of the movement and was going straight from the top of the push-up to a sort of non-squat crouch then jumping up. oops!
David – sorry, i’ve been insanely busy at work, hence missing yesterday.
she mostly knows high end stuff, but if you’re looking to spend over $600 i find out more.
ok on climbing I figure it will be a pain to work out details on the comments here. If you’re interested send me an email to sameer – at – creativedestruction.com and we’ll make a plan.
Allan Esays
Here’s something else for the martial arts people here (particularly those planning a trip to London at any point):
When Margie wants to give you CPR, you’re getting it whether you want it or not.
Caught up with Diane last night at home. Did 185# DLs and head-to-floor HSPU and crushed my time! 12 minutes flat, 4 minutes faster than last time.
Lulu is sleeping much better these days, I’m starting to come out of the “daddy haze”. I’m crossing my fingers that this means I can get back to CFSBK soon!
John C,I saw that video once before and i LOVE it. I watched it like 5 times and laughed harder every time.
Allan,The question of “How many children do you think you could defend yourself against?” has come up several times.. at least in the circles that i socialize. Anyway, it’s a great question that deserves a well thought out answer. I generally say about 20-25 children would be my limit as fatigue quickly becomes a factor. I’ve said that one would need to commit to an effective strike that could potentially.. “subdue” a child with minimal work. Aggressive throat/neck and eye attacks come to mind. I sometimes think how different a large child attack would feel metabolically from a 20+ round “Cindy”.. i suspect similar..
ANYWAY, hilarious link, i’m glad to see there are like minded individuals out there who have put thought into this. Some really great points in there i’ll take to future conversations.
If you don’t have strict pull-ups you’re doingAssisted 3×5. Progressive not sets across.
If the snatch mechanics are looking good you’re going to move some weight.
snatches up to 75lbsweighted p/u: 40(vest)/45/53/70/80(f)/80/85
was able to push out the last two once i switched to the underhand grip.
david, sorry for the “workout anarchy” as you called it!!
weighted pull upsbw, 10, 15
(and to think not long ago i didn’t have a single regular pull up at all…)
then – tabata something elsepull ups w/ white band, everything else RXed – 281. push ups killed me.
it was so good to be back!
Tabata Something Else:Pull-ups: 51Push-ups: 82Sit-ups: 87Squats: 101Total: 321
Sameer, you’re a beast w/ the weighted pull-ups!
Juliana, you’re just a beast. Are you secretly training for next year’s Crossfit games?
Sal!!!! Welcome back brother. And what a return to form. I thought I wasn’t that far off your Tabata score until I realized I miscounted by about 25 reps.
The snatch can be quite challenging…heh. It’s mastery is a long process of which I myself have only just begun…heh heh. What I am interested in is gradual improvement and everyone beginning to feel the difference in the movement as it cleans up and that’s what I saw a lot of tonight from both classes. Awesome stuff.
Morning workout (I spent 2 hours in a park close to set hiding from my boss so I hit the playground):
4 sets (untimed)10 bar dips5 assisted pistols each leg
then I worked some more pistol progressions on ledges of various heights.interspersed w/ 6×4 sets of strict pull-ups
Tabata Something Else: 339My kipping pull-ups were a sin against God. Need to work on that and get back into the groove. My legs have never hurt so bad after a WOD. ever.Oh, and hobbling home I realized I still had my 16 burpees. Not so bad. Working on doing them in single sets still and focusing on recovering as quick as possible after the set is done.
Great to be back!
TSE: 341
First metcon back.. was feeling fine until sit-ups where i started to feel pressure in my ankle. didn’t get worse but didn’t get better with Squats.
It was a workout Mutiny, stef!
People are really starting to dial in their snatches.. i’m very pleased with the progress.
Most of you may not know this, but I am a Sommelier. I am thinking of hosting a Crossfit Wine Wasting at my house in Ditmas Park on the 30th.
Would be about $15 per person for the grape juice. How many of you would be interested?Thinking of doing an introduction to wine class followed by BBQ.Brian
“A sommelier, or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, commonly working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service.”
I’m down for getting drunk on good wine. Count me In
Um. I think that would be a yes from me Brian. Or rather a Hell Yes.
