4 Rounds of:
Max Ring Dips
Rest 3 Minutes
Post Reps to comments
Accessory work
Back Squat 80%x5x3 (Focus: Hip Drive, “Bounce”, ROM)
Foam Roll Hamstrings and Calves
Allan and Bethany show off what they learned at CrossFit Virtuosity
For the last three years CrossFit Affiliates from around the country have come together to participate in a “Fight Gone Bad” charity event. All proceeds from this year’s event will go to The Prostate Cancer Foundation and The Wounded Warrior Project. For more information and to sign up, please follow the link below.
Fight Gone Bad 3 at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Kind of an unload day today, everyone. Stay honest with your ROM and compare it to the last time we did concentrated dip work.
If you don’t have ring Dips you can do band assisted dips or push-ups.
For the Back Squats, focus on dialing in your technique and make every rep solid. We will talk about what to specifically work on in class. You’ll be seeing some more of the slow lifts popping their heads into accessory work at rx’d intensities. Next time we BSQ it will be 82%-84%x5x3
Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with your foam roller, either.
Love that pic Bethany and Allan!
I’m down in LA now and I worked out Petranek this morning. They are a super nice community – very supportive during the workout.. reminded me of the SBK crew.
warmed up with run twice around the block, 2rnds: 20 lunges, 5 k2e, 10 hip extensions and freestanding handstand practice
3rnds for time of:40 SDLHP (45#/35#) used 32# cause that’s how it worked out with the bar/plates30 pullups (band assisted)20 med ball cleans (14#)10 ring dips (subbed bar dips)
27:23 or something like that
I miss you guys lots and lots.
Good to see everyone today. 11/6/6/5 on the dips, 95/115/115 on the backsquats.
Back Squats:210 lbs x 5 x 3
Dips:9, 9, 6, 6
Sandbag Toss:Awesome
Did some Press work before class135x5175x3x3185x1x2
Ring Dips (Strict): 22/15/8/8Squats: 305x5x3
Awesome pic! Beautiful display of strength and balance 🙂
Assisted ring dips:3, 11, 7, 5
Back squats:45 lbs 7 x 8 x 10
Dips – 19,16,10,9(last couple kipped)
Many thanks to the csbk trauma team
squats: 185x5x3, 135x5x1dips: 7,6,6,5sandbag toss: fun
Charmel, thanks for reminding me why I don’t attempt crazy box jumps. I hope that heals well, the rest of your leg is still on the corner if you need it.
So many fun gymnastics skills, so little time. I’ve decided to focus on training five, more consistently. My goals for the rest of 2008:
* muscle up – hopefully done this month* freestanding handstand, at least one minute.* handstand pushup – head to floor ROM* pistol – consistently* front lever – ambitious, but i can already feel this getting stronger* tuck planche – seems impossible
I plan to spend quality time on each of these two or three times a week and see what I can accomplish in four months.
I smell a Baltimore road trip coming this fall…
Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challengehttp://www.crossfitalexandria.com/www.crossfitalexandria.com/Mid-Atlantic_Hopper_Challenge.html
You might recognize two of the guys in the photos at the top of the page 🙂
I’m DOWN for another hopper. As Jeremy and I have said before, Albany was a lot of fun but would have been even better with more of team SBK. There’s a great mental element to being in direct competition and at a different facility with different athletes.
Thanks to John C and Erik K. for signing up for the Fight Gone Bad Charity event!
Hey Charmel, i just checked and did you leave part of your leg on the wall. Remember that CFSBK is not responsible for items left overnight.
Warmup3 rounds25 Double Unders25 Sit ups
WodBack Squat5-5-5-5-5
185, 185, 195, 205, 215
Hung out with the foam roller for about 10 min
Charmel -it seems we are twins now.
Maybe CFSBK should frame and hang our torn bits like businesses do their first dollar.
david/shane, thanks for the coaching on my squat form yesterday, was very helpful!
dips – 10,8,7,6squats – 185 5x3sandbag toss – this was awesome
The vibram’s are mine! Now I’m pumped for another running wod.
The Mid-Atlantic Hopper looks great, I’d love to represent down in baltimore.
At Petranek:
warmup: 1200m runabout 15 min of handstand practice – I was able to do several 2 or 3 second freestanding handstands for the first time! Andy had some great tips that instantly got me up and balancing better.
WOD: Like Helen, only better4rnds for time of:400m run21 kb swings (used 12kg)12 seated dumbbell shoulder press (15# dbs x 2)9 pullups (assisted with thin band)20:41
I figured out how to kip with the band! Going to be very helpful.
WTF? Seated dumbell presses? Seriously? Was there any rational given for why those were done instead of just (standing) dumbell presses? Seems very weird to see them in a crossfit WOD.