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Coach Allison and Jeremy at the Games
(Photo via Dan R. and CFNYC) Check out the CFNYC Blog for more pics!
Congratulations to Jeremy on a stellar performance at the games finishing 32nd overall in the men’s division.
“Mistress” Fran WOD: 5:27
275 lb Deadlift/Burpee WOD: 3:17
Run WOD: 4:35
155 lb Clean & Jerk WOD: 6:09
Total Time: 19:28
See all the results results here!
Congratulations to Jacinto as well for an amazing showing and pulling double duty by representing both CFSBK and CFNYC at the games! Can’t wait to see you guys both in class on Wednesday so we can hear all about it.
Thanks to everyone who came out for the SBK BBQ! Good times were had by all!
Shane says
1-rep max bench press!!
David Osorio says
Winner of the CF Games Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyz8eEgbZ-k
Breakfast:4 Eggs, 1 Stem of steamed broccoli, Fish Oil, ALA, h20
Andy says
Congratulations to Jacinto and Jeremy on their stunning performances! Can’t imagine anything else that would be more motivating.
No real breakfast today. Just a protein drink plus some fruits and vegetables because I’m on a trip across Europe again and haven’t found a possibility to cook more or less healthy dishes.
However, my current hotel provides a CF-friendly gym:
3 rounds for time ofSquats 5 @ 202Push Ups 10Thrusters 10 @ 78Sit Ups 20(10:27 min)
Additional exercises:Pull Ups (close grip) 3x 5bent over laterals 2x 10 @ 15
Jeremy says
Damn I miss the first workout where we work on our chesticles.
Breakfast:2 Cinnamon Buns (shared some with my nephew)handful of left over pulled pork from dinner (my brother looked at me strange, he doesn’t get the zone thing)Glass of milkHandful of cashews
I am very sore.
Jeremy says
Forgot to add that I get back Tuesday night and will be spending the rest of the week on the beach. Anyone who wants to ditch work is more than welcome to come along.
AllisonNYC. says
Jeremy – count me in . I can’t stand the thought of wearing anything more than a bikini these days. So I’ll be hanging on the beach as much as possible!
SUNDAY – Who’s in for Slip-n-Slide, Dodgeball and Live music at McCarren Park Pool after class???
Lets get a group together and do it!
Michele says
Jeremy -A day at the beach would do me some good. Going to see if I can get a day off this week.
Jacinto & Jeremy – Congrats on your performance at the games!!!
Margie says
Allison! Are you in NYC?
Max says
Hey, how about instead of going to the beach we all hide out in painfully cold cubicles surrounded by whirring computers?
Anyone? Anyone?
Well I guess I get that all to myself.
I decided to try doing Fran as RX’d for the first time today. 9:16! Beating my previous time with 80# thrusters by 10 seconds!
I’m going to eat leftover BBQ in celebration.
AJ says
I’m back! In horrible shape, but back.
Bench press – 95×5, 135X5, 155X5, 175X5.
Crapped out on the Turkish Get-ups.
Adam says
I’ve been waiting to do max bench for a while, hoping for bodyweight. Really happy to get it today.
Now I’m really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow; that was a fun but brutal weekend.
Erik K. says
Push-up Ladder: 14 (13 on final round)
Push-up Tabata: 8 per round
Margie says
lots of fooling around with turkish get ups, windmills, k2e and pullups.
Then my very first max bench:90,95,100,102,105f95x3
I felt so… Dude-like.
Zak says
missed out on this one…. it’s rent and bills week so i’ll be doing the WOD’s at the gym :(and focusing on kung-fu and escrima for the next week.
see yall next monday!!
Charmel says
135,155,175,205,225,235,245(pr)250(fail)tgu’s, windmills. Those are great movements. Pushup ladder(12)
Don’t worry Margie. I was looking at your arms during a press attempt..u still got chick arms!
Margie says
Uhhhhh….. is “arms” a euphemism for something else Charmel?
Are you saying I’m not jacked??!!
; )
Andy says
Margie, 102 is a quite a load for a first time attempt. Way to go!
Erik, you did pretty well, too. What is a Push Up Ladder?
Erik K. says
Hey Andy,
A pushup ladder is, with a stopwatch running, you do 1 push-up during the first 30 seconds. During the second 30 second block, you do 2 push-ups. With every 30 second block, you increase your reps by one and you see how high you can get. Needless to say, they get a lot tougher as you go on and you have less time to rest during the 30 second blocks.Rather a lot of fun, if you ask me.
Andy says
Many thanks for your explanation, Erik. Sounds really interesting. I guess I’ll give it a try tonight.
Bethany says
A gym day for me…
Bench Press:60, 65, 65 Failed twice, 60, 60, 60 (damn the lack of fractional plates there!)
Front Squat:45×3, 65×3, 75×3, 85×3, 95×3
Plus some pushups on bench, assisted pull-up and attempted knees to elbows.
Margie – 102?! damn girl! 😀
Charmel says
Ha ha. Let’s say you’re “Jolie” jacked, ok?
Shane says
Bench Press:
135, 155, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225, 230 (f)
225 was a fight i won. 230 was a fight i lost. i think i have it though.
This weekend’s WOD(s):Fran-8:02. Chin over barRun: 6:30DL/Burpee: 8:59 (@ 225#)-My knee killed on this one. I want to shave a BIG chunk of time off this kind of WOD in the future.
AllisonNYC. says
Yup. I’m in Davids bed.
I’ll see you on Wednesday
Jeremy says
“I’m in Brooklyn” wouldn’t have been enough information I suppose.
Kinda bummed I’m not doing Angie tomorrow, been looking forward to doing that one or Cindy since we got a bar, used to say the same of Fran but I had enough of her (or her evil twin) this weekend.
Shane says
oh, and for those that don’t check the main site (crossfit.com) regularly PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE watch the video posted today of Kallista Pappas’ performance from the Games.
It’s absolutely amazing.
paul says
work sets yesterday were:185, 205, 210(f), 210(f), 207(f), 185×3, 185×3
Michele says
Just watched the video of Kallista Pappas’ performance at the games…WOW!!! That girl is amazing. Everyone should check out the video
Margie says
I second Shane’s plea. I have to say it almost made me weep.
Of course, I am sitting at my desk wishing I were anywhere but at this crappy job, so seeing that kind of effort is doubly inspiring.
stephanie says
no kidding! that was 100lbs, correct? damn!
and i’m having the same feeling margie – get me out of here!!!
stephanie says
just answered my own question – it was 100lbs – and she is amazing.
Kent says
warm up3 rounds for time25 Double Unders25 situps
Bench press135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 210, 215, 220 (pr-i think)
I may have to do this over cause the two yahoos I had spot me on the last couple reps seem to think “to spot” means “to actively help with this guy’s press.” So annoying. So I think I had those last few, but they might need a Barry Bonds-style asterik!
Andy says
Three rounds for time ofDB Swings 10@62lbsPull Ups 5(6:55 min)
Plus Erik’s Push Up Ladder (9 rounds)
I did DB Swings the very first time and honestly didn’t expect them to be that hard. Felt the impact on my core muscles right after the first round.
AllisonNYC. says
4 minute PR. Push-ups were the slowest. LOVE the pull-up bar and the chalk. It’s so nice to have a thick bar to hang on after all the thin bars I’ve had to deal with the last 2 months.
Good to be back.
David says
“Angie”: 17:28
First 40 pull-ups unbroken then my fucking hand ripped open and the rest were very painful 10’s and 5’s.As usual, push-ups were what slowed me down the most. sit-ups and Squats were easy.
It’s HOT today.