Sad I missed the workout tonight! Had to go tell artists how to apply for money. Maybe it’s a good thing since I feel like I got punched in the face.Oh wait, I pretty much did.
See you guys soon enough.
Hey guys,
283, modified w/green bandThis tabata workout made my butt even more sore. (Don’t even think about it shane).
I am down for everything listed above. How about friday for the bath? I have alot of free time (wait that sounds terrible) I have time.
Yes shane I am a beast!! What can I say I love to torture myself; Then it gives me an excuse to play even harder.
ahhhhhh…mutiny! my bad.
unfortunately i can’t make the wine tasting – moving that weekend (a whole 5 blocks). i do love bathing, rock climbing, and drinking though.
still have mets tix for thursday’s game if anyone wants – $15 – email me @ shpaddock@gmail.com
Brian, you can count me in on the wine tasting! love wine, love tasting things (watch it juliana!). Margie was kind enough to drag my unsophisticated self to a couple of wineries in Sonoma and I had a ball and even learned a thing or two. Glad to have you back!
I would be down for wine probably. main site wod was 321 total, weighted pullups were 40,60,60,60.
enjoyed the snatch instruction and got quite a lot out of it, looking forward to getting better at the oly lifts!
Drink that O lifting kool aid, people!
So, i woke up this morning and my ankle was totally swollen and in pain again. Color me bummed.
Okay, time to put together the new bench. The 10Kg bars are set to be delivered on Wednesday morning. Once some funds get in order we will order more matting and take over where the batting cage is doubling our lifting space.
My hope is that by mid next year we will have almost the entire floor matted and enough equipment to handle 2-3 classes going on simultaneously. We certainly have the space.
Oh- And adam.. any word on the Camera? I’m probably going to buy one later today.
Juliana you stuck around for another wod? You are a beast! But we knew that already. Sign me up for wine tasting. What time wine tasting? Evening?
Juliana you stuck around for another wod? You are a beast! But we knew that already. Sign me up for wine tasting. What time wine tasting? Evening?
Count me in for the wine.
sometimes this video make my bad days better, if only for 30 seconds.
was busy going to the beach for the last two days, so I caught up with “Diane.”
For the first time I didn’t bitch out halfway through and switch to assisted HSPUs. I used to equivalent of 2 abmats under head.
Anyone else’s joints feeling über-achey/creaky since the Snatch day?
Today I went to le gym to do Back Squat: 85%(115x5x3) + Burpees (17) + gravitron pullups & dips (10×3 each).
Yesterday after reviewing the burpee demo video on the main site, I realized I haven’t been doing my burpees 100% correct. I was missing the squat portion of the movement and was going straight from the top of the push-up to a sort of non-squat crouch then jumping up. oops!
David – sorry, i’ve been insanely busy at work, hence missing yesterday.
she mostly knows high end stuff, but if you’re looking to spend over $600 i find out more.
ok on climbing I figure it will be a pain to work out details on the comments here. If you’re interested send me an email to sameer – at – creativedestruction.com and we’ll make a plan.
Here’s something else for the martial arts people here (particularly those planning a trip to London at any point):
Photo caption:
When Margie wants to give you CPR, you’re getting it whether you want it or not.
Caught up with Diane last night at home. Did 185# DLs and head-to-floor HSPU and crushed my time! 12 minutes flat, 4 minutes faster than last time.
Lulu is sleeping much better these days, I’m starting to come out of the “daddy haze”. I’m crossing my fingers that this means I can get back to CFSBK soon!
John C,I saw that video once before and i LOVE it. I watched it like 5 times and laughed harder every time.
Allan,The question of “How many children do you think you could defend yourself against?” has come up several times.. at least in the circles that i socialize. Anyway, it’s a great question that deserves a well thought out answer. I generally say about 20-25 children would be my limit as fatigue quickly becomes a factor. I’ve said that one would need to commit to an effective strike that could potentially.. “subdue” a child with minimal work. Aggressive throat/neck and eye attacks come to mind. I sometimes think how different a large child attack would feel metabolically from a 20+ round “Cindy”.. i suspect similar..
ANYWAY, hilarious link, i’m glad to see there are like minded individuals out there who have put thought into this. Some really great points in there i’ll take to future conversations.
(or child attacks)
Question: How many 7 year olds can Chuck Norris beat in a fight?
Answer: All of them.